Ninja world war

In the blink of an eye, another few months had passed. Ninja of each village had also been mobilized, and he had reached a preliminary agreement with Akatsuki.

No matter what his goal was, he had to deal with Seireitei first.

A few months ago, Seireitei had closed the border again, fully developing the training of Hollow and Shinigami inside, increasing his immediate combat strength as much as possible.

In the Pure Land, Naruto was still in seclusion, and his control of Ryūjin Jakka had become more and more proficient.

In terms of destructive power, Ryūjin Jakka's casual attack could reach the effect of Shinra Tensei.

A full-power attack could completely crush Shinra Tensei.

But Ryūjin Jakka, who was using his full power, consumed a lot of energy, so he had to consider using it.


When the horn sounded, all of Ninja was in formation, preparing to go to Seireitei.

No family had the privilege to go to the battlefield.

"Get ready, it's going to be a war. We don't even know if we can come back alive." In the crowd, Ino patted Sakura's hand.

"Why do you want to fight? Everyone can live in peace."

Sakura looked sad.

From Naruto to Sasuke, and finally to Kakashi.

Team 7 was dead.

Right now, she was still looking forward to the fact that Naruto had something that was hard to say.

The misunderstanding might be solved later.

Unlike Sakura's naivety, Hyuga Hinata had a calm expression on her face. Her face was wrapped in white cloth.

"Is it a war? It just so happens that it is time to test these eyes." She gently touched her eyes and muttered to herself.

Ninjas of each village began to gather and move towards Seireitei.

There were Ninja of Konoha, Ninja of Sunagakure, Ninja of the Iwagakure, Ninja of Kumogakure, Ninja of Kirigakure, and even Ninja of all kinds of small countries.

It was hard to imagine that the Ninja Village, who had been opposing each other and wanted to tear off their flesh, would actually have a meeting and a peaceful situation.

Their foreheads did not have the symbol of the original Ninja Village, but had become a unified "Ninja".

Being born in the camp of the allied forces of Shinobi world, Akatsuki was quite emotional.

"I didn't expect that the first time I saw the Ninja Village was so united because of Seireitei." Deidara said, "To be able to prove the art of explosion in front of so many people, I'm so excited that I'm trembling."

"I hope this battle will bring an end to everything. However, I didn't expect to fight alongside Mr. Itachi one day." Kisame looked at Itachi and smiled.

Although Kisame looked fierce, he really had nothing to say to his companions. Although Itachi returned to Konoha, in his heart, Itachi was still his partner.

Nagato and Konan were also in the queue. The new Pain had six lines of light surrounding Nagato.

Nagato was skinny and had a miserable expression on his face. He looked like he was about to die at any moment.

In order to exterminate Seireitei, his true body had also moved out.

"This should be the first time that all of Shinobi world is so united." Konan sighed from the side.

"When a united enemy appears, they will become united. But when that enemy dies, the whole Shinobi world will return to the original opposition." Nagato's voice was cold.

"As long as Akatsuki is in the way and Seireitei is completely destroyed, we can implement the tailed beast capture plan, and make Shinobi world feel pain."

Inside Seireitei, the experts had been waiting for a long time. Looking at the vast allied army in the distance, everyone's expression was full of seriousness.

"Endure, this is Shinobi world's allied army? It's rare to see everyone so united, but they are our enemies." Minato smiled rather easily.

"They formed an alliance because they were afraid of Seireitei." Orochimaru licked his lips, revealing a perverted smile: "I also want to test my Zanpakutō."

"Konoha!" White Fang muttered to himself with a complicated expression.

A few months ago, under Kakashi's persuasion, he successfully became a part of Seireitei and decided to help Seireitei change this sick Shinobi world.

But when he thought about fighting with his old boss, he still felt a little sad.

"I hope there are a few guys who can chop me up." Zabuza said coldly.

A few Adjuchas followed behind, their faces cold.

Compared to Shinigami, Hollow was obviously more brutal.

In their world, there were only two kinds of difference between cutting people and being cut.

"Ka." Suddenly, there was a strange sound of joints hitting each other, and then they saw a strange creature that looked like a puppet walking to their side.

Everyone was not surprised, and instead complained, "Is this Neri's new invention? It looks a little strange."

"Orochimaru, can you give her the position of director of the research bureau? The little monsters she created have already affected my life." Minato looked at Orochimaru with a black face and asked.

Because Minato lived next to Neri, he could hear the strange noises in Neri's room every night. From time to time, there would be little insects crawling around. The house was almost a haunted house.

All of this was because Neri wanted to take the position of director of the research bureau from Orochimaru.

So even his own room was changed into a laboratory.

In this regard, Orochimaru expressed that he was not the scapegoat.

He spread out his hands and said helplessly, "I definitely won't give up this position. Neri, this little girl, still has a lot of potential. You'd better endure a little."

A group of people laughed and chatted, as if they didn't care about the following war at all.

Soon, the allied forces of Shinobi world and Seireitei were facing each other.

"Lee! Have you fallen?" Might Guy glared at Rock Lee angrily.

"Fallen?" Rock Lee had lost his former immaturity, and his expression was flat. "I just saw through the essence of this world."

"Kakashi, Minato, White Fang?" Tsunade looked at Seireitei's queue in shock, his eyes full of sadness. "White Fang, even you are standing on the opposite side of Konoha?"

He remembered that when Sannin first became famous, White Fang was already famous.

At that time, all the villages feared White Fang.

For Konoha's Ninja, seeing Ninja become a traitor in the past was a huge blow.

What made Ninja's allied forces even more afraid was the human-shaped Hollow, who seemed to be on equal footing with Minato and the others.

Behind them was the Shinigami army in their dead clothes.

The number of Seireitei's Hollow and Shinigami surpassed their expectations.

"This is troublesome. It seems that the opponent is not simple." Seeing that there were so many Kage-rank experts on Seireitei's side, Nagato's gaze became even colder.

"Where is Uzumaki Naruto?" The leader of the alliance army, Senju Tsunade, stepped forward and asked.

"It is not Lord Naruto's turn to deal with you little fish and shrimps." Haku smiled and said.

It seemed that Uzumaki Naruto could not make a move for the time being.

Now was the best time to take down Seireitei.

The five shadows looked at each other, and the joy in their eyes could be seen.

"Then let's start the war!" The entire Shinobi world allied army was instantly boiling.