Leave her?

Elenor's pov:

She couldn't believe what her father just said.

"Leave her? No, I can't do that. I love her." Elenor thought as her father took her hand.

"I can't do that." She replied while tears filled her eyes.

"You need to or you will die." Her father pointed out.

"Wait what? No, no, no in my dream Y/n died." The Vampire girl explained.

Her father's expression turned from scared to surprised.

"What? Tell me everything about your dream." He demanded.

So Elenor started. She told him how the Skugga waited for her wife, how Y/n left her, and how Elenor screamed and begged but nothing would make Y/n come back.

"It always ends with her chained to a pillar. In her chest is a dagger and her lifeless eyes stare at me. It always feels so real." Elenor ended.

"And you are sure this will happen soon?" Her father asked.