Ari led her down a huge hallway portraits hung on the wall and beautiful art pieces decorated the passage,this place is humongous for anyone to live in.She cannot imagine how the maids are keeping this place spotless and shining she can literally see herself on the tile flooring as they walked,soon they reached a spiral staircase and went down turning left they walked straight into the breakfast room and everyone was there except for the man himself,she saw a new face too.”Good morning everyone.”She said taking a seat.Gazing around she stared at the new guy,he has tattoos all over his arms but they all do,he is huge with his muscles bulging out of his t shirt.

Brown hair,with blue eyes she saw a scar running from his cheek going down to his throat she wonder what happened to him,they all have a few scars and then there's this tattoo behind their necks it looks exactly the same so she can only assume it stands for something because it’s two snakes entangles around a cross with the word VIPERS written underneath it.They must be in some sort of gang or something she's watched enough movies to know her theory isn't wrong.”I don't believe we've met.”She told the guy.”I'm Brielle but you can call me Brie.”She introduced herself.

“Rocco.”He said in his deep Italian accent,their accent just makes your knees weak but no one compares to Giovanni,hearing his thick deep drawl makes her want to strip herself bare and let him have his wicked way with her.Literally. Shoving her ridiculous thoughts aside she paid attention to what Rocco is saying.”We did meet last night but you were unconscious,I carried you up to your room.”

And here she was thinking it had been Giovanni,she should stop with her wishful thinking.”In that case.Thank you Rocco.”

“Don't mention it sweets.”He gave a wink before gazing down at his cell again.

She noticed no one has started eating yet they are probably waiting for Giovanni and she got her answer when she asked.”Why aren't we eating?”

“We waiting for Capo.”Marcelo said,Brie gazed into his grey eyes if she remembers correctly he and Tino are brothers,except for their hair color they resemble one another,same grey eyes,same tan colored skin and their broadness no wonder they almost look like hulk just look at the food decking the table.

“Well I'm starving,my stomach waits for no man.”She was about to help herself to the food when silence filled the room and the temperature dropped,Giovanni is here she knows it his presence brings about a certain level of darkness that scares her,slowly her gaze followed his as he made his way to the head of the table.He’s dressed in a black suit that did nothing to hide his muscles instead it made him look fucking handsome,his dark olive skin contrasted against the color of his white shirt,this man is the definition of sexy, dangerous and a whole lot more.

Not a scratch is on his beautifully handsome crafted face,hair is neatly combed back and clean shaven. With each stride he took those pants did nothing to hide the strength in his thighs and legs.When he finally sat down she saw a small part of his tattoo peaking out at the collar of his neck and from the looks of it it probably ended at the sleeves of his shirt cause she can see a few there too.The perfect definition of handsome,sexy,powerful and extremely dangerous.A deadly combination,she should stay far away from this man nothing good can come out of it.

“How nice of you to grace us with your wonderful presence.”She muttered once he was seated.

The death glare he sent her way,should’ve scared her but it didn't for some reason she knows he won't hurt her.A maid came in and brought juice with shaky hands she set it down next to him.”Can I please have some juice.”Ava asked,the woman smiled weakly and was about to pour it when she accidentally brushed Giovanni's arm, he hissed at the contact and the poor woman shook so violently that she spilled some of the juice on the floor.

“I'm s-sorry Mr Va-....”He held a hand up to silence her,she began to shake in fear Brie cannot understand what the big deal is,it was an accident.

“Get out!”Those two words held so much power,so much authority that even she can feel it.”Sienna!”He shouted,a middle aged woman came running out with her head bowed she stood before him.

‘Yes signor.”She addressed.

“Who is this?”He demanded in a voice devoid of emotion,pointing to the poor woman that has tears running down her cheeks.

“The new maid signor...you fired the last one for-....”

She too got silence with a hand.”Make sure she isn't here by the time I'm done with my breakfast.”

Brie couldn't believe this he was firing the poor woman for something that was an accident,maybe if he wasn't so cold and ruthless than his employees wouldn't be scared of him and do accidental things,without giving much thought she said.”It was an accident.”

Everyone around the table looked at her as if she has lost her mind, and maybe she has because this is none of her business when her gaze met Giovanni's it made her shiver...of what she doesn't know. ”Excuse me.”That dark voice said.

Not wanting to back down she said.”It was an accident,anyone could’ve made that mistake.I don't see why you want to fire the poor woman over it.”

She heard a soft chuckle and looked to see who it was and it’s Santino clearly he is enjoying this.”Last time I checked this is my house and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”

“Language we have kids at the table or haven't you notice.”She met his stare head on,those hazel eyes burning a hole through her skin and branding her soul.

His jaw ticked clearly showing his anger but Brie didn't care his anger is uncalled for and someone needs to tell him that.”Ava, Alessio.How about we go and see the pool.”She heard Ari say. ”Uncle Marco said it’s so beautiful.Come on.”She took them each by the hand.

“But I'm hungry.”Alessio whined.

“And I asked for juice.”Ava chirped in.

“We'll only be a few minutes.”She convinced them,leading them out of the room leaving the rest of them alone.She noticed the Sienna woman and the maid weren't there anymore.

“Who the hell do think you are questioning me in my own house.”His voice colder than ice. ”Undermining me before my employees and men.”

“I did-....”She began but a loud bang on the table made her stop and froze,the impact rattling the utensils.

“Shut up!”He ordered,Brie stared at him in shock,his indifferent tone stung and she has no idea why. ”You're a guest in here.Nothing more.Know your damn place before I show it to you.How I handle my business is not your concern.”

Angrily she pushed her chair back,scraping it in the process.”You know what Giovanni.GO TO HELL!”She didn't mean to raise her voice but he just touched a nerve,she never asked to be here it’s his God damn fault that they are in this predicament.”I never asked to be here.Nor do I want to be here.And as for my place it sure as hell isn't here in this hell hole.SO GOODBYE!”She stormed off but not before calling out to Ari and the kids.

“What's wrong?”Her sister asked when she saw how she's fuming.”I take it your conversation with Giovanni didn't go so well.”

“Understatement of my life.We leaving.Now.”She said heading for the stairs, half way up she heard glass breaking followed by a string of curse words.She didn't even want to know what's happening and she isn't staying to find out either.

“Brie do you think it’s wise for us to leave knowing that maniac is out there probably waiting for us.”

“Ari I'm not staying here a second longer.Me and Giovanni under the same roof isn't a good idea we already bumped heads and I'm not looking forward to again.”

“Brielle think rationally here.Our best option is staying here are you really prepared to put the twins at risk only because you had a minor disagreement with their father.”

“Is that big scary man who swore our father.”She heard Ava asked from behind them,she has forgotten the twins are with them.

“No.”She blurted out.

“Brielle..!”Her sister scolded.

“I mean...”

“He looks like Alessio.”Ava said.

“I don't need to be told he’s my father,one thing I'm not is blind.”Alessio cut in.

“Does he know about us.”Ava asked in her small voice.”Doesn't he want us is that why we leaving.”Brie can see tears forming in her round eyes.

“Ava honey...”She said softly.

“We want to stay.”Alessio jumped in.”And I'm getting the Valetti symbol.”

Brielle looked at him confused. ”Valetti symbol....”

“Yes!”Her son said ever so happily.”The one they have behind their necks,isn't it cool.”