The conversation- part 1

Linh looked at the phone on the table and said:

“Wait a minute. I need to text Michael to thank him. Thanks to him, I was able to wake up.”

“Can you be more specific? I do not really understand."

"It's that thing."- Linh glanced at the used syringe placed on the table.

Danny looked at the syringe, picked it up and said:

“So what helped her to regain consciousness was that medicine… Michael did a great job. Everything is his plan to expose Arthur's crimes. He is such a brilliant strategist.”

Linh just smiled and pursed her lips while typing on the phone keyboard. After sending a message to Michael, she turned to Danny with a smile on her face, saying:

“He told me that he needed to save the lives of the patients here beside me, so he was forced to give me a dose of consciousness again in the next 24 hours before showing his face to IH. He wants me to be the one to finish it off without harming anyone in this hospital."