

Although I said. ......

Quon steps fearfully into the impenetrable veil of dense sacred and magical power. His heart beats alarmingly to indicate the danger, and his breathing becomes involuntarily ragged. Sweat oozes from his palms and clings to the hilt of the Relic Sword. The trembling in the limbs may be due to tension or fear. It seems to be one or the other, or both, but the difference is trivial to him when compared to the deadly battle unfolding in front of his eyes.

...... No, I shouldn't be standing around here cowering.

Quon lets the borrowed magical power given to him by Alpina overflow from his soul and mixes it with the dragonic vein spilling from the Relic Sword. Strangely, his heart beats slower and his extremities stop shaking. Protected by the warm embrace and the absolute security that the contract brought, Quon's feet, which had almost stopped, moved forward again.