
Elenor's pov:

The hours passed slowly and her thirst got stronger. It scratched her throat and made her vision turn red. Everything she saw had this reddish veil over it. Her hands had started to shake because she didn't consume blood for a while. Walking up and down in the large hall helped her focus on something else.

"I just have to hold on for a little bit but if Y/n doesn't hurry up I will fall into bloodlust or even worse." Elenor thought.

She didn't want to pass that threshold. If the bloodlust would take her over she would no longer be able to control herself. It was even worse than Bloodrage. Elenor's hands glided in her pockets to keep them from shaking. Her fingers brushed against a small object. The Vampire girl was surprised and pulled it out. Her eyes immediately filled with tears when she saw the pendant.

"Y/n's necklace," Elenor mumbled and remembered that the Werewolf girl had thrown it away after their fight.