

However, he did not possess the ability to accurately choose the one true answer from among the many options. No, even if it wasn't him, it would still be impossible. Even with the fundamental values that the Humans hold and the information gathered from the series of events so far, there was still too little information for him to seek an answer with any certainty.

Since the Humans, including His Majesty the King, cannot definitively recognize the existence of the Sons of God, he is no exception. However, as the one presiding over this situation, he must make a choice. Despite being lured into the depths of the reality that the one true answer is unknowable, he had no choice but to drift in the sea of thoughts.

The fear of causing irreparable damage with a single misstep restrains even him, who has wielded power as His Majesty the King for many years. Even with the powerful trump card of the Hero at his disposal, it was not enough to completely dispel the darkness in his heart.