Chapter Two

Oh my God, he's gonna kiss me in five, four, three, two...


My eyes snapped wide open as the sudden whoosh of a cool wind blew past my ears. And then he was gone. I was still trying to pull myself together when I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me.

“There you are,” the voice belonged to Mrs. Gallagher.

“Um, were you looking for me?” My eyes blinked a lot and my voice sounded anything but mine. I wondered if she had just noticed the man.

“Have you been ill?” Mrs. Gallagher asked out of the blue.

I shook my head.

“Then why did you just sound like that?“

I twisted my features to indicate I didn't know what she was talking about. Mrs. Gallagher wasn't known for pushing too hard with personal questions. It was far too condescending for a woman like her.

“The inspection team is outside. I didn't expect to find you hiding in the dark when we need to be busy showing them around.”

“Oh, right. I, um... I'm sorry for making you look for me.” I quickly made it past her and arrived in time to greet the expected guests at the door. I slapped my best grin on my face and went about my business.

The library inspection went well and Mrs. Gallagher instructed me to escort the team out the door. I followed them all the way down the stairs, which I did not particularly enjoy as it was freezing outside. As soon as they got into their cars, I headed back up.

Fortunately the rest of the day was uneventful. Apart from keeping an eye out for noise, issuing new library cards, borrowing library materials and receiving returns, I was fine for most of the day. I clocked out at exactly 6.15pm as Sarah, the other library assistant, took my place. It was refreshing to see the gathering dusk in the distance as the cold eased.

I whistled all the way home, a 20-minute walk. A playlist of soft music would have helped, but I don't have a mobile phone.

As soon as I entered the house, I took out my bag and dropped it on the floor. Then I fell on my face against the sofa, leaving my free hand dangling. I groaned a little. I was so tired.

When I'd had a bit of a rest, I decided to take a shower. It was already dark outside, and with hardly any houses out here in the woods, I shouldn't have to worry about having an audience. But I was. I had this strange feeling that I was being watched tonight. When I heard a sudden noise coming from the trees, I rushed back inside and locked my door, even bolting it from the top. I had a bit of foam on my face, but I didn't mind as long as I was safe.

It took me a minute to catch my breath, but I did and went straight to my wardrobe, putting on some clothes for sleeping. I was leaning back against the sofa, drying my hair with a mini-towel and looking up at the stars when a sudden knock on the window startled me.

My towel fell from my hands as I flew off the couch.

I fumbled for my torch and pointed with trembling fingers at the strange spot in the window, my water-soaked hair slapping against my face like a second skin and dripping into my eyes. I saw it was only Jacob and he immediately signalled for me to open the door for him. Jesus. What was he doing here so late?

I opened the door to him with a frown.

“What the hell are you doing here? Do you ever know when to stop?” I sighed and fell back onto my sofa. I really wasn't in the mood for this.

“I'm sorry, OK. But you don't have to be so scared or has something happened to make you more nervous lately?” Jacob said.

“You wish.” I turned to look at him, but noticed that he was looking rather dashing for the evening. A frown immediately formed on my forehead.

“What? Don't tell me you don't find me attractive in this?” Jacob stared down at his red zip-up jacket.

“It's not that. I was just wondering what the occasion was.” I said expectantly.

“Oh, yes. I want to take you somewhere with me.” He smiled broadly as he jumped onto the sofa.

I was almost tempted to punch him in the head. “You're kidding about that, aren't you?”


I scoff. “Well, I'm not going anywhere with you. Does your flat mate know you're here bothering me right now?”

“Yes. Chris says hello. And hopes you have a nice evening with me.”

“You're sick in the head.” I said immediately, standing up. If he wasn't, why would he stumble in here this late and expect me to hang out with him?

“Relax. It's not like we're going out together for the first time.” Jacob said.

“Yes. But today is different. I'm too tired, so I can't go.”

“Stormi, come on.” Jacob suddenly threw himself at me, doing the puppy dog thing with his eyes as he held onto my hands.

“What do you think you're doing?”

“I really want us to hang out tonight, OK? Just for a few hours, I promise you won't regret it.”

“But I don't even know where we're going.”

“Just trust me, please. I'm taking you out for something special. The moment we arrive, I will tell you what the occasion is. Deal?”

I blinked a few times as I thought it through. “Deal,” I replied and he suddenly jumped for joy, urging me to take all the time I needed to get dressed, he decided to wait outside.

We arrived on Jacob's scooter. Bright neon and purple lights flickered over the club's sign. I wonder why he brought me here.

“After you, Cinderella.” Jacob said in such a bubbly mood.

I looked down at my hands, still wrapped tightly around his waist. Now that we'd reached the venue, it made sense to let him go. I handed him his helmet as soon as I got out.

“Do you like the place? Here, let's check out the bar.” Jacob said as soon as we got in. The two burly looking bouncers at the door had just nodded as we made our way through. Jacob must be quite popular here. Good for him that he still has his social life in order. We squeezed past a sea of people, bodies pushing energetically as they swayed left and right. The girls were mostly dressed in short leather skirts with thigh boots or a bodycon dress. It pissed me off that I didn't fit into either category. I had never felt so out of place before.

“Over there!” Jacob, holding onto my hand, hurried us across the floor and managed to steal two seats for us at the bar.

I let out a sigh as soon as I sat down. A sexy woman came from behind the counter to take our orders, which Jacob gave away. By the time our drinks arrived, my eyes were starting to get heavy, but the deafening music from the DJ managed to keep me at bay. I snapped my eyes wide open and turned them round.

“Hey.” Jacob purred, leaning into me.

“What? Is this the part where you start acting really creepy or what? I still don't know why you brought me here. ‘Hey?’” I tsked, mimicking his softly accented voice as I said ‘hey’. Then I leaned down to take a sip of my vodka lime and soda. I didn't even have to watch my weight, so I wonder why I'm so addicted to this drink.

Jacob swallowed his beer too. “I have good news.”His eyes lit up.

“How good?” I asked back.

“Too good that if you weren't feeling so full in that gorgeous maxi skirt of yours, you could strap me down the moment I spilled it.” He finished with a grin.

“In your dreams.” I pinched his forehead and sneered. He really was something.

“God, you always act so wild. Did you have to do that? We're not five anymore.” He began to stroke the spot on his face where I had pinched him.

“Sorry,” I said between laughs. He looked so cute at the moment. “I'm in the mood to hear it now, so tell me. This good news you brought me here to share. What is it?”

Jacob's smile returned. “Well, I got a call from one of those places today.”

“What places?” I asked eagerly.

At that moment, my eyes suddenly darted from him to a man in a brown leather jacket, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a bottle of beer. He was looking straight at me as he leaned against a wall in the far corner of the bar. He bore a striking resemblance to the man who had harassed me in the library today.

I jumped to my feet.

“Hey? Is something wrong? I thought you'd be happy to hear the news.” Jacob said, holding me back.

I really don't care what he's talking about right now. I just have to leave this place. Catch my breath. “I have to go out for a while. The - the toilet. Where is it?” I said hesitantly.

“Oh. It's that way. Just over there.” Jacob turned and pointed to a door marked ‘Convenience’. The door was a few metres from where the man was standing. That felt like a good sign. I hurried towards it.

“Storm!” Jacob shouted as I pulled away, but I just ignored him.

Once inside, I slammed the door shut and leaned back against it. I took a few deep breaths before making my way to the sink. Could this day get any worse?

I stood at the mirror and looked at my face. I hadn't worn any make-up, so I didn't worry about getting all smudgy when I finished washing my face. I dried myself with a towel and took a few more deep breaths before I was ready to go out again.

Jacob had become very moody by the time I returned. He was leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed, staring at his drink. My presence made him perk up a little.

“You're back,” he told me, half excited.

“Yeah. Sorry I had to leave. I was starting to feel a bit queasy, that's why.”

“But why? Is it the lights?” Jacob said.

“No. Um, let's just go back to what you were saying before.” I did my best to avoid his gaze.