Dilol Springgrass works as a clown and is always humiliated at work by his colleagues and exploited by his boss, Dilol Springgrass getting married from so much humiliation Dilol Springgrass decides to get revenge

against his boss by kidnapping him at home one day after work and the rest of Dilol's life with that plan working out until they were caught Dilol Springgrass was sent to the maximum security prison in Blackfork for kidnapping his boss then escaping from prison when Dilol tried to escape after he had kidnapped his boss Dilol got stabbed three times in jail and died from being stabbed.

but Dilol Springgrass was given a second chance in life to complete his revenge, Dilol Springgrass came back to life again on July 2nd 1998 with the help of a psychic witch and returned to earth, trying to find who was responsible for his death or to have some kind of satisfaction.

Dilol wanted to live again because he had come up with a plan, he thought of bringing back his deceased wife on her birthday as she would like it but she didn't return on her birthday because it wasn't on her birthday Dilol and the other wives decided to make a small sacrifice of bringing their own husbands and families back as Dilol could have brought any woman he wants but they said it should be just once in a lifetime because Dilol was very selfish.

chapter 2

Dilol Springgrass was really sad on the day of his death and he didn't care about anything, even if someone came near him to touch him to say hi Dilol would bite them hard to get their attention away from him Dilol wanted to live forever to revenge himself against the people who made him suffer in the past few years, Dilol knew his actions weren't right and that he was a bad person to bring a life to this world but he wanted to punish the people who treated him badly and broke him apart from all the love and affection Dilol loved before and wanted to keep him safe Dilol wanted to protect himself Dilol knew it was his fault for not listening to advice, the day of his death Dilol did everything wrong and acted like an animal instead of a human when he arrived in the hospital room to visit his wife on her birthday.

Dilol sat next to his wife's bed Dilol bent down to give his wife a kiss, right after his kiss he heard Dilol screamed loudly and opened his eyes quickly Dilol looked around and saw Dilol screaming and saw everyone in the hospital ran towards him to see what happened Dilol looked around for the last time as he looked at his wife with tears falling from his eyes, "Why can't I stay here?" Dilol asked with anger.

then Dilol looked at everyone again and turned his head to the left to see Dilol sleeping peacefully on his left side, Dilol looked at the door that leads to his room but noticed the door was closed and wondered why Dilol stood up suddenly to look at the window and noticed there was no rain outside but water spilled out of the windows.

Dilol looked back at his wife who looked beautiful and peaceful and felt sadness creep into his heart Dilol cried harder at seeing how beautiful his wife was still sleeping he looked around again and noticed something else different with this room, Dilol then remembered that this was the first place he stayed.

chapter 3

Dilol woke up from his sleep Dilol looked at his clock it was 9:45am which means that Dilol needed to leave the room soon or else he might get late for work and the boss will fire him Dilol started getting out of bed slowly but quietly as not to wake up his wife Dilol slipped into his shoes carefully and walked to the bedroom door where he opened it quietly and closed it behind him Dilol went downstairs and walked through the lobby to get to the front entrance but before leaving the front door he paused and looked back at his wife Dilol sighed softly and continued walking out of the house without looking back to see if anyone was watching him Dilol left the building Dilol went straight towards the bus stop and went to work, Dilol worked his shift and when Dilol left he saw his boss standing there waiting for the bus as usual Dilol took his phone out of his pocket and called his boss Dilol looked at his phone and saw the call didn't connect, Dilol tried calling him again but still the same result Dilol was annoyed at his boss and decided to go home Dilol left his workplace and drove home Dilol parked his car close to the apartment complex and went straight to the elevator to get inside he looked inside the apartment and saw his wife's stuffs sitting in front of the kitchen table Dilol sighed and headed for the kitchen, Dilol looked at the fridge and saw the contents were empty. Dilol checked the cabinets and found there were also empty cupboard and refrigerator Dilol looked outside the window and noticed the street was deserted and the sky was dark Dilol went inside the kitchen and searched for food in the cupboards and refrigerator and found they were too low on food Dilol was starving Dilol started thinking about what he could eat, Dilol knew what he should do now Dilol went to his wife's closet and took off all her clothes, put them in a basket and grabbed it as he remembered she liked wearing dresses Dilol put the basket on top of his head and went to the living room and put the basket on the couch and sat down the basket was heavy Dilol sat in the kitchen and started eating he ate his fill and looked at his watch Dilol stood up and washed his bowl with his hand Dilol went to the living room and laid down the basket down on the floor Dilol sat down and looked at his watch it was 5:30pm Dilol started feeling hungry and stood up from the couch and looked at the basket and went to his wife's bedroom to search for her underwear and tights he found some and put them on while looking at them he started getting nervous wondering what his wife was going to think, he started to sweat and blushed at thinking his wife would be disgusted at seeing him like this but he didn't want to wait anymore and looked at his watch again it was 7:00pm he was ready to take his things out of his basket when his wife entered the room, "Hello husband are you hungry?" She asked sweetly Dilol nodded yes he was starving Dilol picked up his basket and carried it outside to his car and put the baskets on the passenger seat while taking his keys from his pocket he looked at his watch it was 8:15pm, he was late for his meeting he unlocked the doors and took his seat and drove away from the apartment building his mind was filled with thoughts and worries and he couldn't calm down.

chapter 4

Dilol Springgrass was in a car with some of his coworkers, one of them was driving and the others were chatting among each other talking about random stuff and laughing like idiots Dilol was bored with the conversation he had already lost interest in it after a couple of minutes he looked outside the window and saw something weird in the distance.

"Hey! What are you doing there? Are you deaf?" The guy sitting across from him yelled in his face Dilol jumped and turned around looking at him confused he didn't know what was happening Dilol was tired and stressed from work lately so it took him by surprise when somebody yelled at him.

"What do you mean I'm staring at something outside the window I'm fine" Dilol replied with a little attitude.

"Well whatever whatever! You don't need to stare at things that aren't interesting!" The man with the angry voice answered, Dilol got angry and looked ahead of him, he was tired of the whole situation and he hated dealing with people who couldn't understand him and they always talked over him like he couldn't hear them.

"So, how was your day today? Did you have fun?" A girl with black hair sitting in the backseat asked.

"Yeah we did I was having the time of my life" Dilol responded sarcastically, he knew that nobody cared about his day but these guys always complained about it he always ignored them and kept quiet about what happened during the day.

"You never talk much you know that? Is it because you're scared of us or are you shy or is it because you know we would beat you up if you try to talk" Another guy said smiling and laughing Dilol looked out of the car window and pretended he didn't notice what he said, his eyes were fixed on the road but he could feel the stares on him he could almost hear their whispers, he could feel their gazes on his face as well he knew they must be thinking that he was weak and scared of them. He couldn't take it anymore and just stared ahead at the road trying to act indifferent.

Chapter 5

Dilol got out of the car and started heading towards his home Dilol was in a rush to arrive home he wanted to finish his job as quickly as possible so he could have his dinner and finally rest.

"Is everything okay? Why are you rushing?" The guy with the loud voice asked.

"I'm running late for work I'll be late for dinner and my wife won't eat alone." Dilol replied.

"Wow, your wife has a girlfriend huh? I'M SO SORRY ABOUT YOUR HUSBAND I DIDN'T MEAN TO BRING THAT UP" The guy with the loud voice apologized, the guy that was driving said nothing to defend himself Dilol was mad at him for bringing up his dead husband and the fact that Dilol's wife had a girlfriend made him mad too but Dilol didn't want to get even angrier because of that he just shook his head and ignored the guy.

After walking past several buildings Dilol stopped at his workplace and stepped inside and went straight to the office.

Dilol entered the office and placed the basket and coat onto the floor and walked towards the stairs in the back of the office. As Dilol walked upstairs to his floor he bumped into someone and fell flat on his stomach with his basket spilling out of the basket and his coat spilling onto the floor as well he groaned in pain from the fall and opened his eyes and saw his wife looking down at him worriedly "Are you alright baby" She asked softly.

"I'm fine honey, I'm fine I just tripped over my own feet, you know how clumsy I am" He said as he stood up from the floor, she helped him stand up and they both chuckled as she kissed his cheek and hugged him tight.

"That doesn't explain why you'r hurrying to get home and why you look so pale" She pointed out.

"I guess I was tired today I didn't sleep very good last night and I'm just kind of hungry right now, I'm sorry for being late by the way" He replied apologetically.

"Don't apologize dear, I can cook us dinner if you'd like?" She suggested.

"Sure honey but I need my laptop so I'll be back real quick okay?" He said while heading for the stairs.

"Okay sweetie hurry back!" She exclaimed.

Dilol went upstairs and found the computer case he had set aside on the shelf above his desk and grabbed it and headed for the bedroom to change out of his suit and into casual clothing. Dilol changed into a pair of blue jeans, a white t shirt with a small black jacket and a red hoodie tied to his waist with the sleeves rolled up and a red cap on top of his head. He then went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth while putting on his black vans and tying his laces, as he finished putting his shoes on he heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in" He said, the person walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I'm home" Said the man next to him.

"Welcome home my husband" His wife replied.

The two men stayed silent for a few seconds and then Dilol spoke up "Where's my computer?" He asked curiously.

"In the living room I'll bring it to you" Dilol left the room and walked downstairs to the living room where he saw his wife standing by the couch carrying a large box of electronic equipment, he approached her slowly not wanting to scare her and asked "What's that?"

"We bought a new television last week and I thought that since we haven't been watching TV for a long time we might as well start watching it now, and since you weren't really happy with our old television we decided to buy a new one, it's not that expensive" Dilol smiled and embraced his wife giving her a kiss on the cheek and thanked her, then he headed for the elevator and went up to his bedroom.

As Dilol entered his bedroom he took the laptop from its case and walked to the desk and placed it down. Dilol sat down in front of the computer and logged in then logged on to his e-mail, he opened the mail client which contained letters from different companies which he usually ignored except the ones he received for sales or business related reasons.

chapter 6

As Dilol clicked open the first letter in the file of sales reports he noticed the date stamp on it indicating that it came from three days ago and he clicked on the email from IT. He read through the document and then clicked on the attachments, Dilol scanned through all of the emails then moved to the attachments in his folder and saw that most of them were for sales related documents and the emails containing contracts he had sent earlier in the week and he clicked on the attached file with a smile on his face and skimmed through it until he arrived at his monthly report from this month.

Dilol had sent a contract for an electric fan and also a contract to buy a microwave oven; all of them required payment of $250 000 in cash. The contract for the microwave was worth a bit more than the electric fan and the price for the microwaves was only $350 000, it was worth at least five million dollars, Dilol had spent a total of four million dollars on these contracts, he was proud of himself for making such money especially considering the company he worked for was still pretty poor.

But there wasn't anything important about the electric fan and oven, he clicked on the attachments which contained contracts between him and various company's employees and he saw the prices for the parts he ordered were high and he didn't think it would be worth it. So he closed out of the attachment and moved on to another. This time it was the bill of sale for a couple of cars that his boss needed, the invoice for the car wasn't really expensive but since most of the payments were from other companies than his he didn't know how many cars he would have to order.

He moved on to the next document and found it was the list of all the companies who requested their orders on their website, he noticed that some requests had already been sent. He clicked on the link and scanned the content of each request and found that it was about the same size as his usual requests, he figured the companies were asking for a lot of money so he should have no problem ordering the parts in the future, the company was called Auto Design Technology and they sold mostly used vehicles and they were in the business of manufacturing and selling parts.

"Good morning everyone! What brings you here today?" A female voice said breaking Dilol from his thoughts.

"Oh hi Miss, this is my wife and this is my son Dilol he's working for Auto Design Technology, we're hoping to sell some of our cars today so we're here for some parts" He explained as he gestured to his son who waved a hello at Miss.

"Thank you Mr. Dilol for calling Auto Design Tech, we'r very glad that you're coming to see us, we hope you've enjoyed your trip from your previous visits so far" She greeted, Dilol replied with a nod.

"Alright let me inform you that we will be charging a certain price per order per vehicle so remember to make sure you have paid accordingly"

Dilol signed some papers and handed them back to the employee, they gave back his pen and paper back and thanked him once again before saying goodbye.

"See what I mean?" Dilol whispered to his son when he left the building, he continued to walk down the street holding his wife's hand, the weather outside was quite hot but at least he wouldn't burn the skin off if he wore long sleeve shirts under his jacket. He looked around him taking in everything he noticed, it appeared like every store he passed was having something special on display, the shop fronts were decorated nicely and looked brand new, Dilol liked the atmosphere but it was hard to understand what people were buying. It was strange how people were buying things like appliances, food, clothes or accessories but it seemed like they didn't care what these items were used for, he always felt confused whenever customers were shopping around the house and asking him to help them pick out a certain article or accessory. It wasn't really unusual since the average person didn't care much about their own lives but he couldn't understand why these people were doing this.

After checking out and paying for his items he made his way back home and got inside the apartment. His wife went to the kitchen to prepare dinner whilst he sat down in the living room and started watching the news channel whilst drinking some coffee, he kept on noticing new updates on the story regarding his company and the recent incident with the neighbour and was intrigued by it since the story wasn't even written yet. He checked Facebook and Twitter which had more updates than usual but they were still relatively short as they probably hadn't gotten to the main topic yet, then Dilol realised that he had missed half an hour of the news update because of how distracted he was by the current information so he went back to his e-mails in hopes that one of them could contain something interesting. After about 20 minutes of clicking through emails Dilol found one addressed to his assistant which caught his attention.

It was from Marketing Manager Sarah Adams, he clicked onto the email and saw a message which stated "Your assistant sent you an email informing you that someone has posted their work for a customer and wants you to take it down to the HR department to check if it's acceptable so please reply to confirm or deny that it is ok to give it to the customer".

Dilol read the email twice and after making sure there was nothing weird about the information he wrote out a response, he printed the email out and placed it into the envelope with a post it note stating that it was for HR Manager Sarah Adams and mailed it to her. As soon as he was done Dilol grabbed his coffee mug and poured it into the sink and washed it down with a glass of water then went to wash his hands and face, he then joined his family in the dining room for dinner.

After dinner the children watched cartoons together on the living room floor while Dilol and his wife cleaned up the table and put away the dishes. Dilol washed up the plates while his wife washed the glasses then they both carried them over to the dishwasher which was sitting in the corner and began to fill the machines with detergent. Dilol waited for the machine to finish loading its load and turned towards his wife who had just dried her hands using a towel.

"So what are you going to do now that the kids are asleep?" Asked Dilol.

"I don't know...maybe go to bed myself" She responded, she walked past Dilol and headed for their bedroom leaving him staring behind her.

Dilol stood there alone for a moment longer then he shrugged his shoulders and followed her in the bedroom.

chapter 7

The following day Dilol woke up early and decided to get the children ready to go out for a ride. Dilol took them downstairs to the kitchen where Mrs. Dilalah was cooking breakfast and Dilol helped her prepare the breakfast. They had breakfast and afterwards Dilol left the house heading towards the garage and parked his truck in it, he picked up the twins from the playroom and placed them in their strollers and strapped them in so that they wouldn't fall out, he put the strollers in the backseat of the pickup truck and drove down to town.

When he reached town he stopped the truck in the parking lot next to Starbucks and he grabbed the children out of the strollers and carried them inside to buy them a cup of chocolate milk each. Once they'd finished eating their breakfast they exited the café and headed towards the bus stop where Dilol bought them each a snack and then sat down on the bench.

After a few minutes of waiting the bus pulled up at the stop and Dilol watched the passengers getting off one after the other as they waited for their turn to enter the bus, once the bus was full of passengers Dilol got up and entered the bus. He sat down beside the driver of the bus, the driver greeted him and asked him how he was doing.

"Hi sir, I'm fine thank you, how are you doing today" Dilol said back politely.

"I'm very good thanks Mr. Dilol" The driver answered.

"You're welcome, I'm also very busy and I need to go through a lot of stuff so if you'll excuse me, I'll just sit quietly" Dilol said, he took the seat beside the driver and rested his head on his hand while trying to keep himself awake so that he wouldn't lose consciousness during the trip.

After what must have been 15 minutes later the bus arrived and Dilol got up with the rest of the passengers and made his way out to the parking lot where the buses had parked themselves so he could pay.

"Are you sure you want to leave your kids with someone else while you go meet your bosses?" The driver asked Dilol as he opened the passenger door for him.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I? It's not like they can stay in my pocket and cry all the time like you or my husband" Dilol laughed and got onto the bus.

Once the bus started moving Dilol leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes, he had fallen asleep shortly after talking to the driver, he woke up when he heard the sound of the bus stopping. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that they were already near the building where his boss worked. When Dilol got off the bus his boss greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hello sir, how can I help you today?" The receptionist asked Dilol, the receptionist was young, maybe 17 years old or 18 years old but Dilol couldn't really tell, she was wearing her hair in a neat ponytail and she had a kind look on her face, Dilol could easily tell that she was the kindest person in the world.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could talk to your boss? I'm here for an appointment" Dilol answered.

"Sure, follow me please" The receptionist replied as she stood up from her desk and lead Dilol towards a room further down the corridor. They passed by a few people working in the office until they finally arrived at the room which held their boss, he was a middle aged man who was dressed nicely and was smiling at Dilol.

"Welcome to my office, come in please, make yourself comfortable" He smiled happily, Dilol nodded and entered the office followed by his assistant.

He sat down in front of his boss while his assistant sat across him and took out a notebook and a pen.

"So...can we start right away? I have a lot to do" Dilol asked his boss.

"Yes of course we can start, I would like to know what sort of relationship you have with your clients, what kind of expectations do they place upon you when it comes to their job? What are the benefits of being involved in the business sector? What sort of challenges does it bring you? How many times have you had to deal with problems arising in a project and how did those incidents progress?" Asked the receptionist looking at him as she was writing down notes.

"Well as far as I've remembered we had issues with a few people causing problems at the end of last year which led us to be sued and although I managed to handle most of the problems I still have to make sure our project ends well. I think you may already know that my wife works in Sales, it's a high position so it can be a challenge when I need to ask her to run a different project on a different location than I normally request her to run so that I can focus my attention more on the sales side of things" Said Dilol.

"And do you usually do that with other companies when you have them to manage?" The receptionist asked him.

"No, I generally only handle small projects that require a small amount of people, my wife usually handles larger projects that take up more time, she tends to delegate the tasks and handle the overall management of it" Said Dilol.

"So you two have never dealt with any major projects before?" Asked the receptionist.

"No" Replied Dilol.

"Ok...let's continue then" She said.

"So let's start with the first project then" The receptionist continued.

"Alright" Replied Dilol.

Chapter 8

Dilol was seated comfortably in his chair in front of his computer screen when he received a message from his assistant telling him that Mr. Ansem was calling him. Dilol clicked the green button on his desktop mouse and pressed the call icon on the display panel, the image of Ansem's face appeared on the hologram and Dilol immediately noticed a tired expression on Ansem's face.

"Good morning Ansem...to what do I owe this visit?" Dilol asked.

"Oh, hello Dilol, how have you been? And how is the little ones? I'm glad that you're keeping well and you seem happy these days" Answered Ansem, Dilol felt slightly amused at Ansem's question.

"Well...as to how I'm doing, I'm alright I guess...and yes they are doing great....they're still a handful though" Dilol chuckled.

"I'm sorry about what happened to them..." Answered Ansem.

"Don't apologize Ansem, it's alright it wasn't your fault; besides I didn't even notice that something was wrong." Dilol said, he paused for a moment and then added "Anyway you called to talk about something important, right?"

"Yes actually I did" Answered Ansem.

"What's the matter?" Dilol asked, he sensed that something was bothering his friend.

"I was wondering...if I could come over and take the boys for the weekend since I won't be able to come home anytime soon" Answered Ansem.

"Well, I was planning on having them over to my place anyway since they are almost big enough to play with some toys now and we could probably even watch a movie" Dilol explained.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do" Answered Ansem.

"Alright see you soon then" Dilol concluded the conversation with Ansem.

"See you" Answered Ansem, he ended the call and then put his phone away. He sighed heavily, Dilol had mentioned before that their kids' birthday would happen in May and now that it was around the corner and there was no sign of any presents from their friends or relatives, Ansem thought that this was exactly what he needed to get them excited about coming home. It was also a good opportunity to spend some quality time together with the twins and their dad since Ansem and Dilol hadn't seen each other for quite some time now and it would be nice to catch up.

After thinking about it for another minute or two Ansem picked up his phone again and sent the following text message to Dilol: I'll be over tomorrow afternoon. We might have some things to talk about.

The text message went unanswered, Ansem assumed that Dilol wasn't replying because of the late hour, he decided to send him another text message to check in with him if he still wanted to see the twins, again the reply came straight away: Yes, sounds great, come over whenever you're ready and I'll show you everything I've got ;)

Ansem rolled his eyes at Dilol's response, he knew that Dilol was joking about showing him everything. Even though Ansem lived alone there were lots of rooms in Dilol' house that Ansem wasn't allowed into, he had a feeling that his friend wasn't kidding with his comment, he would definitely show him everything he had.

* * *

A few hours after he received Ansem's text Dilol was lying awake on his bed reading a book about cars. Dilol loved to read about cars because he always thought that cars were the future of mankind, he'd always dreamed of being one of the pioneers and owning a car himself someday, he'd often dreamt about driving a car in the desert and driving through the streets of Cairo or going on trips with his family somewhere far away in Europe. After hearing about cars and imagining himself driving one he'd sometimes wake up in the early morning with a huge smile on his face and would feel like he was dreaming but that wouldn't stop him from continuing the journey and eventually opening a dealership somewhere near the outskirts of town.

After finishing the novel Dilol placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and fell asleep. It was already 4:30am when Dilol awoke again, he rubbed his eyes and looked around the room, he could hear noises coming from downstairs, he wondered who had woken him up this time since Dilol could swear that he hadn't stirred or moved at all. It's not like he had gone back to sleep either, he just couldn'.

chapter 9

When Dilol woke up again he opened his eyes wide trying to understand what was happening. His heart started racing inside of his chest and his body started shaking violently. Something felt very wrong and Dilol started to panic. Before he realized what he was doing he jumped out of his bed and started pacing the floor nervously while muttering to himself.

'Why am I dreaming? Is it possible that this is the same dream I had every time we talked? Does this mean that I will really be reunited with my mother?'

Dilol stopped pacing suddenly and gasped at the realization that he was once again in the same room.

'Is this what I experienced when I was unconscious after losing my memory?'

As soon as Dilol thought about losing his memories he became afraid and started crying uncontrollably. He didn't want to lose his memories, he didn't want to forget who he was. If he lost his memories he didn't want to remember how he felt when he saw his son for the first time and the first thing he saw when he woke up. He couldn't remember what it felt like to love his own son and he couldn't recall his son's name, he couldn't remember the sound of his voice nor the way he spoke. It felt like he was being robbed from his past life and it scared him even more than losing his memories ever could.

Dilol tried to control his breathing but he couldn't stop crying. All those things made him upset and he couldn't help it. He tried to move closer to the windows in hopes to calm down, however he realised that he was stuck in his bed. He turned to his left and saw a table beside his bed. He quickly sat down in front of the table and grabbed the nearest thing that he could grasp, which was an old toy box.

Once Dilol managed to grab a couple of items he held onto them tightly. He knew that he shouldn't have used the toy box as his weapon, Dilol should have used his hands to grab the toy and try to attack his attacker with it. But he didn't and he kept holding on to it hoping that it would somehow give him strength. Suddenly he heard voices talking outside of his bedroom door and he knew that he couldn't allow anybody to enter his bedroom, the voices seemed familiar but he wasn't sure whether it was a stranger or somebody that he had seen in passing. He was too scared to open the door and look through the peep hole and he knew that he couldn't wait any longer, the voices were getting louder as they walked towards his bedroom and Dilol was terrified. He couldn't believe that he was trapped in here unable to escape or even do anything about it. Then it hit him; he didn't know where he was! How could he possibly escape from this situation? What if somebody came into his room to see what he was doing? Wasn't he going to be caught? Was he doomed to be stuck here forever? He began sobbing louder, he wanted to scream for help but he found that he couldn't move. He was completely paralyzed and incapable of doing anything.

He stayed in this position for five minutes without moving at all and when finally the voices were gone he slowly started to breathe normally again. The only reason why he was able to calm down so quickly was due to his training; during his training he learned many techniques of self defense and he'd mastered them well so that he could defend himself against an armed attacker without making any noise. Dilol took a deep breath and calmed his mind and emotions down, although he was still shaken he managed to think clearly again. He then stood up off the ground and walked towards the window. He took one last glance outside to make sure that nobody was standing outside of the house before opening his window and climbing out of it. Once he was out of his window Dilol ran across the street and then he climbed the fence surrounding his backyard.

He continued running until he reached the end of the sidewalk and then dived into the bushes behind the neighborhood. Dilol didn't know what direction to run in, all he could do was go along the path leading deeper into the woods. He wasn't sure if someone was chasing him so he decided to walk instead. As he followed the path, he thought about how he was going to find Ansem. At first Dilol hoped that he would simply find a road or at least find a trail but as time passed he began realizing that he was walking in circles, and he could barely hear or smell anything anymore. He decided that he'd better stop and sit down somewhere safe.

After finding an empty bench nearby he laid down on his stomach, he closed his eyes and rested his head on top of his arms.

"What now?" He asked himself quietly. "Where are my memories? Who am I? Where is Ansem? Why does everything remind me of Ansem? Why can't I remember my real name?" Dilol questioned himself repeatedly.

Chapter 10

Two weeks passed since Dilol had woken up from his coma and by now Dilol had been living with Dilol and Ansem at Dilol's house, he was getting accustomed to his new surroundings which included his parents and the twins. However, he missed his mom terribly and wished that she would contact him. He would love to have her here with him right now and talk to her. However, he knew that nothing good would ever happen as long as he didn't know his mom's true identity, even though he never asked for anything from her he still considered her his mother and he needed to know who she was to get the answers he was looking for.

Dilol spent his days sleeping, studying, reading books, and doing various kinds of other activities he enjoyed. He liked taking walks with his siblings, especially his brother Daniel and their younger sister, Kallie; Dilol was extremely fond of spending time with them. Dilol had also started playing soccer with them on a field near his house, he'd been practicing with the boys, but he'd never joined them in the match. Dilol's favorite thing about the games was the excitement he felt each time he scored a goal. He'd never won a game of soccer in his entire life and the adrenaline rush that accompanied a successful goal was something that Dilol truly appreciated.

Dilol and his family had moved to Cairo shortly after Dilol had woken up from his coma. Dilol had gotten himself enrolled in one of the most prestigious universities in Egypt and the university provided classes in several different subjects including psychology, sociology and business management. Dilol's first semester at the university consisted of two classes and the second semester was devoted to three classes; he was in business administration, psychology and social work respectively. The curriculum of these three courses consisted mainly of lectures, exercises, seminars and presentations which Dilol was allowed to attend whenever he wanted.

The university offered all students full scholarship to attend its annual university football matches, which meant that Dilol would have no problem attending the games if he wanted to. During the school week Dilol would go to the stadium on Saturday afternoon and spend the day there watching the games while waiting for his teammates to finish their training sessions so that he could join them for dinner afterwards. After a few months of working at the university Dilol discovered some interesting facts about the sport; the teams involved were often called 'the four horsemen', because they consisted of four players each and played on four separate fields. In order to play on the field you needed to score goals at exactly the same time as your opponent and you had to use the same tactics that they did to score goals. You also needed to use the exact same strategies, the same signals and the same methods. This made it easier to predict which player would shoot the ball and which player would block the shot, it also helped the players learn how to read their opponents' movements and patterns. Although there were a lot of different methods for blocking a player's shot, all three were required to successfully block a single shot and both the defender and goalkeeper must follow the correct steps, not only to prevent the shot being blocked but also to prevent the opposing team from scoring another goal.

In contrast to the four horsemen, the four defenders were not required to follow any of the same techniques and strategies that the defenders of the other teams used. Instead they used a different strategy that relied heavily on surprise and deception. They were able to steal the ball from the opposing team and pass it to their goalkeeper who in turn threw it to the opposite side of the field before kicking the ball back to the goalkeeper's teammate who kicked the ball back to the opposition team. This technique was highly effective on certain occasions, especially if the goalkeeper was a very experienced player or a skilled goalie, however if the striker was a novice player who had not practised enough he might not be able to execute the scheme properly. Dilol concluded that the goalkeeper was the best goalkeeper because he had to concentrate on the job at hand so that he was capable of executing any strategy or tactics that were thrown at him.

The goalkeeper of the four horsemen team was known as the 'Black King'. His nickname came from his black hair colour, which was the most common feature of the opposing team's players and their opponents. According to Dilol the Black King's technique worked best when he was wearing black gloves and he was able to control every ball that was thrown towards him. The opponents always tried to catch the balls that the Black King kicked towards them in order to stop the ball from reaching the goal, which meant that they had to dodge as much as possible to avoid getting hit by the balls that the Black King had sent towards them. In fact the only reason why the Black King wasn't considered the most powerful player in the entire team was because he was the easiest one to predict. His only weakness was that he tended to overthink things and overuse his speed to compensate for the slow movement of the other players, thus forcing the goalkeeper to keep an eye on him to prevent him from making a mistake.

The coach of the four horsemen team was the only goalkeeper on the team besides the Black King, his nickname was Coach Yozier and he was usually seen wearing a helmet with an earpiece that allowed him to communicate with his team members. Dilol had noticed that sometimes he seemed to be able to hear everything that was said in the game thanks to the equipment that he had on him and when this happened Dilol had decided that he wouldn't mention it to anyone else, he didn't want to cause unnecessary panic. Dilol hadn'T told his father, mother or anyone else about this ability of the coach, he just assumed that it was normal for coach to be able to pick up everything around him. When Dilol heard that the Black King had a twin brother who was also in college he couldn't help but feel relieved because it seemed like it was a bit safer knowing that Dilol wasn't completely alone.

Dilol continued observing the game between the team from Cairo and those of Alexandria and Cairo. He soon saw that the other team had already scored two goals, one from the right wing and another from the left wing. That meant that the goalkeeper of the left wing was the strongest defender on the entire team so they probably had the advantage, but Dilol could tell that there was a chance that he himself was actually weaker than everyone else on the team so he decided to try and find out what weaknesses they might have.

Dilol waited patiently until he felt that the coach was distracted so he slipped away from the rest of his team and walked further into the forest until he reached his destination. There he found the place where a huge tree had fallen and he immediately jumped onto the lowest part of the tree trunk and sat cross-legged on the grass below him. Dilol looked around carefully, he didn'

chapter 11

At that moment Dilol saw the coach's face coming closer to the window of the locker room and he quickly hid among the leaves in the trunk, which were scattered everywhere across the floor of the tree. Dilol listened intently to the coach's voice which he was able to understand perfectly well thanks to his heightened senses. Apparently the coach wanted the whole team to gather outside the locker rooms so that he could give the team the bad news:

"I'm sorry, guys, but we aren't going to win today."

"But coach we've been practicing non-stop for weeks and yet we still haven't won!"

"Yeah, we're not that close to winning either!"

"Look I know you guys really wanted to win this year but our opponents are stronger than us,"

"Coach, we'll never make it without a strong defender."

"You need to start believing in yourself more, and believe me, you are the strongest defender in your team, even without having trained at a team like ours."

The coaches' words brought a sense of determination to the team which led to the players finally agreeing with the coach to go to the field and play the remaining matches without complaining. The coaches gave each one a pep talk and then they all headed towards the field ready to fight against their opponents. Dilol remained hidden among the leaves and branches of the tree; he knew that he had to stay low if he wanted to get a better view of the field and so he stayed crouching down among the leaves for a couple of minutes until he finally spotted one of the two remaining players of the rival team approaching the field.

The player was the weakest one on the team and although his teammates had told him that he could be a good defender, Dilol believed that he would be able to do anything better if he had someone like him helping him out. He could see that the other player was looking around nervously, probably wondering where the other two were and he smiled to himself. He was confident that the other player was going to approach him and once the other player arrived Dilol would jump off his hiding place and confront the opponent, who would probably think that he had lost his teammates. Then Dilol would throw the ball at him while telling him that the ball would be stolen and that the other team's striker was the culprit. The other player would take the ball from him, put it behind his back and kick it towards the goal. The ball would be intercepted by the other team's goalkeeper and he would end up scoring. As expected the other player wouldn't be able to save the ball and the opposing team would win. It was definitely a win for the underdog. Dilol thought that it was a great plan.

The other team's striker approached the goal and started running toward the goal line but after only a few meters he stopped in front of the goal and stood still holding the ball behind his back. Dilol watched closely hoping to discover what was happening inside of the head of the opponent and he wondered what kind of trick the opponent had up his sleeve, but no matter how hard Dilol tried to guess, he didn't succeed. It looked like he was stuck with the same idea as the other guy and that confused him. Suddenly Dilol became aware of another presence beside him: the owner of the dark green baseball cap was sitting quietly next to him; he must have been listening to everything that Dilol had been thinking while he observed his opponents playing the match. Dilol turned to look at the other person and he asked in surprise "Why are you here?"

"I was just standing nearby waiting for my opponent, I couldn't miss such an opportunity. I've been waiting for a long time. If I don't stand my ground now I might lose my patience and leave."

"So why are you staying? Won't you run away if you lose the game?"

"Of course! But I'm here because the opponent is strong, so I thought that I should observe the other guy's abilities before leaving."

"But what if the other guy has no special skills?"

"Then I'll have to wait until I find something useful about him, otherwise I won't be able to beat him easily. But I'd prefer to stay here until the other guy decides to leave because that will give me time to prepare myself. Besides I can't let that bastard win."

"What do you mean?" Dilol asked, confused by the other man's response.

"He will probably use the last minute attack to score a goal but it doesn't matter because I'm confident that I will be able to block it with ease."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the last point is a critical one that determines the result of this match, but the outcome depends entirely on me now and I will not let the other team win unless I'm sure that my opponent is going to sacrifice his last points in order to ensure that he does manage to score. Even though it is a risky move, he deserves it because of the way that he treats his players, so I can't give him a chance to cheat."

After hearing the other man's explanation, Dilol realized that he was right. The other player was going to risk his last point in order to achieve his victory but he wasn't doing it so that he could win the game, he was doing it because he was trying to show the world that he was different from other people. The other guy was trying to prove to everyone that he was superior because he always took the best possible route and that made him dangerous; the other players were simply following the path he set for them in order to make themselves look better.

"Well I'm sure that I can count on you to protect my final point, then. And since you're going to stay here, we might as well have some coffee and chat." Dilol suggested, deciding that it would be a waste of his time for him to just sit in silence while waiting for his opponent to appear and when Dilol had finished speaking he saw the other player nod his head and walk toward him. The other guy didn't even ask what his name was since Dilol already knew his, so he introduced himself as "Dilol" before he went to retrieve his bag from his locker. After retrieving his bag the two of them walked together through the corridors and into the cafeteria where Dilol ordered two coffees and two muffins with a sandwich for him and a cupcake for the other boy. After paying for their food and drinks they both sat down in a corner table with their backs to the wall and placed their bags on the floor between them. After that Dilol got straight to business and asked "What do you want to drink?"

"A black coffee" replied the other boy. "And I also have an order for a hamburger and fries."

Dilol nodded his head and then ordered "Two black coffees with a burger for me and a hamburger for him."

Dilol had ordered his coffee, food and soda just in case the other boy hadn't been able to finish his meal in time. So the two boys continued to eat their lunch while talking about everything that happened during the previous matches and about the recent changes in the team, even though they weren't very friendly or close with each other, they still liked spending some time together. When Dilol finished eating he paid for the food and took his coffee along with him to the bathroom, where he filled a glass with water and went back to his seat, where he noticed the other guy finishing his lunch too.

As they were walking towards the exit of the cafeteria, Dilol noticed that his companion was a little tired and seemed to be struggling a lot to keep his eyes open. Dilol suddenly remembered that the other boy was the first person to come into contact with his secret that day and thus he offered to carry his backpack for him and he gladly accepted Dilol's offer.

chapter 12

The rest of the week was pretty peaceful after the first practice ended, except for the occasional moments of excitement and fear which Dilol experienced every now and then whenever one of the other teams' defenders came close to him. Dilol spent most of his time training with Dilol's teammate, who was much smarter than his own teammate, and he managed to learn new techniques and tricks from him everyday. Dilol could tell that Dilol was growing stronger every single day; he could hear his coach and the other students praising him every night at dinner.

It was almost the beginning of June and school was still going on, meaning there was almost no time left for Dilol to complete the plan he had come up with in advance. Dilol had decided to spend the weekend before the competition in preparation to complete his plan, but since Dilol had the advantage over all the other team members he decided to spend the weekend with his friend, Dilol's roommate, instead. Dilol's roommate, Mark, was very excited about the prospect of spending the weekend together with Dilol since they had not been alone together together since they started high school. They had spent almost every weekend together since they were fifteen and after the accident Dilol didn't know anyone else that was willing to hang out with him. So when they started hanging out again they always found some excuse to meet up so they could have fun together. It usually consisted of either watching TV or playing video games. They never talked about their past relationship, although they both knew exactly what had caused Dilol to fall apart. They had just taken the easy way out by pretending that nothing had changed between the two of them and that everything was fine between them again. Dilol had wanted to talk more to his friend about his feelings for him, especially since he wasn't feeling completely comfortable with the fact that Mark could read his mind, but he hadn't dared to bring up the subject with his roommate since he feared that it would be too uncomfortable for his roommate and the situation he'd found himself in when they had begun dating. That was why he decided to take things slowly and just focus on getting better, so that he could be with Mark again without fearing that the other boy would get hurt by his words.

Dilol didn't expect that his roommate would be excited about hanging out with him again, but after learning what had happened on Saturday morning Mark insisted that Dilol come home with him that afternoon to celebrate Dilol's birthday. Of course Dilol agreed to go home with him, but as soon as he reached the house, he discovered that Mark's mother wasn't home yet and it wasn't until they were halfway through the evening that she showed up, but Dilol quickly told her that he wouldn't need any help with the preparations for his cake since he had already done them all and he didn't want anything from her. After that, the couple spent a good part of the evening together. At the end of the evening Mark announced that it was time for Dilol to go home since he needed to work tomorrow morning and Dilol agreed reluctantly. He was reluctant to leave Mark alone with his mom.

That weekend Dilol woke up early. Since he felt anxious and restless about everything he had planned, he decided to skip breakfast and went directly to the gym. His stomach was rumbling and growling loudly while he stood in front of the door of the gymnasium, but he didn't want to enter the gym at all because he was afraid that Dilol's loud stomach would interrupt the other boy's thoughts. After he heard the sound of the bell announcing the end of classes and the students preparing for their daily activities outside the gymnasium Dilol finally gathered enough courage to enter. As usual the entire gym was packed with students enjoying themselves and making the most of the free time. There were also many other students from other schools, but Dilol only noticed the other boy when he saw him coming out of the changing room and heading toward the cafeteria.

chapter 14

Dilol's heart began pounding violently inside his chest as he saw the other boy approach him. He wasn't sure if he was ready to face him or not and it scared him. He had always believed that confronting his feelings could solve his problems, but he knew that facing his fears could only lead to disappointment because he'd learned from experience that love really did destroy relationships. He had been rejected twice and he didn't think that it would change anything. Maybe he should try to ignore his problems for a while and concentrate on helping someone else solve them instead of having to deal with them himself.

While he was thinking about these thoughts, the other boy stopped a few feet away from him and turned around so that he was facing him, so Dilol knew that his moment to confront him had arrived. Dilol opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't find the words to start a conversation with him. The other boy just stared at him as if he expected him to say something and when Dilol didn't, he said the first thing that popped into his head.

"You seem nervous."

Of course he could feel the other boy observing him as if he was analyzing him carefully, looking for any sign that Dilol would react negatively to him asking him a question like that, but that didn't make him uncomfortable at all, instead it made him extremely happy because he felt that Mark thought highly of him. Even though the other boy couldn't see his emotions at all, his reaction to hearing those words made Dilol realize how true it actually was. Dilol didn't really understand why, but he always felt the same way around Mark, the only difference being that he wasn't the type of person who would act upon his feelings unless he knew that it was going somewhere and that this was something that was going to affect the relationship between them.

When the other boy didn't respond Dilol spoke up again saying "I'm okay... I guess...". But as soon as he tried to answer Mark raised his hand to stop him from doing anything else and he said "I don't care whether you're okay or not, just tell me what's wrong and why you look like your going to pass out any second now."

He didn't mean it literally, but it sounded as if he meant it seriously, so Dilol figured that it was probably best to tell him what was bothering him, but he didn't know how to put it into words because he wasn't sure if he should mention the reason that he felt uneasy or not. So he just decided to play it safe, telling him "I'M FINE" and then adding "Just tired". This answer seemed to satisfy Mark and he nodded in understanding and then he asked "Can you please tell me what is wrong?"

Dilol wasn't surprised by this answer, because he knew that his friend was too smart to believe a lie like that, so he decided to just tell him the truth. "Well… I'm worried…"

"About what?" asked Mark curiously.

Now Dilol was definitely confused. Wasn't it obvious? He was worried because he didn't want Mark to find out about his secret. He knew it was ridiculous that he thought that it was impossible to keep this secret from his partner, especially considering how attentive Mark was towards him, but he didn't want to give himself false hopes and so he didn't tell him the whole story, instead he chose to answer simply "No reason" because that was the best way to explain what he was concerned about. If he had admitted the real reason why he was worrying, he would have been able to avoid the trouble that he was currently dealing with, but he didn't want to admit his fear because he knew that Mark might not accept his confession and wouldn't understand how it felt to feel like you're suffocating everytime you breathe. In order to protect himself, he decided to just pretend that he didn't have a problem with this.

Mark must have seen right through him anyway, because after Dilol avoided answering his question for another couple of seconds he said "Are you sure you're alright?" and then added: "Look, I don't want you to worry about me… I can handle myself… I won't get mad at you if you don't want to share your concerns with me,"

That's when it hit Dilol that he didn't really know how to describe what he was feeling to the other boy so he decided to change the topic and ask the other boy a question that had been bothering him for days. "Do you like someone? Do you even know how to talk to girls?"

The other boy hesitated for a few seconds before replying. "Yes, I do. My friends call me the'man whisperer' because whenever I talk to anyone, I get them to confess their secrets and confessions. And besides, it's not so hard to talk to girls because they are so easy to figure out. When my friend asked me if we should date a girl, I told her that I was waiting for the right one to come along. Because of that she decided to date one herself and I've been waiting for the right one ever since."

"So you like girls?"

"Not exactly. I've always liked boys… but when I met you I realized that I like girls too. I like you, Dilol."

The older boy was taken aback by the confession that the other boy had made and so he remained silent for a few moments, trying to gather his thoughts and process what he had heard. It was true that his heart started beating faster whenever he was around Mark, but maybe Mark wasn't actually aware of that, maybe he was just joking, but Dilol didn't know. After some time he decided to ask Mark if he really meant what he said.

"Is that a joke? Do you really like me?"

"No, I really like you!"

Dilol smiled shyly at that response, but Mark didn't notice it, since he continued talking.

"But yes, I like you, you silly idiot. Have I never told you that? Why would I joke with you like that?"

Dilol was still smiling at his comment, but he was starting to feel guilty for teasing the other boy. After all, it was his own fault that he was feeling like that in the first place.

"I am sorry… I didn't mean to tease you. I am just scared of rejection… I don't want to lose my chance."

"Dilol... We both know that that wouldn't happen because you are my boyfriend and I'M dating you too. It's okay to be nervous sometimes, but you shouldn't be afraid. I like you just the way you are. You are kind and caring, you have an interesting personality and I'm really fond of you... I will never hurt you. And if you decide not to tell me about it, I won't force you to tell me, because I know that you don't want to burden me with your troubles. That's why I'll just help you whenever I can."

Dilol couldn't help but smile at this explanation and he felt relieved knowing that nothing bad was going to happen between them. He had spent almost two weeks pretending not to be interested in him, which led to lots of problems for both of them, but if there was something he wanted to be certain of, it was that he didn't need to hide anything anymore. They had confessed their feelings to each other and that meant that whatever happens between them from here on out would stay between them and no one else, and that's what mattered the most. At least that's what he believed until now.

"Thank you... Mark. I don't deserve such a great friend."

He felt relieved when the other boy gave him a hug and then pulled away, saying: "And I don't deserve such an awesome boyfriend either. Now that the matter is settled, let' go to class, okay?"

He couldn't help but laugh at this statement, because he really loved the other boy. The other boy smiled back at him and then took off his jacket, leaving only his white turtleneck underneath, showing that he was wearing just a white shirt underneath and he took Dilol's arm and started leading him out of the classroom. As soon as they passed by the door he heard the voice of the teacher calling after him.

"Hey! Is there something special you wanted to tell us?"

Dilol immediately turned his head around to face him and said while pointing at Mark with his free hand, pointing out that they were holding hands and saying: "We have something important to discuss with you."

Chapter 4

After that, they walked together through the corridors and towards the classroom where their class was supposed to meet. When they got closer to the classroom, Mark asked him: "Why did you choose this classroom?"

Dilol shrugged and answered: "It was my best option, I think."

They finally reached the door of the classroom and when the door suddenly opened, Dilol quickly stepped behind Mark before he could get recognized by anybody, and then he whispered: "I don't want anyone to see us like this."

As soon as Dilol finished speaking the door to the classroom opened fully so they could enter and he looked around trying to spot whoever was coming inside to greet them. His eyes fell on Milla first who was standing next to the classroom's entrance, but when he noticed Mark approaching her, he moved behind him so that he wouldn't be seen. Once Mark was close enough he saw that she had something in her hand, and when he finally noticed that it was a book he guessed that she was looking for the correct book, so he called out to her, announcing that they had arrived. The girl turned around immediately upon hearing his voice, and when she saw them approaching, she smiled and waved at them excitedly. "Hi!" she exclaimed and then continued: "You're late." She had an unusual accent, but Dilol didn't recognize her, but then he remembered that he had never heard her speak English before.

He didn't have much time to wonder what that was about though because when he looked at Mark he saw him shaking his head as a sign that he didn't remember her name yet. So instead of asking him about her, he just looked at her for a moment and when he noticed her staring at him too he realized that she was waiting for him to introduce himself. He was wondering how he should introduce himself when Mark came to his rescue. "This is my brother Dilol, he's also one of my best friends."