17) Test Your Valor - Finland Pt. 2

Honestly, I should've taken some language classes before coming here. Not being able to speak the same language as the person driving you towards inevitable danger REALLY sucks. We don't even know where we're headed.

But down the road, a giant cathedral caught my eye and the car slowed down in front of its gates.

"I guess this is the place, huh. Freakin' huge.." I said as I stepped out the car, absolutely stunned by the height of the cathedral.

"Cellar. Device.."


"I assume she won't be escorting us down to the Valkyrie then. Understandable." Nanami pushed the gate open and walked up the steps to a massive door.

She handed me a small device resembling a tube with glass in the center of but didn't tell me what for. I'll just assume she doesn't know the words in my tongue to use. But regardless, I accepted the mysterious item. I'm sure I'll find its use soon.

"Thank you!"

I closed the backseat door gently, and ran up the steps to catch up with Nanami. The door towered over both of us, like it belonged to a giant or something. I genuinely have never seen a door so big….

"Are you ready, Furōkawa"

"Of course I am."

While Nanami lead us down to the cellar, I marveled at the sheer scale of the inside of the building. Tons of religious paintings, chandeliers, and rows of seats flooded the cathedral. Makes you wonder why this place was chosen to contain the Valkyrie. I suppose there is a weird aura about the place, but I can't feel any difference in cursed energy. Must be the lack of souls and emptiness..

We slowly took our way, step by step down the clear spiral stairs. With every move, I could feel myself getting especially more anxious, but also excited. We still had around 14 more to go down but the urge to jump down the spiral has never been greater.

"Yo Nanami."


"You think if I jump from here, I'll be okay?"

"Of course you would, it's only natural you survi—"

Before he could finish, I hopped over the stair barrier and landed on my feet easily. I looked up to see Nanami staring down at me, before releasing a frustrated sigh and continued walking down the steps, where we shortly met at the very bottom.

There was another large door blocking our way and I could definitely feel a monstrous presence beyond this passage.

"Well, here goes nothing.."

I pushed the door open slightly and a giant cloud of dust blew in our direction. We both covered our faces with our elbows as we walked in the cellar.

"Woah, this room's huge.." I said as I gazed on the absolute spectacle comparable to a gymnasium.

A figure was suspended in the air in the center of the room, silently. It's cursed energy was…confusing to say the least.

It felt low, but immense at the same time? I don't know.

"Nanami, can you determine it's level of CE? Because I'm having a lot of trouble.."

"I agree. It feels as if it's constantly fluctuating up and down."

We both approached the spirit without much urgency. The suspension is starting to eat me alive…

Next thing you know, we stood a few feet away from it, getting a full view of whatever was covering it up. I began circling the Valkyrie. It's gold armor allured me but what really stuck out was its large wings covering it up.

"So it wasn't a shield covering it, but its actual wings. It may be safe to assume they use these as a shield during combat." Nanami said as I made a full revolution back to the front.

"Probably…" I said as I touched one of the wings ever so lightly, grazing its gold plating.

The wings loudly and suddenly protruded a couple spikes on each side, scaring the shit out of me and causing me to draw my oar and backing away. I noticed Nanami did the same thing, taking out his…wrapped up cleaver?


"Be careful Furōkawa, we don't know what could set this thing off—"

"Brave warriors, would you like to test your valor?" the Valkyrie spoke from behind the wings.

"I'm so confused Nanami…"

He remained silent as the Valkyrie awaited an answer.

"WHAT DO I SAY???" I whispered loudly.

Nanami just nodded his head, which was absolutely no help at all.




"It probably only accepts direct and sure answers Furōkawa."

Whatever that means, I guess…

"Um.. yes?"

I heard the scraping sound of steel of the wings crossing each other and it's CE rose like a rocket in such a short amount of time. It flapped its wings backward to gain some distance from me, finally revealing its full body and face. Shaped like a…gorgeous, beefed up woman actually. The helmet it wore had two large eye holes and wings on the helmet, resembling somewhat of an owl. Not a thing behind those eyeholes though.


"Face me, warriors."

Nanami and I stood next to each other, each of us assuming our battle stances and getting ready to attack.

Finally, the first Valkyrie bears its fangs.