Chapter 10 - The Crow's Secret

As Max and Edgar continued their journey, they stumbled upon a small village nestled in the heart of the mountains. The villagers welcomed them warmly, and Max and Edgar soon learned that they were facing a threat unlike any they had encountered before.

A powerful sorcerer had taken up residence in a nearby cave, and he was using his dark magic to terrorize the villagers. The villagers were afraid to confront him, and they begged Max and Edgar to help them.

Max and Edgar knew that they couldn't turn their backs on the villagers, so they agreed to help. They made their way to the sorcerer's cave, and after a fierce battle, they were able to defeat him and restore peace to the village.

As they were packing up to leave, the village elder approached Max and Edgar. "I have something to show you," he said, leading them to a small hut on the outskirts of the village.

Inside the hut was a large cage, and inside the cage was a crow. The crow was unlike any Max and Edgar had ever seen before. Its feathers were as black as night, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.

"This crow is special," said the village elder. "It has the power to sense the presence of dark magic. We have kept it hidden from the sorcerer for fear that he would use it for his own purposes."

Max and Edgar were amazed. They had never heard of such a creature before. They asked the village elder if they could take the crow with them, and the elder agreed.

As they were leaving the village, Max and Edgar decided to name the crow Corvus, after the Latin word for crow. They could sense that there was something special about Corvus, and they knew that he would be a valuable asset in their fight against dark magic.

Over the next few weeks, Max and Edgar traveled with Corvus by their side. They quickly learned that the crow's senses were incredibly sharp. He could detect even the slightest hint of dark magic, and he could lead Max and Edgar straight to its source.

But as they journeyed on, Max and Edgar began to notice something strange about Corvus. He seemed to be growing more and more restless, and he would often fly off on his own without warning.

Max and Edgar decided to follow him one day, and they were surprised to see that he was leading them to a hidden cave in the mountains. Inside the cave, they found a group of witches performing a dark ritual.

Max and Edgar quickly sprang into action, and with Corvus's help, they were able to defeat the witches and put an end to their evil plans.

After the battle was over, Max and Edgar turned to Corvus. "How did you know about this cave?" they asked.

Corvus looked at them with his glowing eyes, and Max and Edgar could sense that he was trying to tell them something. Suddenly, they realized what it was. Corvus had a secret, and they knew that it was time for him to reveal it.