
As dawn cascaded day the apartment building Blythe resided in fluttered with life. From the hardworking people above and below to the birds chirping just outside her window. It was very lively in and around the place, just as it was the rest of the world. For her however, slumber wouldn't ease her of it's strong grasp. She dreamed of the lovely man she had met just hours before and his bewitching eyes.

A sharp sound resounded through the air, effectively cutting through the peaceful silence her apartment held like a knife. With much resistance to the disastrous sound, she firmly plucked her phone from it's position and swiped the pad of her finger against the screen. She spoke with a harsh tone, "What?"

"Good-morning to you too Blythe. Who pissed in your cereal?" greeted Noah, a friend she had met several months ago over a cup of coffee at her favorite spot.

She was hoping to distract herself from the burden of living with solitude, yet in his zeal for company he placed himself in the chair across from her own with a large grin. "You look like you could use another cup of coffee, no?" She recalled halfheartedly shrugging at the offer, and yet allowed him to purchase another cup of the creamy goodness anyway.

"That would be you Noah, you and only you who decides to call me at this ungodly hour."

He chuckled cheerfully at her response, and she allowed her grimace to soften at the sound, "You consider a quarter till one ungodly?"

"Only when I have gotten a quarter to no sleep at all," she retorted with a snort as she sat up.

After Leo plunged from her balcony like a mad man, she couldn't settle her mind enough to fall asleep. Tossing and turning trapped in the sheets, not even a blink of sleep arrived until eleven o'clock. Not once did she regret the chance encounter of meeting Leo though, in fact if she could do it once more it would have gone differently.

"Sounds like you could use some more sleep and or, a warm cup of your favorite coffee," he suggested with genuine concern laced in his tone, "— which is perfect, because I'm almost at your building with the latter. I'll be up in 5."

"You must be heaven sent."

"Only for you dear, only for you." he spoke with an earnest tone before chuckling, "Although it did hurt like hell getting down here..."

"I appreciate you so much Noah." she paused, taking a moment to thank god himself for the incredible man she had met just two weeks ago.

"Just as I do you Blythe."

After the call ended, she allowed herself the privilege of waiting a few seconds before springing into action. Covering herself with the plush robe that hung in the bathroom, she continued throughout her home as she opened all of the blinds.

The apartment was undoubtably smaller than most, but as soon as she set a foot within it's space she knew it would be just right for her. The interior was way cozier than one would expect, especially after it was furnished accordingly.

Now she had felt as if she had lived there longer than just a few months.

Before she could think more on the matter, her doorbell rang signaling the awaited arrival of her only friend. Rushing to answer the door, she skillfully pulled the locks and opened the barrier between the two.

There stood Noah, who smiled ear to ear, dressed casually as he too did not have to attend work today.

"I was notified of a lovely woman in dire need of some caffeine," he spoke playfully, stepping into her apartment and placing two cups onto the kitchen counter, "—would that be you ma'am?"

Not even a second later she pounced on the man in greeting; hearing his laughter fill the silence as he returned the hug tightly, "Hello to you too Blythe."

"I missed you so much," she declared as she crossed her arms, "the last time I've seen or heard from you was almost a week ago! What has been keeping you?"

"Work. I've recently been seeking to tie some loose ends," he simply stated as he handed her one of the two cups. She accepted it with a thankful nod, and motioned over at the couch for the two to sit.

"Ah, it must be very demanding," she commented with concern, allowing herself to truly enjoy the drink her hands held as she took a slow sip.

The conversation had begun to make her think of the mysterious man known as Leo, and she suppressed a sigh as she awaited Noah's response.

"At times yes, but the hard work pays off." he mentioned in order to dissuade her worry, "I enjoy what I do. I promise you the only downfall of this line is the amount of time I'm required to give up."

"Remind me of what your job is again?" she requested as she met his friendly gaze, "I can't seem to remember what it is."

"I'm considered the representative of the company," he offered to her, hoping it rang any bells in her mind. He observed her distant expression briefly before taking a short sip of his coffee. The woman before him hadn't even mumbled a response to his question.

Only a blank stare.

"Blythe? Is everything alright?"

At this she snapped out of her trance and refocused her now unwavering gaze on the man before her, "Hu- Who me? I'm peachy."

"Is something keeping you? You're here but your mind is somewhere else." he stated, a flicker of desire to know what may be going through her head beginning to form in the back of his mind. Usually, she was intent on listening and getting to know him. What changed?

"As terrible as it may sound," she began as she placed her cup on the coffee table, "last night I met a mysterious man."

"What was mysterious about the man?"

"My description wouldn't give him the justice he truly deserves. Partially because I don't even know what he looks like and he kind of just-randomly jumped on my balcony."

Noah tilted his head to one side as his eyes narrowed into slits, "So basically you're telling me you're mulling over a faceless stranger who miraculously appeared on your balcony?"

Blythe only nodded; a response in which Noah found appropriate to continue, "And I'm going to assume Dion doesn't know about this?"

After confirming his assumption with another nod, Blythe confided in him about yesterday's events. He intently listened to her words, and nodded occasionally without asking any questions; in contrast to his mind that fiercely exploded with them, achingly protective over his companion.

He found the courage to ask one after darting his tongue over his lips, "Do you feel safe here?"

"Are you asking me if I was scared when he came onto the balcony?" he responded with a curt nod to which she replied with, "Yes, at first. . . but once our eyes met I wasn't. I felt very safe, as if no harm would ever come to me in his presence."

That's all he needed to hear apparently eluded by his speed of action, "Would you mind if I made a few calls?"

She shook her head 'no', in which he promptly stepped out onto the balcony while lifting his phone to his ear. Blythe allowed herself another sip of coffee while she watched his mouth move from her position on the couch.

He seemed very affected by the incident.

After rustling his hair and yelling something to whoever was on the phone, he hung up and returned from the balcony taking deep breaths. Blythe watched the entire ordeal with her brows pinched.

"You know something. . . don't you, Noah?" she asked, her tone offering no room for denial. She could tell he was keeping something from her by his behavior, not only was it odd, but this was the first time she had seen him stressed. Even when they had talked about uncomfortable topics he usually was way calmer and direct with his thoughts and actions.

"I do, but I can't say. Not yet."

"What can you say then? Don't shut me out."

"You're right, I'm sorry Blythe. That's Dion's job," he remarked with a smirk, hardly withholding the chuckle that threatened to escape his lips.

Blythe rolled her eyes and laughed lightheartedly as he sank onto the space beside her on the couch. She set her cup of coffee down and turned her body in his direction. Noah only took a prolonged sip of his cup, searching for the right words to say with a sigh.

"I- I think it's best if Dion stayed here with you for a while. At least until we figure out who jumped on your balcony."

Blythe laughed even louder than she had before and slapped her knee, "That's a knee-slapper."

Noah chuckled nervously, "I wasn't kidding Blythe. I'm really worried about your safety. You are seriously suggesting you aren't scared of the man who jumped onto your balcony?

"Scared? I thought I made it clear he wasn't a threat. The only thing I'm worried about is why he hasn't joined the Olympics considering how high he jumped. I'd bet some money on that man," she joked, relaxing further into her seat.

"I'm serious Blythe. I will call him myself if I have to. I don't wanna have to worry about some Olympian hurdling onto your balcony whenever he pleases."

At this Blythe inwardly rolled her eyes.

"I appreciate the concern 'dad', but I'm a grown ass woman. I can handle myself with or without Dion thank you kindly. And besides, I prefer living alone anyway."

"You mean, you prefer living without Dion?"

"Ye- I mean, no. I'm just-"

"Used to it. Just like you're used to the routine you two have fallen into. Not talking for days waiting for him to text or call you back. Then when he does call, he talks about himself and how his life is going with or without you. Even better, not even caring to ask about yours."

Blythe sighed heavily as she cradled her head in her hands, "He does care. He just-"

"Doesn't show it? I bet he does. He cares so much that he doesn't even bother to prove it anymore. How sweet."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck Dion."

They both laughed but Blythe knew Noah was right.

She knew she had been holding on to Dion for far too long, yet she couldn't find it in her to let him go.

Especially when every time she tried he had a rebuttal or a way of making her feel guilty for even feeling such a way. How could she give up on him after all they've been through? How dare she feel ignored and neglected? After all, he had apparently loved her.

In his own way.

Maybe not even at all.

She began to feel alone once more.

If he loved her he wasn't loving her the right way, at least not the way she wished to be loved.

The way she deserved to be loved.

"Earth to Blythe. You there space cadet?"

"In the flesh," she mused, but her heart had already sunken into her chest.

"What if I stayed with you instead?"

Her eyes widened briefly in surprise before a small smile graced her lips, "You're kidding. Where would you sleep?"

"Where else? The couch."

"When your back starts sounding like pop rocks don't come crying to me," she giggled, shrugging her shoulders and continuing, "but okay. Are you sure you aren't being too dramatic?"


She felt her stomach rumble and made her way into the kitchen, Noah lazily following behind her as she questioned him once more, "how long do you plan on staying then?"

He crossed his arms, his expression was stern.

"Until I know for certain he won't come back."

She paused for a moment, "Who said I didn't want him to come back?"

"You don't know what you're messing with, Blythe. You play with fire you'll get burned."

Slamming the fridge shut she turned to meet Noah's gaze, a fire beginning to kindle within her heart, "Let it burn then."