Brielle hasn't heard a thing from Giovanni after their conversation the other night,and although she shouldn't a part of her is worried about him. Stripping naked she climbed into the shower and stood under the nice hot water that's piercing her sticky skin.After this she'll feel refreshed and join the others for a much needed snack.

She wonders what Paula prepared for them today,she's looking forward into eating her food,and she's been nothing but kind and caring towards them all in the house.Including the men,when she cooks she makes enough food for all to eat.As she got out of the shower she heard a gun shot go off.

She quickly ran out but not before wrapping her bath robe around her,she made her way first over to the twin's room.Luckily they are together."I need you to take your sister and go where your abuelita told you about?"Without question he did as he was told.