Invitations and Explanations

#Chapter54 Invitations and Explanations

I have tried to find out by all the means at my disposal the name of Raúl's deceased wife, but I still can't find it. Between lunch with Thai businessmen and the number of messages I've received from my boss, I haven't been able to do as much research as I'd like. In addition, they have asked me to collaborate on the company's anniversary, which is in a week.

I turn off the computer, organize the papers on my desk, and find my bag to go home. Today's dinner will be interesting. Lucas and I will tell my father that we are together again; it makes me nervous to think about it.

So, I leave my office to go to the elevator when I bump into Alejandro unexpectedly. /"I'm sorry,/" I say and take two steps back. /"Did I hurt you?/" I ask, embarrassed; I didn't even realize he was there.

/"I'm fine. I was going to see you,/" Alejandro tells me with a huge smile tattooed on his face.