Chapter 12 - The Lost City

Max and Edgar continued to follow Corvus as he led them on their next adventure. They had no idea where they were headed, but they knew that it was going to be dangerous.

After flying for what seemed like hours, they finally landed on a rocky outcrop overlooking a vast expanse of desert. In the distance, they could see a shimmering city, its spires reaching up to the sky.

As they made their way towards the city, they could see that it was ancient, its walls and buildings weathered by time. They could sense that there was something strange about the place, something that they couldn't quite put their finger on.

As they entered the city, they saw that it was deserted. The streets were empty, and the buildings were crumbling. They could sense that there was something wrong with the city, something that had driven its inhabitants away.

As they made their way through the city, they stumbled upon an old temple. The temple was crumbling, but its grandeur was still evident. Max and Edgar could sense that there was something important inside, something that they had to find.

As they entered the temple, they saw that it was filled with strange artifacts and relics. There were statues of strange creatures, ancient scrolls, and strange devices that they had never seen before.

As they explored the temple, they stumbled upon a hidden room. The room was filled with strange symbols and markings, and in the center of the room, there was a large stone tablet.

Max and Edgar approached the tablet, their eyes fixed on its ancient inscriptions. They could sense that there was something important about the tablet, something that they couldn't quite understand.

As they were examining the tablet, they suddenly heard a strange noise coming from outside. They cautiously made their way out of the temple, their hands on their weapons.

As they emerged from the temple, they saw that the city was now filled with creatures. The creatures were unlike anything they had ever seen before. They were tall and thin, with skin that shimmered in the light. They had large, glowing eyes, and their movements were graceful and fluid.

Max and Edgar knew that they were in trouble. They drew their swords and prepared to fight.

The battle was fierce, but Max and Edgar fought with all their might. They could sense that Corvus was with them, guiding them and giving them strength.

As the last creature fell to the ground, Max and Edgar breathed a sigh of relief. They had saved the city, but they had no idea what they had just stumbled upon.

As they were making their way out of the city, they noticed that the stone tablet was glowing. They approached it cautiously, their eyes fixed on its ancient inscriptions.

As they read the inscriptions, they suddenly realized that they had stumbled upon a lost city, a city that had been hidden for centuries. The tablet revealed the secrets of the city, its history and its purpose.

Max and Edgar knew that they had to protect the city, to keep its secrets safe from those who would seek to exploit them.

And with that, they left the city, knowing that they had stumbled upon something that would change their lives forever.