The need to escape

#Chapter17 The need to escape

Five days later

After that afternoon, nothing was the same again. I hardly exchanged the necessary words with Lucas during the moments with his parents; I had barely eaten. I don't want to look at him or listen to him. I want him to disappear, and I want to do it too.

I sneaked out of the house to see Sebastian. My plan is no longer the same. Now I want to believe that he can help me escape from this nightmare. I will not endure a year with Lucas, not with the fear that it gives me that he will repeat once more what happened on the yacht.

I stir the coffee over and over with the spoon until a hand stops me. When I look up there, I see Sebastian. His green eyes look at me lovingly, and I stand up and hug him with all my might.

/"Sebas!/" I express with relief, and his arms wrap around my waist tightly.

/"Sienna, how nice to see you,/" he says without letting me go.