In the library part one

Y/n's pov:

You woke up an hour earlier than your alarm would ring. Elenor was already awake and brushed through your hair.

"Morning puppy," She said.

"Morning, my angel." You replied in a sleepy voice.

Your wife moved, so she could sit down on your hips. She started to place kisses all over your abdomen. You enjoyed her cold lips on your body and closed your eyes. Elenor had reached your chest and let her nose drag along your collarbone. Her lips pressed soft kisses to the bruised skin.

"I hope you have make-up for this." You heard her chuckle.

"I will not need it." You replied and opened your eyes again.

"Do you want everyone to see your love marks?" Your wife asked.

"I'm proud of them." You pouted and pulled her back down.

Your arms automatically wrapped around her waist, as she laid her head on your shoulder.

"You should use the time to rest. I will wake you up." Elenor whispered in your ear.

"Okay." You agreed and let go of her.