bittersweet moments

#Chapter79 bittersweet moments

Hours later

/"Daughter!/" exclaims my father as soon as he sees me enter his office. He gets up from his chair to come and hug me with all his might. /"How did you come up with that guy?! I would have died of sadness if something bad happened to you,/" he demands without letting me go.

/"Dad, I'm fine. Nothing happened, don't worry,/" I reply and hug him to reassure him. /"Your name will be cleared, you'll see,/" I explain, and suddenly he lets go of me a little to look me in the face.

/"I don't know how you knew about the problems that Raúl and I had, but now we won't talk about it. I just want to look you in the eye and know that my little girl is fine,/" he tells me, just as he did when I was a little girl.