

In his view was a vast space that could not be imagined from the exterior of the old fortress. It is truly a labyrinth or a prison. It was a space with a sense of sanctity that could easily be described as a temple. It is easy to imagine that the interior must have been suitably majestic at the time, although it is now decaying due to the long passage of time.

“This is ...... awesome.”

It is a cheap shot, but it improves the credibility of the statement. The statement, derived from pure amazement and curiosity, came out unconsciously.

“There were more the Devils then than there are now. In addition, we know a great deal about the Earthly Realm and have had some dealings with the Human. It was probably the Devil's own artistic culture, created to maintain the Devil's presence while adapting to the environment. But that was a long time ago. I've forgotten how we felt back then.”

“I see. So where do we go from here? You remember all the structures, don't you?”