Full moon

Y/n's pov:

You could feel the full moon. You were stressed and your emotions had gone crazy. At work, someone had lost an important ground plan. It was your job to find it and you were pissed as fuck. When Alex visited you calmed down a little, but then another idiot spilled coffee on a document and you just yelled at him. Normally you were chill about stuff like that, but not when it's a full moon. After work, you went to grab some food for yourself and Elenor. You did this almost every Monday and Wednesday since you lived with her. Still, in a bad mood, you opened the door to your home.

"I'm back." You called out.

Elenor hopped down the stairs. She looked lovely in her blue dress while her hair fell on her shoulders. The smile on her face faded when she saw yours.

"Is everything alright?" She asked in a concerned voice.

"I don't want to talk about it." You replied.

"Are you sure? You look a little stressed." She told you.

"Can we just eat, please?" You replied.

"Sure." She said with a quiet voice.

You had to admit your words were a little harsh and you felt bad about it. Elenor didn't deserve such treatment. She didn't do anything but still, you didn't apologize and ate your food in silence. The feeling of stress and anger was still present. You felt Elenor's gaze on you, but when you looked up from your plate, she looked away. She did it again, but you just ate your food. After both of you were finished you helped her to do the dishes.

Elenor's pov:

Elenor glanced at Y/n every other second while doing the dishes. The stress was written all over the Werewolf girl's face.

"Something is bothering her and I want to help, but how? She won't talk to me and I can't force her to tell me." She thought.

"If you want to talk about whatever it is that is bothering you, I'm here. You can tell me anything. I won't judge you, okay? Elenor told her wife. "Sometimes it helps to talk, you know?"

Y/n looked at her and nodded. Elenor gave her a sweet smile but on Y/n's face was still this plane expression. Like she tried to hide her emotions behind a mask.

"I think I just want to be alone. If that is okay?" Y/n explained.

"If that is your wish," Elenor replied sadly.

She hoped that Y/n would talk with her. The bond they created was still fresh but Elenor trusted the Werewolf girl. Y/n on the other hand was still struggling with trusting the Vampire girl. She was an introverted person and Elenor knew it would take time for her to open up and feel safe. Elenor watched her leave the kitchen. She grabbed a book from the bookshelf in the living room and planted herself on the couch as she was in deep thought.

"Maybe that is how she deals with stuff like that, but I have to make clear that she can trust me." She mumbled to herself, as she opened the book and started to read.

Y/n's pov:

You made your way to your room. Deep in your heart, you knew she only wanted to help but you still couldn't open up to her. It was hard for you to talk about things that included emotions and your anxiety told you that Elenor would judge you so you keep your problems to yourself. Elenor's footsteps were audible as you reached the top of the stairs

"She will go to the living room and read." You thought.

After the short time you two have spent together, you know already a big amount about her habits. One was late-night reading. Another one was humming while doing chores or gardening work and she also cracked her knuckles a lot. There were a few more, but you were too deflected. Your mind was still full of work stuff.

"Well, let's play some video games. Maybe that will help to get my mind off these things." You told yourself.

It was very late when you decided to stop playing and get some sleep. You turned off your PS5 and made yourself comfortable in your bed. Your mind was clear. No more work stuff ghosted around, but the sleep wouldn't come. After an hour of tossing and turning, you decided to go for a short car ride. That always helped. You were sneaking down the stairs and grabbed your keys. As you reached for your coat, you heard footsteps behind you.

"You are going out? At this time?" You heard Elenor say.

"Just a short car ride. I couldn't sleep." You explained to her.

"The full moon?" She asked.

You nodded, as you turned to face her. She looked cute. Her hair was a mess and her eyes looked puffy from sleeping. She must've felt asleep in the living room while reading and you had woken her up.

"Do you want some company?" She asked you and smiled innocently.

You couldn't say no to that smile. Without a word, you handed her a coat. She took it and put it on. A shy smile was on her face as she followed you outside. The sky was clear and the moon illuminated your path.

"Can I drive?" She asked mid-way to the car.

You chuckled and handed her the keys. It was amazing how she could make you feel better with just a few cute questions. You ignored the butterflies in your belly and opened the car door for her.

"But be careful. The car is very important to me, okay?" You told her with a serious tone.

It wasn't a lie. You loved that car way too much. For you, it was a piece of freedom and joy. Many, many times you escaped reality with this car. When you were upset or couldn't sleep you used to go for a car ride. It helped clear your mind but this time it was Elenor that helped you forget about everything else. The way she smiled at you made your heart jump.

"I will be careful. I know how much it means to you." She said while placing herself in the driver's seat.

Elenor's pov:

"OMG, She let me drive her car. That must mean something. Does she trust me finally?" Elenor asked herself.

She started the car and waited for Y/n to fasten her seatbelt. The headlight illuminated the street in front of the car while she drove past the corn fields. She wasn't sure where to go, so she chose to drive to the city. Elenor side-eyed Y/n after a while. It seemed that the Werewolf girl was deep in thought.

"Do you want to go for a walk in the park? Elenor asked.

"Sure, why not?" Y/n replied.

Elenor parked the car near her favorite park and got out quickly. She made a few steps toward the park and Y/n joined her.

"I love this park. It's my favorite. The flowers are usually really pretty." She told Y/n while handing her the car keys back.

Elenor started to hop up and down like an excited bunny. It made Y/n smile a little and that was all the Vampire girl wanted.

Y/n's pov:

You chuckled at her excitement. She looked so cute.

"How cute she is?" You thought but you were too shy to tell her.

She started to walk beside you. The two of you reached the park. You gave her a quick look but she was occupied by the flowers. The way her face got illuminated by the moon was perfect.

"Wow, she is so pretty." You thought.

She told you a story about her childhood, while you walked together through the park, but you were too distracted by her face to listen properly.

"Do you even pay attention?" Elenor asked you while looking at you.

"What?" You snapped out of your stare and blushed.

She just caught you staring and smiled

"Nothing," Elenor said and chuckled. "Is my face so interesting you can't even listen to me?" She added while having a smirk on her face.

She was mocking you. You wanted to reply something when you heard the bush behind Elenor rustle. Suddenly a dark figure creeped out of the shadow. You looked confused in the creature's direction. Not sure what to do you just stared at it. Elenor gave you a questioning look. She didn't seem to witness anything. The figure crept closer. You realized that it wanted to grab Elenor with its claws, but you were faster, thanks to your Werewolf genes. Elenor let out a surprised gasp, as you pulled her away from the creature. It must hit her because she hissed in pain.

"What the fuck?" You said.

The thing let out an awful noise. You held your ears closed as the awful noise hurt them. Elenor was still between you and that thing. Quickly, you pull her behind you. Something told you that thing wanted to kill her. Your first instinct was to protect your wife at all costs.

"Stay behind me!" You told her.

You could feel her cling to your arm. The thing made itself ready to attack and let out another nasty sound. This time you were prepared. You fixed your stance and made yourself ready to turn into your wolf form at any time. Your eyes were glowing in a silver shine. The growl you let out was deep and threatening. The hair on your neck stood up and your senses became stronger. Elenor was still behind you. You could feel her fear. You let out another growl but this time it sounded more like a wolf than before. The thing looked at you scared and disappeared into the bushes. Your eyes turned normal, but you were still ready to fight if it will come back. Elenor was shaking behind you, as you turned around. Her face was paler than usual and her whole body tensed.

"Are You alright?" You asked.

The concern in your voice was audible as the Vampire girl's eyes started to water.

"Yes, I think so." She replied with a shaky voice.

"Let me see your back." You demanded.

She turned around and you checked if she was injured. She had a few scratches on her back. They bled but were not deep. Her coat on the other hand was ripped apart. You took it off her and wrapped her in yours. Her hands were shaking as you grabbed them to help her calm down.

"What was that thing?" You asked.

Elenor's pov:

"I don't know." She told Y/n while looking scared into the bushes.

Her back hurt a little and she could feel blood dripping down her spine.

"Let's go back home," Y/n told her and dragged her towards the car.

If Elenor wouldn't be so scared she would have enjoyed holding hands with Y/n. They walked quickly as Y/n was looking around awaiting another attack from every shadow. Elenor opened the car door and got in. Y/n started the engine and drove back to their home. Every now and then she side-eyed Elenor to make sure the vampire girl was okay. Elenor could feel the glances. She cuddled herself into Y/n's coat to feel safer. It smelled like the perfume Y/n used. One of Elenor's favorite smells since a few days. They arrived at their home and walked fast to the door. Y/n closed and locked it.

"Well, we should clean those scratches on your back. Who knows how many bacterias that thing had on its claws." Y/n said.

Elenor nodded.

"Let me change my clothes first." She said.

"Alright, I wait in your bathroom then," Y/n said with a concerned tone.

"Does she worry about me?" Elenor thought to herself. "Well, she protected me earlier. She must like me just a little maybe." She smiled at that thought.

Elenor walked up the stairs to her room, still deeply thinking about the attack. Of course, she was still a little scared, but Y/n behavior toward her made her smile a little. Y/n followed her but got to the bathroom instead. Elenor quickly changed into a black shirt and sweatpants. Her dress had three large gaps. She sighed and threw it into the trash bin.

"I know now, that I like her a lot. I don't want anything to happen to her ever. She is just so sweet and caring. It took me a while to understand that but now I know how she shows her emotions. Maybe I love her, but I'm not sure." She thought.

Y/n's pov:

You dig around in her bathroom cabinet and found a first aid kit. There were a lot of bandages, but unfortunately, there was nothing to disinfect the wound. Elenor came into the bathroom. She looked a little derailed.

"Sit down. I have to get something else." You told her.

She just nodded and placed herself on the toilet seat. You ran down the stairs to the salon and grabbed the first best whisky bottle. You ran back upstairs to Elenor. She was waiting patiently.

"There was nothing to disinfect the wound, so I thought some whisky will do the trick as well." You explained and handed her the bottle.

She opened it and sniffed at the bottle. A disgusted look was on her face as she raised one eyebrow and placed it on the bathroom cabinet.

"Well, let's get to it. Can you roll up your shirt for me, please?" You asked her in a soft voice.

"Sure." She answered and rolled up her shirt.

You took a look at the wounds. They were not deep, but one of them was long and they were still bleeding a little.

"They are not deep. You were lucky." You told her.

"If you didn't pull me away, I wouldn't be so lucky." She said quietly.

You chuckled and grabbed a cloth.

"Can you hand me the Whisky?" You asked.

She handed you the alcohol. You put some on the cloth.

"This will hurt. Are you ready?" You said.

She took the whisky out of your hand and drank a mouthful. That was a surprise. You never saw her drink alcohol except for wine.

"Yes, now I'm ready." She told you.

She closed her eyes, awaiting the pain. A soft look was on your face as you started to clean the dirt and dry blood off the wounds. She let out a hiss.

"I'm sorry." You said softly.

"It's okay. You saved my life." Elenor responded behind gritted teeth.

You were finished with cleaning and put a bandage on the scratches. After that, you gently pulled her shirt back down.

"There you go. Good as new." You told her with a smile.

She turned around to face you. Her face was paler than usual. You looked at her still smiling, because you want her to feel safe again. She swallowed hard and pulled you in a tight hug.

"Thank you for protecting me earlier." She said.

You could hear that she was crying now.

"Anytime." You told her and wrapped your arms around her.

"Can I sleep in your room for the night? I'm so scared." She asked you quietly.

"Of course." You told her with a soft voice.

You stood there for a few minutes. She sniffed and pulled back. You could see tears running down her beautiful face and it hurt you to see her like this. You wanted her smile back.

"Hey, don't cry, please. Where is that beautiful smile of yours?" You said while brushing the tears away from her face.

She chuckled a little. To see her smile again made you happy.

"Ah, there it is. Come on let's go to bed." You said and took her hand in yours.

Elenor was blushing hard, but you didn't seem to notice. You arrived in your room and put some LED lights on. The light illuminated your room but was not too bright to interrupt your sleep. You figured Elenor would feel less scared because of the soft glow of the lights.

"Well, I need to change. Can you turn around, please?" You asked her.

She looked at you with wide eyes and blushed.

"S-s-s-sure." She stuttered and turned around.

You changed quickly into a loose shirt and some short sweatpants, that you used as your pajamas. After that, you climbed into your bed.

"It's okay. You can turn around." You told her.

She did as she was told and crawled under the duvet. She took it all over her body. You could only see her nose and eyes. You looked at her and laughed.

"What is so funny?" She mumbled under the duvet.

"Nothing. You just look cute that's all." You told her.

You could see the bright red shade creeping up her face.

"Stop it." She said.

You couldn't see her mouth but you assume she pouted.

"Adorable." You whispered.

"I said stop it. You make me blush." Elenor said while covering her whole face with the duvet.

"Okay, I'll stop. Not because I want to. Just because I'm tired." You replied.

Her face came out under the duvet again, still bright red. She was pouting. You tried not to laugh, but you failed. She smacked your arm a little.

"I'll stop." You said while you still giggled.

You lay down beside her facing the ceiling.

"Good night." You heard her whisper.

"Good night." You replied.

After a while, you heard her say: "Y/n? Can we cuddle, please? I'm still scared."

Her voice was barely audible. Without a word, you turned to face her and wrapped an arm around her waist. She grabbed the fabric of your shirt and pulled you closer. You could feel her soft breath on your neck. It was cold like her body, but you didn't mind. You just wanted to sleep. The butterflies in your belly had a party while you drifted off to sleep.

Elenor's pov:

She could feel Y/n's heartbeat. It was strong but relaxed. The smell of Y/n's perfume filled Elenor's nose and the Vampire girl started to feel safe in the warm embrace of her wife.

"She is so warm." She thought.

The warmth of Y/n's body and her steady breaths lulled Elenor into a deep slumber.