“Stop saying that.”Brie told her.”You not being funny and do you wanna tell me what is going on between you and Marco.These days you two are more friendlier than ever.”

“We kind of seeing each other.”

“Kind of seeing each other.It’s either you're dating or not.Which one is it.”

“We are but we taking things slow,after all the fucked up decisions I made when it comes to men.I want to take things easy.”

“He’s not Brad sis.For what it’s worth Marco seems like a nice guy despite what they are involved in.I know he'll take care of you and if we were in another lifetime I would encourage you to marry him.”

“Why not now?”

Brie took a deep breath.”Can you honestly stand there and tell me you'd want to marry a man that kills for a living.A man that is in the mafia and leading a very dangerous life.”

“You're in it too Brie.Whether you know it or not Giovanni will never let you or the twins go.”