

【Cars Amra Forest, The Kingdom of Prerahar, June 10, E.C.1657.】

The dark-green color becomes even deeper, and the miasma produced by the high concentration of sacred power becomes a choking fog. The deeper one goes into the Cars Amra Forest, the more precarious the footholds become. Leaning his weight on the trees, Quon advances, resting his body and mind as needed as the poison consumes him.

Alpina, on the other hand, moved her feet with the ease of a priest walking through a cathedral. She was not affected by the poisonous atmosphere of sacred power, and she was flying from tree to tree with Quon at her side.

“Have you been sufferred from the influence of sacred power?”

“Unlike you, I'm not familiar with sacred power. Even though you have given me magical power, there is a limit, isn't there?”