The date

Elenor's pov:

Her wife let her nose drag up Elenor's nape and softly pressed a kiss to it. The hair on Elenor's arms started to lift because of the touch of her wife.

"I'm glad you came." The Vampire girl pointed out, as she placed her hands on top of her wife's.

"Why wouldn't I? You put a lot of effort into this and I didn't want to disappoint you." Y/n explained and kissed her under the ear.

A small smile was on Elenor's face, as she let her wife hold her tight. The familiar warmth of Y/n washed all the insecurity from earlier away.

"But why is there only one table in this lovely restaurant?" Y/n whispered in her ear.

"I thought it would be much more comfortable for you if it was just the two of us, so I rented the whole place for the evening," Elenor explained.

"You put a lot of money and time into this." The Werewolf girl said.

"I would do anything for you." Elenor thought.

"Only for you." The Vampire girl chuckled.