Truth Serum- part 1: "The bloodshot“

At Moonlight cafe, behind the iPad screen in Taylor's hand appeared the image of Arthur. Victor suddenly showed a clear indignation on his face, his forehead wrinkled, his bloodshot eyes stared at Arthur.

"The guy that you are seeing on the screen is Mr. Arthur Excepicon- our boss and the director of Minh Vu Institute of Archeology, as well. Now he is sitting in the office at the Institute and watching what is happening here through iPad. You should feel lucky to meet our boss."- Taylor said.

The furniture on Arthur's desk was neatly arranged. With poise and composure, he said:

"Hi there. We meet again. I'm so sorry to know that you had a bad day. But you look pretty calm after what my guys did to you. Are you always like this or are there some factors?”