Through their stay at the event, Deloise was on her toes, scanning through the area in search of any familiar face as she greeted others. On the other hand, Daniel was present and kept his eyes focused on the entrance.

Despite his warning against their showing up, he got a text stating they were on their way - that was an hour ago. He was beginning to worry when they weren't forthcoming or picking his calls.

Just when he decided to leave the event, he got a text stating they got a hiccup with their car and are back on their way to the said event. He breathed out a sigh of relief, glad it was the car and not her.

Meanwhile, Anna got wind of the party and for some reason decided to show up. Dressed in a tight black corset gown, she maneuvered her way into the event in search of her target.

"I'm so sorry!" She bumped into a guy,

"What's got a hot thing so distracted?" A smug voice said, eating her look with a starved expression.