Chapter 18 - The Shadow Assassin

Max, Edgar, and Corvus had just returned from their perilous adventure on the mysterious island. They were eager to sell the treasures they had acquired, but they couldn't shake off the feeling that they had made a grave mistake.

As they walked through the bustling marketplace, they noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. It was a cloaked figure with a sharp, angular face and piercing green eyes. They could feel its gaze upon them, as if it was studying them intently.

They tried to shake off the feeling, but they couldn't help but feel that the figure was following them. They quickened their pace, but the figure kept up with them effortlessly.

Suddenly, the figure appeared before them, blocking their path. It was a shadow assassin, a deadly mercenary known for their skill in combat and their ability to blend into the shadows.

The shadow assassin spoke in a low, menacing voice. "I've been sent to retrieve the treasures you stole from the temple. Hand them over now, and I might spare your lives."

Max, Edgar, and Corvus hesitated. They knew that the treasures were valuable, but they also knew that they had made a terrible mistake in taking them. They didn't want to risk their lives for something that was cursed.

But before they could respond, the shadow assassin lunged forward with incredible speed, drawing a long, curved blade from its cloak. Max, Edgar, and Corvus drew their own weapons and prepared for battle.

The fight was intense, with the shadow assassin darting in and out of the shadows, striking with deadly precision. Max, Edgar, and Corvus fought valiantly, using all their skills to defend themselves.

But the shadow assassin was relentless, and soon they found themselves on the defensive. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Corvus had an idea.

He reached into his satchel and pulled out a handful of shiny silver coins. He tossed them into the air, distracting the shadow assassin for just a moment.

In that moment, Max and Edgar lunged forward with their weapons, striking the shadow assassin and disarming it. They quickly tied it up and interrogated it.

They learned that the shadow assassin had been hired by a powerful crime lord who wanted the treasures for himself. Max, Edgar, and Corvus knew that they had to get rid of the cursed treasures before it was too late.

They traveled to the edge of town and buried the treasures deep beneath the earth, hoping that they would never be found again.

As they walked away from the burial site, they felt a sense of relief. They knew that they had made a mistake, but they had learned an important lesson. Sometimes, the greatest treasure is the knowledge that you've done the right thing.