"Wedding?"Brie asked confused,what is it with everyone and this wedding.Who said she's marrying Giovanni to begin with.And why in the world is his uncle's waiting and for what.Brie gets the feeling that whatever is about to come....she won't like it one bit.

"Where are my manners."She said with a smile on her face as she is addressing Brie and Ari."I'm Paula Garcia.Giovanni and Marco's grandmother.It's nice to finally meet you.Both of you."

"Nice to meet you too Mrs Garcia."Ari replied.

"Paula."She corrected."Please call me Paula."Turning around she faces Giovanni."We need to talk privately.Now."Since Paula switched to Spanish Brie couldn't understand a single thing she said but from her tone it sounds serious.


Gio knows that the second his grandmother switched to Spanish and said they needed to talk that it's urgent.And whatever he's gonna hear it won't be good.He took her to his private office where they won't be disturb."Anything to drink?"