After attacking continuously they were able to corner Shogo but the problem was he was still unharmed. They both thought that they need to do something as soon as possible otherwise they are in big trouble. I will tell you how a king should attack while defending the castle Shogo said and he came directly towards Kirishima who was just assisting Michel. They both were surprised by the speed he came. After that he kicked in his chest. Kirishima went down. Shogo added, A king should never be the one who attacks the other king, he should wait and defend his castle. Shogo again attacked aggressively. After that they both able to dodge that attack but now they have to move cautious.

They both decided to back off for now and then plan on how to deal with him. The only thing that they were doing was defending themselves from his attack. They decided to fight with him in close range. They both went towards him at the same time. He was shocked that they will came with a strange and simple strategy. All he has to do was attack one of them and then he can finished the other one. The first he want to finish is his own son. So he attacks Michel so that only he have to face in close battle will be his own son. But what he didn't know that was they also know about his movement.

After the fire attack by Shogo on Michel. Michel repel that attack. He never thought they would come with the same strategy. After that they both able to get to a close range and they know they have an advantage. Only Shogo can do was only defend himself from them. They were only didn't able to corner him this time but also able to kick him in his head and leg. Their confidence increase and they started to attack more aggressively. After that they finally thought they have a chance to win. The more they take time to defeat him the more they are at disadvantages because they didn't know what trick will he use. They decide they broke his leg first so it will stopped his movement. After that they decided to target his legs at the same time and were able to broke one of his leg. He gets furious and then started to attack aggressively. After that they know he had fallen in their trap. Now only they had to do was to waiting for a perfect Opportunity and they get it in no time and this time they were able to broke his one hand. Now Shogo also now that he can't defeat them. Before dying he told them that Kirishima's big brother is going to kill him and Michel that's why he went there to bring him back the one who killed Michel's family. Michel gets angry and hit him directly through his heart.

After defeating Shogo they both goes down. They were exhausted to much. They we were happy but can't even celebrate it. After that Yuki and Hinata came and picked them up. The Kirishima gang were demolished and only 8-10 of them were alive. Nearly 20- 25 people killed nearly 70-75 people's. Then they went to their base and no one came out from their room. After the day passed the base which was filled with 35 people but now only 8-10 of them were there. Everyone wants to enjoy the win but they can't do that because the loss was huge. Now what to do what will be there next move. One thing was sure that was they don't have much time. Kirishima's big brother will attack them after he came back. They need to decide what to do. Not only Kirishima's brother but other's executive's as well. They would be pissed as they couldn't protect the King. But why didn't they helped Shogo in the first place? The answer was simple. They were over confident on themselves.

They can't go and live normal life because it will help Kirishima's big brother to find them. And even if one of them get caught they don't know what method they would use to get information about remaining ones. One thing was sure that was they can't leave each other alone. What Kirishima decided to do they decide they will follow him. After few days they decided they will leave the base. But then where can we go? Hinata asked. To the next base Kirishima added. We had a second base? Nor only hinata but the remaining ones where also surprise. After that they decided to leave the base at noon of 15 th September. The end of green gang that news went through the town. It was a big shock as they thought the green gang was untouchable. The police and Sun organisation take advantage of it and recruit the best talent available in a short spam of time so that they can get control over the city.

Also they have eyes on Kirishima gang but they didn't know the exact location. After leaving the base they completely destroyed that area and went to their next base. That base was neat East side of Tokyo. After that they reach their without any problem and they had to decide what to do now. He need money so we can cook Mitobe said. You don't have to worry about that Kirishima said. Then should we start to recruit the new members Hinata asked? Of course we have to do that because my brother will attack us when he find about us Kirishima said. He added and the one who gonna recruit new members is Yotaro. Ehh? Why me Yotaro asked. Because you are the only person who face they didn't know so you should able to live around city at night. Ok I will do that he said But what about the police? They know how I look, says Yotaro. Yotaro you are strong enough to defend yourself , so you will be fine, replies Mitobe. But on what basis should I talk to them and to whom should I asked he added. Kirishima showed them some pictures. They are the ones who might help us to increase the group. Where should I find them? Yotaro asked. They are here right now that's why we came here .Kirishima said.