
Absorbed in the thoughts that endlessly plagued my mind I hadn't even realized I had managed to slip through the cracks of reality. Free falling deeper and deeper into the blackest depths of my mind with nothing to catch me and nobody to stop me. Although I forced myself to believe I had grown closer to the truth in hopes to find an ounce of comfort in my unavoidable circumstance, I inwardly knew the longer I stayed the more I'd have to learn. The string tying me to whatever awaited strengthened each and every passing moment.

I could feel it inching me closer and closer toward whatever fate had in store.

A bell tinkled, signaling the opening of a door somewhere nearby. I was allowed to regain consciousness when my mind recognized such sound. My once idle gaze now searched for where it could've come from. I also failed to take notice that I was no longer encased in the hordes of people that celebrated their creator, and was now in the center of the roads I previously admired from afar.

Few people frequented the desolate street. The streetlamps along the sidewalk projected yellow circles of light that illuminated the cracked and heavily traveled path of pedestrians. I watched as the traffic light at the end of the road switched from yellow to red; telling anyone continuing their journey on foot they may now pass. The fading lines belonging to the crosswalk wouldn't be greeted with any movement however. Any of the cars I could see were void of life, collecting dust as they sat vacant adjacent to the curb. Fall's wind gently carried a few stray leaves above the ground and pushed them to explore. I turned around and let my head fall backward as I viewed the height of the buildings all around me, some of them nearly touching the clouds that protected the moon from sight.

The storefronts of the obvious businesses located on this street were devoid of any displays, and I knew it was because everyone was too busy enjoying the festival's activities. All except for a café at the end of the road with a bell that was conveniently placed at the top of it's entrance. It was then, I figured that this must've been where the sound had come from. The large windows of the shop permitted anyone to see what occurred from within, and I could vaguely make out a small group of people speaking to the person behind the counter. I also observed what I believed was a mother kiss the head of her son before he entered the space alone, so I figured it couldn't hurt to pay the shop a visit.

I leisurely made my way over, and as I got closer the nostalgic smell of baked treats began to waft into my nose. I felt my stomach rumble, and my slow pace increased subtly as saliva began to build in my mouth at the prospect of a warm pastry. I couldn't control the content sigh that escaped my lips upon entering the warm café; each breath I took filled my senses more and more with mouthwatering aromas. The bell clanked against the door signaling my arrival, yet thankfully I didn't notice anyone paying me any mind as I made my way to the counter.

"Welcome in," offered the woman behind the counter with a hesitant smile.

I glanced around the small, yet cozy café. There were fairy lights strung along the crease of the wall and the ceiling, wrapping around the mocha walls and creating a dull glow. There were a decent amount of tables and booths, yet there was only a group of women and a fairly young boy occupying any space. The display case that I assumed would normally be full of freshly baked treats and pastries was empty.

They probably closed soon.

Continuing forward I shot a friendly look to the cashier before acknowledging the wide menu positioned above the counter. It contained a variety of baked goods and coffee that I was already familiar with, and this made me feel just a bit more at ease as I weighed out the options that sounded the most appetizing to me.

"Anything catching your eye?" she questioned with a light and patient tone as she watched me gaze at the menu. At this I allowed myself a few short moments to decide before tearing my gaze from the screen and returning it to the short woman awaiting my answer behind the register.

"I think I'll just take an apple cinnamon muffin, if you happen to have any left," I said with an empathetic expression coating my features as I flickered my gaze to the empty case. I knew what it was like when you were about to close down shop for the night and a few stray customers trickle in. I wasn't about to make her job anymore difficult than it already was, especially after I looked in her eyes and could see the gray bags of exhaustion threatening to darken around her blue orbs.

"Apparently it's your lucky day! I placed a fresh batch in the oven half an hour ago. They should be coming out any moment now," she admitted and I shot her a thankful smile as I awaited the price of said muffin. She clicked a few buttons on the screen of the cash register ahead of her before speaking once more.

"Your total is three dollars even."

In that exact moment I finally escaped the hunger induced stupor that made me forget that I wasn't down the street back at home. Instead here I was alone, more importantly broke, in a cove of supernatural beings trying to order a muffin I couldn't even afford. I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment as I shoved my hands in my pockets to appear as if I was searching for whatever currency allowed me to pay.

Luckily the universe heard my silent prayer and guided me to find two dollars in my left pocket. Two whole dollars out of the three that I would need to satisfy my needy stomach that growled at the prospect of a freshly made muffin. I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment and let out a frustrated sigh as I gripped the lack of money in my pocket. Once again, I was out of place.

"Actually never mind. Maybe another day," I spoke in a low voice, attempting to hide the defeat my mind threatened to succumb to deep inside of me. I stepped to the side as to not block the counter from anyone who could pay for their order.I couldn't believe I had been so stupid as to even order without checking to see if I even had any money with me. I was so happy to see a familiar establishment that I forgot I didn't have my wallet, phone, or any of my personal belongings at all. In theory, I only had myself and the clothes on my back in this twisted society.

I knew I couldn't stay here for much longer.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. A desperate human."

So consumed in my thoughts I didn't notice the heavy sound of multiple footsteps approaching rather quickly. Along with them came the sound of exaggerated snickering and attempts to whisper amongst themselves. I could only assume it was the group of girls that chatted loudly in the comfort of a booth adjacent to the window. Instead of minding their business as they had before, I could hear as they flocked behind me like a swarm of gnats. I knew I wasn't going to be able to ignore them, or reach the exit without some sort of confrontation. I tried to weigh out my options briefly as my eyes flickered around the open space of the café that I could see from my perspective, but then I heard a shrill voice begin to speak.

"Are you gonna turn the fuck around or just stand near the counter? You know you can't pay."

At this I found myself uncontrollably spinning myself around to face the speaker as another round of shits and giggles began to fill the quiet café I once believed to be a peaceful.

Upon facing the group I couldn't help but notice that each and every one of them appeared to be fairly strong. From their toned arms and legs to their strong jaws. Out of the five tall women that came to surround me I could recognize the woman in the center as the one who rudely interjected herself in my business just by the look in her eyes. She was the only one who looked to be anyone of any importance to speak to. The rest of them appeared to be members of her posy of starved pussy cats. Each of them attempted to bring attention to themselves with their more than revealing outfits and heavy coats of make up that damn near slid off their faces. However, the one in the middle had a rather simple look that I could gauge wasn't usual for her. The hair that framed her face was straightened, but anyone of color would know that she, just like the rest of us, had some type of textured hair. And just like her, the women accompanying her attempted to tame their wild hair with a straightener. Even so I could see the sweat forming on each of their big ass foreheads, threatening to ruin their hard work. Or attempt at such. Each one of them looked like a fucking joke if you asked me.

As I studied the group I found them staring right back at me with wide eyes and half opened mouths, well actually, ogling the streak that I'm sure screamed 'here i am' in the middle of my forehead. I was unable to suppress the sigh that escaped from my lips at the realization. Once again I had garnered unwanted attention, but just my luck it had to be from the gross sisters. I didn't half a fuck to give to any of them, and I knew this encounter would be nothing but hostile.

Here we go.

"What the fuck are y'all looking at? I asked with the harshest tone I could muster, my eyes in slits as I awaited a response. A couple of them chuckled and others were visibly shocked, yet the woman in the center remained unfazed and instead took to a 'menacing' sneer.

"Says the bitch with half a streak on her forehead. I mean just look at you. You look starving honey. A weaker alpha must've claimed you huh? Not strong enough to leave a real mark. Pathetic," she said as she curled her the bit of lips she had.

I couldn't help but laugh at her as I posed a question toward the cluster of women ahead of me. Might as well play along and get some answers.

"What the hell is that even supposed to mean?"

"It means, he either didn't have enough time to claim you.. or he just didn't care," a voice from beside me spoke, and the rest of the group began to laugh even harder than they had before.

"I wouldn't care either, just look at her."

"Whatever Alpha it is, I feel sorry for em'."

"I would too, she looks poor."

"She IS poor."

Their jabs meant nothing to me in the slightest, and I found it rather easy to drown out the sounds of their corny ass giggling. All I could focus on was the idea that whoever left the streak on my forehead, in an unknown way, claimed me. I was in utter disbelief at the thought, and I felt anger begin to slowly stir inside of me. I didn't belong to anyone. I wasn't anyone's property. I was going to be sure to make that clear to him when I seen him. Well, whoever it was.

"Enough about the human," she shouted with obvious distaste as she tossed a glare in my direction, "The elders announced that the mate of the first lycan will be discovered tonight. And as y'all know, I'm finally of age to attend the ball."

"Have you seen him? The king?"

"I spotted him leaving the cove just a few days ago. I was able to speak to him just before he left. He's so handsome," she responded in a dream like state. The women around her coo'ed and awed as she continued the story, but I found myself losing interest. As if I had any before. I couldn't pick any of their voices apart, each one of them high in pitch and low in intelligence.

They had the attention span of gold fish.

I rolled my eyes and brushed past the set of make up brushes as I sought out the exit. At this point I just wanted to go home, but I didn't even know how I would find the way out. Every pillar of comfort I previously established in the cove seemed to crumble down around me with every step I made toward the entrance of the café. It seemed like no matter where I went, I didn't belong. Each path I took was just another emotional roller coaster that would lead me to the next amusement park.

A small, warm hand gripped my own just before I could open the door. I glanced toward the face it belonged to, expecting it to be one of the miserable women from before wanting to voice another 'kind' remark before I disappeared into the night. Instead, it was the boy I seen receiving a kiss from his mother just moments before I arrived. A wide grin graced his small features, and I couldn't help my own lips from mirroring his own.

He was adorable. Kinky coils of hair shielded one of his hazel eyes from view and he swiped at it twice before effectively removing it from his face. He had chubby cheeks and a small button nose that I found myself itching to pinch. He was no more than half my height, but he held his head high and had his shoulders squared as if ready for anything that came his way.

"Wait," he uttered in a shy tone, slightly blushing as he let go of my hand to reach in his pocket. I watched as he retrieved what he was looking for, a single dollar, that he then offered to me with proud eyes, "here!"

"Thank you, but I want you to have it," I said with a soft voice as I attempted to push it back toward the pocket he plucked it from. However, the boy did not back down and instead resteadied the arm that faltered at my touch.

"I want you to have it," he responded with sheer confidence as he wiggled the stray dollar. I was at a loss of words momentarily, and he took that as a sign to shove the dollar in the same pocket I found two dollars in upon my search for a method of payment. Had he watched the entire encounter?

"Plus, I love their muffins. With my dollar you'll have enough to get one, and if it makes you feel better you can give a piece to me."

His tone held no room for argument, and I wasn't able to gather enough strength to tell him 'no'. I searched for the right words to say as I tried to think of ways to discourage him, but he pulled me out of the grey clouds of thought in my mind and back toward the counter with the same hand that gripped mine to halt me just seconds before.

He maneuvered around the chattering group of women and came to a stop right in front of the cashier. I stood beside him, finding strength in hands as the woman who had previously appeared disheartened at my retreating figure now smiled brightly at the both of us.

"One apple cinnamon muffin please!"

I felt a piece of my heart melt as he ordered for me, and the both of us watched as she clicked a few buttons on the register before she replied cheerfully,

"That'll be three dollars Enzo, did you want caramel drizzle on this one too?"

"Yes please," he nearly squealed from excitement.

I shuffled the dollars in my pocket to make it easier to grab before handing them to her. She nodded her head at the both of us dutifully before completing the transaction and walking into the kitchen behind her.

"Just a moment you two."

"You have to be beyond desperate to finesse a dollar from a poor little boy."

"How pitiful."

"What a disgrace."

I overheard the snide comments being made from the group behind us as the sound of their footsteps retreated. I found myself unknowingly clenching the warmth of Enzo's hand in mild irritation, then spared a look in his direction. His once confident smile, faltered. I nearly turned around to face the group of hyenas at the sight of his displeasure, but was stopped by the grip of his hand that too, tightly clenched my own. Little did the both of us know, we provided another with unspoken support. Strengthening the other without the need of any words.

The clank of the bell against the door signaled their departure.

"They're not worth it," he suddenly spoke, slicing through the silence as he reassured me.

"They'll never be," I agreed, avoiding my own inner turn oil as I met his hazel eyes. They held emotion behind them that I hoped to learn of in the future, but for now I decided to give him my warmest smile. At the sight of my own, he didn't hesitate to allow one to greet his lips once more. This provided me with reassurance that he was okay, and that I would be too.

As if right on time she returned with not only one muffin, but two. My eyes widened in surprise, and I realized that the boy and the woman were definitely familiar with another. He must've been a regular at this café. I glanced at him to heed his reaction and he wasn't surprised, but seemed to instead be thankful that she brought more than one. His smile broadened at the sight of her reaching over the display case to hand each of us our treat with a napkin. We both thanked her.

"You continue to make me proud Enzo," and due to the pleased expression on her face I could tell she meant every word she said. I'm sure she was referring to the good deed he did for me, and although I hadn't known this boy at all, I found myself being proud of him too. All three of us grinned at another, positivity beaming between us.

"Thank you Sarah!" he said joyously as he gripped my hand once more; steering me in the direction of the booth in the corner he occupied earlier. As soon as he let my hand go, I allowed myself to get comfortable in the cushioned seat I now relaxed in. He sat across from me, next to the water and crumbs of the muffin he must've eaten earlier.

"Thank you, Enzo."

"You're welcome…"

"Blythe," I told him, filling in the blanks for him.

"Blythe," he tested how it sounded on his tongue before biting into his muffin and responding with a mouth full, "Mmm. I like your name."

"Thank you," I said with another smile, glad to have made a tiny new friend.

I bit into my muffin and contained a moan. Not only was it moist and delicious, but the apples inside of the muffin retained their crunch. It was worth every second of verbal assault I endured before receiving it. With each bite I nearly forgot any of it even happened. Tearing a piece off of the side opposite to the one I had been eating from, I settled it on the napkin next to Enzo, who had nearly finished his own muffin.

"I believe that was the deal right?" I teased.

"Why yes, yes it was," he played along, picking up the piece I placed on his napkin and studying it as if to discern if it was a worthy bargain. Then he took a playfully hesitant bite and chewed briefly before continuing, "our deal is sealed."

This earned a laugh from the both of us as we enjoyed the rest of our pastries. When he finished his, he cleaned up the bits that fell onto the table and balled them up in a napkin. Then, he reached for his water and took a few sips before gazing at me with curious eyes. I awaited what he may ask.

"Do you know what that streak on your forehead means?"