“You finally joining the team this year?” Carlene asked as she joined me in the school hall and watched the event happening. I was sitting at the back as usual while parents filled the seats near the front, watching their kids participate in the tournament.
“It’s your last chance.”
“You know how I feel about this.” I relaxed in my seat and buried my hands in my pockets as applause sounded out through the mostly empty hall.
“And I also know how you’re going to feel if you don’t do this.” I finally turned to her but saw the sympathetic look on her face.
“You’re one of the only people who know why I can’t do this.”
“Which is the exact reason why you should do this.” The irritating stare that was happening between us clearly proved the stubbornness both of us possessed. “And besides, I miss our morning runs.”
“That was 3 years ago, I’m sure you’ve become accustomed to it.”
“Doesn’t mean that I didn’t miss it.” Her triumphant smile clearly showed the emotion her words weren’t saying.
“I’m not saying yes.” I shifted my attention back to the competition happening on stage.
“I’ll take it.” She happily replied. “It’s your turn to show Valda around this week. She’s also interested in these type of quiz competitions, debates and math competitions. You guys actually have a lot in common.”
“Hopefully she isn’t as… gloomy as I am.”
“You’re not gloomy. You’re just realistic.” I could hear the confusion in her tone as she spoke. “She’s a lot more focused and driven I suppose.”
“Doesn’t sound like we’re going to get along.”
“You guys will, I’m sure of it. You have some classes together as well so what do you think of her?” She studied my face as she turned to me. She always made me nervous when she did that, it felt like I was being tested.
“Haven’t really spoken to her. I hardly pay attention in class anyway.” That was the truth no matter how I look at it. School only started this week and Valda had only transferred to our school yesterday so I definitely didn’t know anything about her. I hardly even noticed her if I was being honest.
“Well you’ll get to know her on Monday.” She replied as I saw the host about to announce the winner. I stood up then strolled towards the exit as a roar of excitement erupted in the hall.
“You know, I’ll always be there for you.” I appreciated Carlene’s words. She understood my situation better than anyone right now. She hooked her arm around mine as we made our way out of the hall and into the parking lot. It was nearly 5 in the afternoon so the sun was just about to start setting.
“You need a ride somewhere?” I asked her.
“Sure. Just let me go get my things then I will get you by your car.” I gave her a nod while she unhooked her arm and made her way towards the building now.
I continued on my way and got into my stupidly big car. I mean, I enjoyed having a car but I preferred one that wasn’t an SUV. I don’t want to sound ungrateful though. I have everything I need and I don’t go to bed hungry so what more could I ask for? I even have friends, unfortunately. I like to think of them as the parting gift from my ex but we grew up together so they’re not that unbearable. Carlene is friendly at least so that’s okay.
“Hudson, spacing out again?” Carlene asked as she knocked on the window of the passenger side.
“Have a lot on my mind.” I replied while unlocking the car so that she could enter.
“Wanna talk about it?” I knew firsthand that when Carlene was willing choosing to speak like that then she was definitely not going to let up until we spoke about it.
“No.” It was worth a try.
“Then let’s not talk about it.” She cheerfully replied as I started my car. “Instead, why don’t we talk about your lack of happiness?”
“I don’t think I want to talk about that either.”
“Well I do.” Like I said, persistent but that didn’t mean that I needed to respond. “It’s your last year of high school and you’re supposed to be enjoying it.”
“Who says I’m not enjoying it?” I gave her a little shrug of my shoulders as I exited the school grounds and started our journey.
“I know homeless people happier than you.”
“Maybe they’re happy because they don’t have to pay any bills, seeing as they’re homeless and all.” My reply earned a well deserved eye-roll.
“Maybe you need a girlfriend.”
“So that she could leave again, no thank you.” I looked over at her now saddened expression. She knew who I was referring to, Heidi.
“You still upset that Heidi left?” I asked myself that question for so long after she left until things finally ended between us.
“I’m not upset that she left.”
“But you are upset at her for something.” Carlene quickly chirped in.
“Wouldn’t you be upset if your boyfriend knew that he was leaving the freaking country for 3 months but only decided to tell you the day before he was gone?” I silenced her. I could feel my anger rising again but it was manageable. “You’re lucky I wasn’t angry at you for keeping that secret for her.”
“She is my best friend, of course I would do it and it hurt me as well. I tried my best to convince her to tell you but you were so happy. I never saw you as happy as that since then as well. After your mom died, Heidi made it her mission to make you happy and keep you happy. It’s not her fault that her parents had to move.”
“And when she left she took my happiness with her.” I replied.
“We still tried our best to make you happy.” She was right about that.
“No offense but our group is not the best at making us happy. Felix is basically like me but a teddy bear, Martin is hothead and Mandy is scatter-brain with too much on her mind. I swear, the only glue between us is the fact we grew up together and were too lazy to find other people to terrorize.”
“But we love each other.” To our detriment at times but I couldn’t deny it. “How would you feel if Heidi came back?”
“I’ve thought about that question a lot if I’m being honest.” I took a deep breath in as I tried to find the answer to the question that had plagued my mind for so long.
“I’d be angry.” I answered as honestly as I could.
“Why? I know you love still love.” She wasn’t wrong there.
“But my anger for her right now… she gave me something to live for and then took it all away like it didn’t matter.”
“We were still here for you.”
“But you weren’t her.” That silenced her again. “I begged her to stay you know; went down on my knees and begged her. Never going to let anyone bring me to that point again.”
“But that doesn’t mean you have to cut yourself off from love completely.”
“It’s been working for 2 years.”
“You mean you’ve been alienating yourself for 2 years.” Our silent stares matched the uncomfortable atmosphere that had taken over the space between us. It was only broken by the sudden pounding on the back door.
“Guys, open up.” Martin ordered me us. Carlene immediately unlocked the door allowing Martin, Mandy and Felix to fill the backseat.
“This seems friendly.” Felix sarcastically commented as he referred to the atmosphere surrounding Carlene and I.
“Can we just drive already?” Martin’s already angered expression didn’t look like it was going to change anytime soon but we were so accustomed to it that it didn’t faze us. A day going by without Martin getting angry about something was about as rare as finding a four-leaf clover; I mean it’s not impossible but highly unlikely.
“Anyone want to fill us in?” Carlene asked them.
“Kevin’s by Jessica again.” Mandy’s unenthusiastic answer showed just how much she didn’t care about this which is exactly how I felt about it. Not to say that we don’t like Jessica, she’s actually a pretty cool person to hangout with which begs the question; why choose Martin as your boyfriend?
“So we’re going there to beat him up.” I concluded as I sighed.
“Basically.” Felix agreed.
“Why do we always have to fight? Can’t we just relax and talk things out for once?” I asked them as I turned to look at the backseat. I wasn’t much of a fighter and neither were any of them really, except of course for Martin, but the amount of times we ended up in fights was scary.
“We always try to talk things out for first.” Carlene pointed out which made me release an involuntary laugh.
“Last year, Erik’s party.” I stated.
“That was one time.” Felix replied.
“Wellington, freshman year.” I reminded him of the time he punched first and asked questions later.
“That guy was asking for it.” Not the best defense right now.
“Can we just go already?” Martin was getting more agitated by the minute. I knew from experience that if he didn’t release all that rage built up inside him right now then he was going to break something and I was not going to have him break my car right now even if I didn’t exactly like it.
“I’ll go but I am not joining your senseless fight nor am I taking any responsibility for whatever happens.” I warned them.
“Just drive.” Carlene frustratedly ordered me. She never liked fighting but she knew she wasn’t going to win, especially not with Martin in this state already.
I started the car again and made our way down the familiar road. All of us had grown up in this street commonly known as Fork Road. It was one long and winding stretch of road that branched out into the avenues at the end which is how it eventually got its name. Jessica lived in 7th Avenue so it wasn’t too long of a drive but once we turned into her street I could feel Martin’s anger rise. Kevin’s car was parked outside with a couple of his friends still inside it. I parked my car on the side of the road and Martin practically ran out of the car. Everyone else went into the house after him but I decided to stay outside by my car especially once I saw Kevin’s friends exit the car and go into the house as well. I leaned against the vehicle as I took out my cellphone then saw my dad trying to call me.
Me: Afternoon dad.
Dad: Hudson, are you at home yet?
Me: Not yet. Is something wrong? Are the neighbours fighting again?
Dad: I hope not. I was just calling to tell you that I’ll probably be late again tonight but I did leave some money in the jar if you want to order you something for supper.
Me: Okay, no problem.
Dad: Where are you?
Me: Jessica’s house.
Dad: She and Martin having problems again?
Me: Something like that.
Dad: Just don’t get yourselves in trouble.
Me: Can’t promise anything. If we do end up at the station though just don’t be surprised.
Dad: I’m surprised I don’t see Martin here more often.
Me: Me and you both. I’ll see you later dad.
Dad: Be safe.
Me: You too.
I ended our call then saw Kevin’s friends dragging him out of the house still yelling at someone inside it. They made their way down the path towards me but I could still see the angry scowls on their faces.
“Don’t even think about it, keep it moving.” I warned the guys before they tried anything. Unfortunately they didn’t take my warning one of Kevin’s friends decided to spit on my car.
“You just had to go do that.” I replied as I pushed myself off my car then made my way towards them. I wasn’t much of a fighter but I knew how to subdue someone in a matter of minutes thanks to the skills I learnt from my dad. I guess being trained to defend yourself by police officers were finally paying off as I landed a punch in the gut to the guy that spat on my car before seeing Martin and Felix joining my side and landing a few more punches before finally allowing them to get into Kevin’s car and drive off.
“So much for not fighting.” Mandy told me as I rubbed my wrist. Just because I knew how to fight didn’t mean I was good at it and I often ended up injuring myself like I probably just did.
“Couldn’t let you guys have all the fun.” I shrugged my shoulders as a smirk appeared on her unamused face.
“So what else do we have planned for the day?” Felix lightened the mood. We were definitely a bunch of idiots who probably shouldn’t have even been friends in the first place but we are the family we chose and I guess we just have to live with it.