Chapter 18

(Present, 2022)

Ash and I went to school together. I was very careful with her every move because she might slip or something. Call me OA but I just want to make sure that she and her baby will be safe.

"Nyx, you're so kind. I'm fine," She said as we entered the classroom. Good thing we weren't late because we had an argument this morning.

"Eh, I'm just being careful." My defense.

She didn't answer and just sat down, I did the same. This Saturday Luke and I will go with her to get a check up and on Sunday we will go with her to tell her Daddy about this. I know that my best friend is struggling so I will never leave her and be with her child. We can be a father to her child if ever her Daddy doesn't want to accept her.

" Nyx, do you think Luke likes me?" She suddenly asked me so my eyes widened and looked at her..

"B-Why did you say that?" I asked nervously. Does she realize that Luke likes her? How about that, it might ruin our friendship!

"I don't know. I changed because of what he showed me yesterday, huh. What do you think? Does he like me?"


I wanted to tell her but I stopped myself, "I don't know." I just answered.

"Too bad. I do like him." I was literally stunned! She said it very low but I could hear it!

What is this? They are just waiting who will admit first? That's it?

"W-do you like Luke?" I stammered, obviously she was surprised because she didn't expect me to hear that.

''Did you hear that?'' She asked in shock so I immediately nodded.

He moved her chair closer to me because someone else might hear what we were talking about, Alexa is still a gossip. Everything she noticed. I also brought the chair closer to her.

''It's just a secret, ah.'' She insisted so I nodded.

She let a deep sigh and spoke, ''Actually, I've had a crush on him since high school,'' she cut me off so I immediately held my mouth in shock, ''No at first, I was still in denial about my feelings but when the three of us became closer to each other that's when I realized that I really liked him. That's why I always fight with him, but it got worse, Nyx.'' She seemed to be about to cry.

''I don't want to ruin our friendship. I dated many guys but none of them felt any romantic feelings towards them, I don't want to risk our friendship. How did we become and then we broke up, it was very awkward for the three of us. Besides, I think he'' She said and looked at me. My eyebrows immediately met with the last thing she said.

''W-what!? I!? No... Never---'' She cut me off.

''It's okay, Nyx. He likes you and that won't change.''

''No way! It's not me who he likes but YOU! You're so numb that you don't notice!'' My voice got louder so that our other classmates looked at me so I just sat back in my seat.

I'm getting ready for our dinner today with the Amiro Family. It's my first time to meet my so called 'fiancé', tss. Am I a player? I have a boyfriend and I have a fiancé, it's stressful to think about. I am planning to tell this to Vaughn but first I will look for the right timing. I wore my Dior Belted Dress and Black sandals. I applied a light make up and got my bag after. When I went out, Tita was waiting for me outside, I told her earlier that we had dinner with Amiro Family so she's worried about me.

"Are you sure, you're all right?" She asked.

I don't know. I just bowed because I didn't know what to answer either. I'm not well, I'm afraid I'm nervous. I'm nervous about what will happen later, as if something bad is going to happen. I haven't told this to Ash and I have no plan on telling this. She also has a problem and I don't want to add anything. Aunt accompanied me to the parking lot. It's 5:25 pm and dinner is at 6 pm, I really prepared early because I know Dad doesn't want me to be late. I drove away to the restaurant where the dinner will take place. I parked my car first but some crazy person hit my car, damn it.

I got out of my car and grabbed my forehead because of what this man did! ''Hey! I was the first to park here, just go find somewhere else.'' I said calmly while looking at the car.

The damage is small but that doesn't mean he can scratch my baby! The man also went to my place and looked at the damage to his car, heh! That's your fault.

''Miss, I was the first one here and you just cut in.'' He said so I was a little annoyed.

''What are you!? I was the first one here, you are the one who intervened!''

He bit his lip and looked at me, ''Okay, sorry. I'll just pay you for the damage, name your price.''

I smirked, ''I'm sorry but I don't accept money. Just park somewhere else.'' I smiled and he got in his car annoyed. Let's see if you can find a space. There is almost no space left, so for sure he will last a long time, heh. Good for you, you ruined my baby.

I took my bag from the car before entering the restaurant. I saw Amy so I immediately went to their table. The Amiro Family doesn't here yet.

"Good evening, Dad." I kissed Daddy's cheek and I just smiled at Mommy.

"Good evening, Amy." I said and sat next to her.

It took me a while because of the annoying guy earlier, but it's good that the Amiro Family isn't here yet, tsk. I turned to Daddy when he suddenly stood up so I looked at what he was looking at. I frowned when I saw the man who crashed into my car earlier!

What the hell is he doing here!? Is he one of the Amiro Family!?

"Good Evening, Mr. And Mrs. Amiro, this is my Family...." Daddy smiled at the other person, "...This is my Daughter, Amber Nyx." He pointed at me so I smiled sparingly.

"G-Good evening." I greeted.

''Please, sit down.'' Dad also said so the Amiro family sat down in the next seat.

Because the table is long and in front of us is the Amiro Family. I was in the middle of Ate Amy and Daddy, and Mom was next to Dad. Dad's ordered food has been served so the meal has started, I don't really have an appetite because I'm nervous.

I looked at the man's behavior and it was obvious that he was forced to come here. But, if he is the only child with the Amiro Family, that means that.

He is FRANZ!?

''Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, this is my only son. Franz Amiro.'' Introducing Mr. Amiro was so happy that Dad smiled. Franz also smiled back at Dad. Shh, fake.

''Your daughter is very beautiful, Mr. Sullivan.'' Mrs. Amiro said while looking at me.

I know I'm beautiful. Thank you.

''A-ah, hehe. Thank you.'' I said because Daddy pinched me weakly! After dinner, they talked about business, but I didn't understand anything. I looked at Sister Amy and our eyes met, I knew she wanted to leave here too. Franz also joins their conversation because his Daddy always involves him, he deserves.

"Let's talk about the wedding." Daddy said with a smile.

I looked away because of that. Franz's aura also changed and I can tell that he was also forced to do this.

"They look good together. When will the wedding be held?" Franz's mommy asked and looked at me.

Why the speed? I haven't graduated yet!

"Uhh, Ma'am? I think it's too early for that and besides, I'm not yet a graduate." I said weakly and felt Daddy's sharp gaze.

Am I not allowed to speak!?

I looked at Franz with the HELP ME look, "Mom, I think she's right." He said and looked at me and winked.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha," Dad laughed because no one spoke after that, "... Sorry about my daughter. My daughter is really quite talkative and she says everything what is on her mind."

"If you want to have the wedding, I don't have a problem with that. But, if we have the wedding early, it will be better for our business." Mommy also followed.

I bowed my head, "I'm sorry but can I excuse myself for a while? There was a call from my classmate about our research." I'm lying. I just want to get out of our conversation!

I looked at the Amiro Family and they just nodded at me so I excused myself and left the restaurant. I sat there on the bench to get some air.

I was in agony when a man sat next to me, tss. Is he following me!?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Your daddy is putting you down, so I just went out. I don't have time to listen to his shits."

"Are you okay?" He asked so I looked at him.

Are we close?

"Why are you asking? Are we close?" I raised my eyebrows.

He brought his face closer to mine so I stepped back, "There we are." He smirked.

I pushed him away so he laughed softly, the truth. What's wrong with this man? Is he crazy? Or maybe a playboy. Tsk.

"I really don't like your Dad." He said while looking at our family's behavior.

I also looked at it, "Are you gay?" I asked.

He doesn't look like he's gay. And why Daddy? Daddy is married, right? Does he want to have an affair with Dad? My gosh!

"What are you talking about!?" He asked angrily.

"You said 'I really don't like your Dad', why? Isn't Daddy your type?" I asked confused.

He flicked my forehead and said, "Stupid."

That fool even smile.