A Wedding and Something More

#Chapter93 A Wedding and Something More

3 days later

The difference between my former wedding and this one is about to happen is huge. The dress this time has been my choice as well as every detail of the ceremony and party decoration. Both of us tested the guest list and the food menu.

On this occasion, my feelings when I see myself in front of the mirror, dressed as a bride, are entirely different. Today I cry with emotion, knowing I will say /"I do/" to Lucas in front of the priest and all our guests. This /"I do/" is full of certainties and desires to join my life to it. I know our relationship hasn't been perfect, but if we hadn't been through everything we've been through, maybe I wouldn't love him as madly as I do today.

I take a deep breath and try to contain the tears of emotion that threaten to come out of my eyes until a knock on the door brings me back to reality. /"Come in!/" I say loud enough so they can hear me.