Chapter 16


I went in early because I didn't want to be late and besides, I didn't have anyone else in the condo, Aunt left early. Some students greeted me as I walked. Everyone here is my friend. I went to the Cafeteria and just used my cell phone, Ash wasn't there yet so I was alone.

I looked when someone sat in front of me, I thought it was Ash. I smiled when I saw Luke in front of me, it was 6:35 am and our class started at 8 am.

"Good morning, Nyx." He greeted.

"Morning, you're early today, ah."

"They said Lucas had a basketball practice so he woke me up early... I saw you earlier so I followed you... Is Ashtrielle not here yet?"

I just shook my head and he nodded. I hid the phone in my bag and faced him.

"When are you going to confess to her, Luke?" I asked. His eyes widened when he got my question.

He shrugged and looked away, "I don't have any plans, she doesn't like me either. It might ruin our friendship." He said long and I nodded.

"Luke, in your past relationship, did you cheat?" I randomly asked. Just curious.

He looked at me, confused, "What kind of cheating?" He asked confused.

"Like cheating? Have you cheated before?"

He quickly shook his head, "Why should I cheat? That's exactly what I don't want my friends to feel, so why should I cheat, right?"

I was stunned. Can you be thrilled with this answer? It's sweet because he doesn't want to cheat because he thinks about me and Ash. I hope other men have the same mindset.

The bell rang so I entered our room and Luke went back to their building. Our lesson started and I just waited for lunch so I could call Ash. I should check up on her.

Ash? Why were you absent?' I asked when she answered my call.

'I think I'm sick. Please tell our teachers, Nyx. Thank you.'

'What!? I will go there later after class. Have you eaten? Do you want me to go there? I'll cook for you.' I suggest. What did she do and get sick?

I heard her weak laugh, 'There's no need, babe. I've eaten a while ago.'

'Wait for me there later. I'll sleep in your condo, get well soon, love.'

'Hmmm... See you later.'

I ended the call and sighed. Why did she get sick? Did she eat something bad or what? I'll buy her some food later, maybe she'll get better, eh'.

I didn't focus on our class this afternoon and just waited for the class to end. I want to go to Ash's condo, maybe something has happened, eh. I'm really nervous as if I'll find out anytime. Do not know.

When it was dismissed, I first stopped at the convenience store to buy medicine. I have also bought food at Mcdo, drive thru only.

I stopped ringing the doorbell and entered her condo. I put my things on the table and entered her room.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I'm worried about the question.

She looks so pale.

"What happened? Why did you get sick?" My next question.

I sat at the end and next to her. I held his hand and smiled, "Tell me."

There were tears in her eyes so I panicked and didn't know what to do. Well, why is she crying?

"Nyx, I think I'm pregnant." She said weakly.

The strength of my heartbeat that anytime feels like it's going to explode. Am I hearing right? She's pregnant?

"W-how did you say that?" I stammered and approached her.

"Yesterday and I'm feeling really bad. I'm going back to the bathroom and I'm always vomiting, I also have a headache like I'm going to get dizzy anytime," she wiped her tears first so I hugged her, "Nyx, I'm scared." When she reported. She cried so I hugged her even tighter, "You're not sure yet, eh,"

She shook her head, "Saturday was supposed to be my red day, but I didn't get it, Nyx."

"I'm going to buy a pregnancy test. Don't be afraid, I'm right here."

I hurried out of her condo and ran to the parking lot. I drove away, full speed.

"One pregnancy test, please." I asked the cashier when I entered the convenience store near here. The cashier looked at me with a judgmental look, and I said, "Faster! That's for my aunt." I even sympathized with Tita.

She immediately took a pregnancy test and paid for it. After I paid, I ran out and got into my car to drive back to Ash's condo. When I entered, I immediately rushed to her room and gave her the PT, "You pee first, I'll wait for you here in your room... No matter what the result is, I'll still support you." I smiled and pushed her into her bathroom.

Minutes had passed and she came out of the cr carrying the pregnancy test I bought. I was restless so I approached her and took the pregnancy test from her hand.

I held my mouth when I saw that there were 2 lines. She's pregnant! I'm going to be an Aunt! I hugged her tightly and had no intention of letting go, "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you. That's a blessing, Ash." I know what she's thinking.

'This is a mistake.' I know that's what she's thinking right now so I went ahead of her.

She only cried when she cried on my shoulder so I just let her go and told her that 'I'm just here'.

I'm always here for you.

"Nyx, I don't know who its father is." She looked at her stomach so I held her hand.

"Don't think about that anymore. I can be a father to your child."