New members

Two days after meeting Fumi, Yotaro went to the place Fumi told him. After reaching there he saw a fighting club. What is a fight club? Fight club is a place where people come and show their fighting skills. Police have their eyes on these types of clubs because sometimes there are some fighters who you want no matter what and what police will try to do everything to get them. Yotaro wasn't sure about that, but he bought a mask at the shop. You must wear a mask because the sponsors don't want police to fight against different gang members. Yotaro enters the club and there was a huge commotion. And his streak continues as he defeated the iron man, says the commentator. Wow Kuroba wins 10th match in a row. Is there anyone who wants to fight against him? asks the commentator. No one dared to say anything. I will someone from the audience screams. He removes his mask. Ohhh it's none other than Mr. Mike. Our favorite officer of this club added commentator. So, Mr. Mike came into the ring. You guys have 15 minutes to bid. Of course, it's a fight club.

(After 15 minutes) The odds are 3:1 in favor of Kuroba. Yotaro was shocked by that. He thought if everyone knew who he was he must be strong but that wasn't the case. Of course, the commentator said we had to stop people betting on Kuroba after reaching a certain limit. So, the difference in strength in these two was so much and people started to bet on how many seconds Kuroba will beat Mr. Mike says Commentator. (In a sarcastic way) Everyone started laughing. Okay now without further interventions, let's start the match. Yo Mike are you sure about this? asks Kuroba. Well, it doesn't matter does it? says Mike. Kuroba started using his power. His ability is not as great as anyone's but how he uses it changes the whole thing. There is a stance where if you have great control in your power, you can form a shape of your like. Kuroba makes a sword. He attacks Mike with his sword and after dodging a little bit, Kuroba finally connects it, and he sends Mike flying. And the winner is Kuroba. That's his 12th consecutive victory, the commentator screams.

Now is there anyone here who wants to challenge him? commentator asks again. Yotaro goes in the ring. Please remove your masks if you want to fight, says anchor. Yotaro mumbles something and the anchor agrees with him. The anchor says ladies and gentlemen this guy said he will remove the mask after the betting is over, says anchor. But before we start, you must tell what your power is so the audience will bet, says the commentator. "I use fire," replies Yotaro. Everyone started laughing because wind is fire's biggest weakness. So, everyone starts bidding. After 15 minutes, please remove your masks, says anchor. Yotaro removes the masks. Ohh it's none other than Yotaro, screams anchor. Now the odds of this match are 2.5:1 again in favor of Kuroba. But the audience is not happy with this.

They didn't know one of the lethal gangs, the green gang also known as Teflon. (Teflon means someone whose reputation is still unchanged despite scandal) (What I want to say is Teflon means no one can touch them). But now no one can do anything. (About bets). Now let's begin the battle and without wasting a second, Kuroba swings his sword. He didn't give Yotaro any time to think but Yotaro dodged easily. Yotaro didn't even use his power, and he really had an upper hand. Kuroba was pissed as he thought Yotaro was not giving his 100 percent in a fight. After that Yotaro uses fire and creates a distance between them. Everyone freeze says the police. The police there called the backup, and the head of that area also caught Yotaro. We will shoot whoever moves, the head added. Before they could catch Yotaro he mumbled something in Kuroba's ear and started running. Before the police could catch him Yotaro started to run, and he broke the wall and ran away. Police tried to catch him, but he easily escaped. He reaches the base, so what happened? asks Yuki. Well, I went to the fight club, and I thought fighting against him would give me the best time to have a talk and I left with a message and told him to meet me in a specific address in 2 days as police officers interrupts our fight. Where's Kirishima? He went somewhere, replies Hinata.

After some time, Kirishima comes to the base and tells him the whole story. Okay, is he good? asks Kirishima. I think he will help us a lot, replies Yotaro. Okay, let's go and meet him, says Kirishima. I think me and Michel will decide whether he is good or not, replies Kirishima, and they will be looking for you on the street, so be careful, Kirishima added. After finished talking Yotaro went to his room.

Two days later, sorry I am late, says Kuroba. Don't worry, I just come as well, replied Yotaro. So, what do you want to talk about? asks Kuroba. Join our gang, says Yotaro. But before that let me fight with you again, replies Kuroba. What? Why do you want to fight? asks Yotaro. I just want to see how strong you are than me, that day you didn't use your magic, still you were able to keep me on my toes, Kuroba added. Okay, but let's not kill a=each other, says Yotaro. And in a few seconds Yotaro beats Kuroba. Of course, Yotaro doesn't have control over his magic like Kuroba, but he has more fighting experience and that really helped Yotaro to win. After that he calls Kirishima and Michel. Okay, you should join us," says Kirishima. Of course, I will keep my word, replies Kuroba. Are you looking for members to join? asks Kuroba. Yes, do you know someone? asks Michel, "Okay I will bring someone good, replies Kuroba. Kirishima told him where their base was, and they left.