No More Secrets

#Chapter91 No More Secrets


There is the sound of the house doorbell, and I immediately get incredibly nervous. Lucas gets up to open the door, and I don't know if the first to arrive are his parents or if mine will come first. I exchange glances with Alejandro and notice that he is just as or more nervous than I am.

/"Good pomeriggio!/" I listen to Carlo, who, seeing me next to Alejandro, falls silent. They both exchange glances, and I can swear that it is not the first time they have seen each other. Perhaps they also knew Alejandro Ferrara, the successful yacht salesman. /"You?/" his father asks as he walks over to us.

Laura and Lucas approach us, but realizing the situation, they remain still. /"He.../" Laura tries to say.

/"I don't understand what you're doing here./" Lucas's father says.