Together on the high seas

#Chapter42 Together on the high seas

I can't forget everything that happened between Lucas and me the last time we got on a boat together. I know that all that is behind us and that we have started to rewrite a new story but, I can't help looking around me and feeling different.

/"Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring you on the yacht,/" he says softly, and he can barely look me in the eye.

I shorten the distance between the two and remove the sarong that covers the bathing suit that I am wearing. /"No, quite the opposite, this has been a good idea. You and I need to overcome everything that happened between us and for that we must rewrite one by one the chapters of our history /"I encourage him. So I put my bag on one of the chairs, then wrapped my arms to his torso and joined him. /"I want to spend an incredible day with you at sea,/" I ask him, and Lucas smiles.