In equal conditions

#Chapter32 In equal conditions

/"You refused so much to receive help, and they had to sew up the wound on your knee and you have a sprained ankle,/" Lucas scolds me when we are already outside my house.

I try not to look at him. After all, I don't want to admit that he was right because I'm afraid of giving in. /"Yes, but you've played dumb about the proposal I made to you,/" I answer, trying to convince him to do something against Raúl.

I hear him take a deep breath, and I dare to look at him this time. His eyes on me make my stomach go rock hard. Am I nervous? /"I think you should let me take care of that,/" he tells me.

I deny immediately and daringly. I raise my hand and caress his face making him keep his gaze on me. /"No, this is not just your business. That man has made you and I hate each other. He has pretended to be my father and if He did that to your sister, I don't want to imagine what he's capable of /"I speak honestly.