Part of the truth

#Chapter86 Part of the truth

The sun has almost completely hidden below the horizon. The nerves start to play against me, so I take a deep breath to calm down. However, when Lucas arrives at the restaurant's valet parking, my body reacts immediately because it knows the time to tell the truth to my father is drawing near.

/"Ready?/" Lucas asks, looking me in the eye as the guys who work at the valet open the car doors for us.

I shrug my shoulders. /"I guess so; let's go,/" I answer and get out of the car while he does the same. We meet on the way, and he chivalrously takes my hand, and we enter the restaurant.

This place, modern, elegant, and full of life, with one of the city's best chefs, is my father's favorite restaurant. He comes here so often that his favorite table is already set aside, right on the patio of the place. So, just by saying he is waiting for us, the woman at the reception leads us there.