
Felix's pov:

After a good night's rest, he got up early. He wanted to make breakfast for Y/n before he left to execute the plan. Yesterday they had decided to sneak into the Skugga's hideout after lunch because in the afternoon the hideout was almost empty. Thankfully Felix had remembered that in the afternoon the Skugga tend to be lazy and don't do much in the hideout.

"A few more hours and I can finally be of use." Felix thought as he walked down the stairs.

Y/n must still be asleep so he prepared something tiny for her to eat. He knew that Y/n wasn't going to eat much because of her sickness but she needed to stay energized. With a smile on his face, he carried the food to the room Y/n slept in. It was not his cousin's room. Felix knew that.

"She slept in her wife's room to feel a little less alone. Being separated from her must be hard." The boy thought as he knocked on the door.

There was no reaction so he opened the door carefully.