Hanging out with friends

Alex's pov:

It was Saturday, so she didn't have to go to work. Robin on the other hand must have already left because her side of the bed was empty. Too tired to even move she thought about the library.

"I wish we had found something. Maybe it would've made Y/n feel better." Alex thought.

She lay there for another few minutes and got up afterward. The clock on her nightstand showed that it was already past ten. After a long and hot shower, the Werewolf girl got dressed. The absence of her girlfriend made the apartment feel empty.

"I already miss Robin." She whispered to herself and let out a sigh.

She did a few chores and blew up the place with music while doing them. Her stomach growled when she was finished and she figured it was time for lunch.

"I will visit Robin at work. She will probably forget to eat anyway." The small girl thought.