

And just like Scuderia, Quon could only indirectly express resignation. As merely a fragment of the Human Child and not even a Devil, he had no right to intervene in their actions. While rights may be equal for everyone, the ability to exercise them is another matter altogether.

However, even if Quon had the courage to directly voice his complaints to the Devils, he wouldn't have directed them at Alpina. This stemmed from familiarity with her whimsical instinctive behavior, which always seemed to influence him. There was also another reason: a special feeling of something different from familiarity towards her arrogance. He was beginning to find a strange sense of amusement in her demeanor, distinct from joy or happiness.

Yet, Quon couldn't understand the reason behind it. There was no clue as to why he found familiarity in her actions. Neither did he recall encountering anyone with a personality similar to hers, not even once.