

“Alpina, and Quon Alfein, was it? Why do ye step into this land?”

Alfred, The Dragonute who rules Cars Amra and organizes The Dragonute, addressed them in a heavy, resonant voice. He has a full white colored beard, and his eyes, as narrow as a fox's, give the impression of a gentle, old, good-natured man.

“You don't need to know about this. We saved The Dragonute simply because it happened and of Quon's own free will.”

“Hmm. I think they are planning to kidnap my son under the pretense that they are doing so. In fact, my son Lace did not return to this place, only Nana. What is your purpose?”

Quon, who had the impression that Alfredo was imposing his one-sided selfishness on him, still remained calm and denied Alfredo's words, even though his tone was a little irritated.

“I would like to say, with all due respect, that it was not us who kidnapped your son, but what is called a Sacred Beast, or what is called a Hexenbiest in The Human and The Dragonute societies. Hasn't your daughter told you what happened?”

Quon is not sure if this is the right thing to do, as he has no experience in dealing with royalty, but he chooses his words carefully and spins them. Meanwhile, Alpina still maintained her usual demeanor, but Quon waited for The Dragon Lord's response, hoping that this would not give a bad impression.

And it was not The Dragon Lord who spoke first, but Nana sitting beside him. She grabs her father's arm and opens her mouth, trying to persuade him with her fierce voice at her age.

“Father! Everything that he is saying is true! I have already told you that earlier!”

Alfred takes one look at his daughter, who is desperately pleading with him, and gives her a pitying look for a moment. Then he turns to Quon and Alpina again, and slowly opens his mouth.

“...... Apparently my daughter has been brainwashed. Oh, what a despicable deed.”

Alpina's eyes flare with anger, as if she is utterly disappointed. She wondered if he really had Zirnia's blood, and even hoped that it was a lie. She even wondered if it would be better for his dignity if he pretended to don’t have the blood of The Imperial Dragon than if it were true.

But still following Quon's advice, Alpina slowly spins her words.

“That would have been somewhat better still. If possible, I would have preferred not to know that a scumbag like you had the blood of The Dragon in your veins.”

The Dragon King raises his eyebrows at Alpina's words. His face is flaming red, and it is clear that his heart is seized with anger. And it is not only him, but also the other The Dragonutes present in the room. The room is filled with groans and uproar.

“You dare to insult The Dragonute!”

“Defamation would be more appropriate than insult. The Dragons I knew well were not low-lifes like you who ignore the facts based on their own interpretation. They are heroes who understood their position and continued to fight for their purpose and peace. Refrain from justifying yourself by belittling them.”

Not to mention," Alpina adds, "the fact that she is a woman. Her words were filled with a sense of pressure that Quon had never sensed before. Seeing this, Quon realized once again that it was impossible to control her, and he devoted himself to listening to Alpina's words without saying a word.

“According to The Dragonute there, you are presuming to be The Dragon Lord. What a total joke.”

“What do you mean, "joke"? Our family is a special bloodline. What's wrong with calling ourselves The Dragon Lord?”

“A special bloodline? After all, your ancestors are ......”

“Well, do you know? Or did Nana tell you? Yes, I do. Our ancestor is THis Majesty The Imperial Dragon Zirnia. That is why our family is special ...... what's⁉”

Alfred, with his nose up in the air, chanted proudly. His attitude was literally arrogance plastered on his face, and Quon felt nothing but discomfort.

And above all, his attitude was one word that touched the scales of Alpina. Alpina jumped out at a speed that even Quon could not see, grabbed Alfredo by the chest, and slammed him against the wall behind him. She then kicks the wall with one foot and is awesome at his throat. The difference in size between the two is more than that between Quon and Alpina, but the power that is not felt is so great that The Dragon Lord cannot blink.

Alpina's cat-like large eyes hung sharply, and her ocean-blue eyes flared into golden magical eyes. And then, without stifling her momentum at all, she rages.

“Shut up! I will not allow you to claim the bloodline of my friends! The Dragonute existence itself is unforgivable. However, I will allow the existence of the race itself in light of your daughter's face. But you are the only one who is not allowed. I will not allow Rebirth or Reincarnation. I will neither kill nor let you live. Your soul will be tormented by pain and despair until the end of eternity.”

As if caught in a rage, Alpina drips magic power. It made all The Dragonutes in the town, not just those in the room, tremble, and even Quon, who has the same magical power, was frightened. Naturally, Alfred's mind, which was directly exposed to this power up close and personal, was hardly normal, and his screams of survival echoed through the room, as if he had given up all pride and pride in The Dragonute.

“You guys, seize her!”

But no matter how much he shouted and gave orders, no one moved. No, they could not move. The Devil has an advantage over The Dragon because of the compatibility of The Sons of God. The Dragonute, which is a backward-compatible existence of The Dragon, is an exceptional threat. Alfredo, who was not knocked out by the concentrated magical power of Alpina, who is one of the higher-ranked among The Devil, was even more impressive.

It was Quon, of all people, who managed to raise his voice.

“Stop right there, Alpina.”

“Forgive him? Even if that's what you're asking, it's an unacceptable request.”

“I don't know your relationship with The Dragon, Zirnia. But don't try to take her father away from Nana. Are you going to make more people in the same situation as me?”

Hearing Quon's words, Alpina freezes silently for a while. Then she spits out a tongue lashing filled with hatred and anger, and tosses Alfred's body like a rag.

“...... You saved your life, The Dragonute chief. But not twice. If you have Zirnia's blood in your veins, be sure to speak and act accordingly.”

Alpina spits as she returns to Quon's side. How much friendship had been spun between her and Zirnia? He can only guess that there must have been something more than just the longevity of The Sons of God.

Alfred slowly rises up and rubs his throat, muttering to himself.

“This feeling ...... you are The Devil after all⁉”

Hou," Alpina looks back at Alfred, and she looks at him blindingly.

“How did you know I was The Devil? Or is it a coincidence?”

“We The Dragonute, unlike The Human, can recognize magical power. The vast amount of magical power emanating from you. There is no way you could be mistaken.”

Alpina is impressed. Magical power is the power that The Devil is born with and is the one and only element that makes The Devil what you are. Without it, The Devil would not be able to maintain its existence.

However, only The Sons of God can perceive this magical power, the holy power of The Angels, and dragonic vein of The Dragon. The Human Child can be affected by them, but cannot perceive them. It is not something that can be compensated for by training or effort. The Human Child lacks the biological functions that The Sons of God are born with.

“Your ability to recognize magical power is the best proof that you have inherited a part of The Sons of God's power, and one of the few reasons for their existence.”

But," she rebutted. Her eyes were as normal, her magical eyes were closed and her blue eyes were shining, as she had suppressed her anger.

“The Dragon and The Human Child should not be mixed. Just as a dog and a lizard cannot interbreed, it is impossible for The Dragon to have a child with The Human Child. The Angel or The Devil could have a child with The Human, but that is also prohibited by our law. The Sons of God must sire with The Sons of God, and The Human Child with The Human Child.”

Well," Alpina said, standing beside Quon and glancing around the room.