Three | My Best Friend Too?!


After having his way with me, Ted climbed off the bed and grabbed his boxers, pulling them on. My body was sore from the roughness that he had applied. I moved my hands over my body trying to cover myself up from being exposed. As Ted had his back turned, I leaned off the bed and picked up one of his shirts. I did not want to wear his clothes, but it was better than lying in bed naked. As I sat up to put the shirt on, the bed squeaked and I froze. Ted snapped his head around and rushed toward the bed, snatching the shirt from me and slapping me hard across the face, causing me to fall on the bed. I held my cheek as it was stinging and tried to move my hair out of the way. I felt the bed move and sink down around me.

“Did I tell you to put clothes on?!” Ted harshly said through gritted teeth, his eyes ablaze with fury.

“N-No.” I stuttered as the tears fell down my face while I was shaking in fear. Why was he doing this to me? All I wanted was to be with all my friends and live out our lives together. I didn't want to be here with him. I didn't ask for this. He just took my freedom away from me.

“That is what I thought!” Ted spat and moved off the bed and left the room. Where he went, I didn't care. All I cared about was getting out of here and back to my friends.

“SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!” I cried out, hoping that someone, anyone would save me from him. I am a strong woman but, he is so ruthless and uncaring, I don't know how long I will be able to be strong. I have never met anyone like him before and I hope I don't have to deal with him for long.


I made my way back to Tampa, for what would be the last visit. It was still pretty early and the sun was just starting to rise. I made my way to the coffee shop that I knew she always went to. I sat out front and waited for her to arrive. After waiting 20 minutes, she finally walked in. I waited a bit before getting out of my car and heading inside. I ordered a coffee and grabbed a newspaper off the counter. I was about to take a seat at a booth when I heard my name.

“Cody!” I heard her call. Her voice was so angelic. I loved the way my name sounded when she said it. Turning to look at her, I saw her smile and wave me over. If only she knew, she would not be so happy.

“Hey Ana.” I said, walking over and smiling down at her silky, blonde hair before meeting her memorizing gray eyes.

The one thing that drew me to her was her eyes. I mean, she was hot with that petite body, those hips. I wanted her more than I let anyone know.

“Have a seat.” She smiled, motioning to the seat across from her. Nodding, I pulled out the chair and sat down.


After doing my morning routine, I grabbed my keys and phone and headed to the local coffee shop. It was still early and a bit cool, as the sun had not fully risen yet. Enjoying the cool spring air, I made my way to the shop. Walking in, I went to the counter and looked over the various items.

“Hey Ana!” Zack, the cashier, smiled at me. I got the feeling he had a thing for me after my first few visits here, since he would always try to flirt with me.

“Hey Zack.” I smiled, looking to see what I wanted.

“The usual?” He asked with a chuckle. See? Always trying to get my order right and each time I change it up on him.

“Ummm...” I said, biting my lip. “I think I will have an Iced Vanilla Coffee today.” I added after some decision-making.

“Sure thing.” Zack said with a bright smile as he went to make my coffee.

He came back and handed me my drink with a big smile on his face as he tried to brush his fingers over mine. Chuckling, I shook my head and took my iced coffee in my hand and went to look for a seat at a nearby table. I glanced up as the door opened and I saw him walk in. I watched as he ordered a coffee and grabbed a paper. He was about to sit alone when I called him over.

“Cody!” I called over to him. He was really good looking and very sweet. We met here after my second week here. We got to talking and had a lot in common. I was really hoping that he would ask me out one of these days. I saw him look in my direction as he smiled back and started to walk over. Gosh, that smile always gets me. Not to mention his eyes and tattoos. Damn, I'm a sucker for tattoos.

“Hey Ana.” Cody said, walking over and smiling down at me, causing me to blush. I looked up at his blue eyes and melted right on the spot.

“Have a seat.” I smiled, motioning to the seat across from me. Even though we have known each other for a few months, I wanted to get to know him better. Since he was always with his friend, Ted, I think, I never got to. We talked for about an hour or so until I looked at my watch and let out a sigh.

“Well Cody, it was nice talking to you, but I have to get going.” I said, standing up and grabbing my coffee. I grabbed my gym bag as well.

“You have to go?” Cody pouted, looking disappointed. I hated to see that look in his face every time we parted ways. I wish I never had to see it, but we are not at that level yet.

“Yes, gym time.” I giggled, putting my bag over my head. “I will see you soon though.” I smiled at him.

“Alright.” Cody frowned.

Smiling at him one last time, I turned on my heel and headed for the door. Walking out the door, I headed in the direction of my car.


When Ana told me she had to go, it took so much for me not to stop her right there. When she said she would see me soon, she had no idea how soon it was going to be. Watching her move her hips as she walked out of the building made me even more eager to get her. I watched as she took a right out of the building. I sighed, knowing she was going in the direction of the car. I got up and began to walk out of the building, slowly walking behind. She did not notice, since she was looking down at something in her hands. I quickened my pace as she got closer to the alley where my car was parked. I walked up behind her and put one hand over her mouth while taking the wet cloth out of my back pocket. I replaced my hand with the cloth and moved my hand around her front to support her from falling. As she started to go limp, I backed into the alley, making sure no one was around. I placed her in the backseat and got into the driver's seat and made my way back to West Palm for the final time.


As I was walking down the street, I was going through my phone looking at the texts I had gotten. Hearing something behind me, I turned to see nothing. I went up to an alley and tried to quicken my pace. I let out a gasp as I felt something come over my mouth. I was trying to scream but it was muffled by someone's hand. The hand was replaced with a wet cloth and another hand went around my waist. The last thing I saw before everything went black were those blue eyes that seemed to be so kind and caring, now looking cold.

Third Person

Pulling into the driveway to Ted's mansion, Cody pulled into the garage.He shut the car off and got out. Walking around to the back of the car, he opened the door and lifted Ana out, holding her in his arms. He walked to the door and kicked it with his foot. The door opened and there stood a grinning Ted.

“I see you got her.” Ted grinned, opening the door wider for Cody.

“Yes. Pretty easy if I may say so.” Cody smirked, making his way to the stairs.

“Well, you have gotten to know her a lot more, so yea.” Ted said as they both walked up the stairs.

Reaching the top, Ted stopped at his room and Cody went toward his.

“Have fun.” Ted smirked.

“I plan on it.” Cody grinned, reaching his room and walking in, placing Ana on the bed.

He began to strip her down to her undergarments as she started to stir. He removed his shirt and began to undo his pants, taking those off. He leaned on the bed and hovered over a fear-stricken Ana.

“Cody?!” Ana gasped, her lip trembling in fear.

“Shhhh.” Cody whispered, leaning down and making contact with the bare skin of her chest.

“CODY STOP!” Ana screamed, trying her best to push him off.

He leaned down further, putting most of his weight on her, making it hard for her to struggle. He was nipping and sucking at the skin on her chest, making his way slowly down to her stomach. She moved her leg and almost got him in the crotch when he bit down on her thigh, making her scream in pain. Tears fell down her face and he slowly started to move her panties down her thighs, before removing them completely.

Once they were off, he slowly made his way back to her neck before taking off his boxers and thrusting hard into her.


I heard talking outside of the room and knew Ted was coming back. Fear pulsed through my body, making my heartbeat fast, making it hum like an electric current running through a wire fence. The door opened and I saw Ted talking to Cody with a grin on his face. I saw a girl in Cody's arms. I knew that girl!

“ANA!” I screamed, bolting up on the bed. I tried to leave the room and get to Ana to help her but was stopped by Ted.

Ted shot me a glare and said something to Cody before closing the door and stalking over to the bed. I felt the hard contact of his hand across my face, causing me to fall back on the bed.

“Why is Ana here?!” I said, crying harder now. I don't know why she is here, but I will be damned if he is going to do anything to her.

“Don't worry about it.” Ted harshly said as he stared at my still bare chest. I was still trying to cover myself up when Ted took my arms and pinned them over my head.

“Do not cover that up!” Ted spat, looking me dead in the eyes. His eyes were so cold and possessive looking that I quivered in fear. Biting my lip, I nodded at his command.

“Good girl.” Ted hissed through his teeth as he leaned down and ran his nose over the skin of my neck. My whole body tensed each time he made contact with my skin. I could hear Ana screaming for Cody to get away from her. Tears fell faster down my cheeks.

“Tell him to leave her alone!” I pleaded with Ted, hoping and praying he had some decency in him. Ted looked down at me and shook his head.

“Sorry, but no.” Ted's voice was cold and uncaring. He then leaned down and pecked my lips. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to turn my head to the side. Hearing him huff in frustration, I trembled thinking the worst.

“Sleep.” He commanded, surprising me.

“No!” I firmly said, refusing to listen to him. No one tells me what to do and it is not going to start now. Suddenly, Ted grabbed my thigh and clenched it tightly. Biting my lip hard, I tried to suppress the whimper from leaving my lips. I was not going to give him that satisfaction.

“Unless you want another round, I suggest you go to sleep.” He hissed, breathing hot and heavy in my ear.

Biting my lip, I nodded and rolled onto my side so my back was to him. He draped his arm over my waist, making sure I could not move. I slowly cried myself to sleep as I thought of how to get Ana and I out of here!