The next day came, but Yotaro didn't come outside. It's better to discuss with everyone, Kirishima said, and they postponed their meeting. Everyone was worried about him. No one knew what to say to him. Everyone in the group had one or two who they loved, but those people knew about it. So they didn't know what they should tell to Yotaro.

The next morning, Yotaro came out from his room. He looked fine and hungry. Hinata gave him a sandwich and the group decided to start a meeting, but Kirishima was away, and they had to wait until 4 in the evening that's when Kirishima came, and they decided to have the meeting in the evening. The meeting started at 6.30. I already told you guys, but Seijirou is going to attack us, and we really need to be on our toes from now on, says Mitobe. Mitobe-san, Kirishima said if the executives were there when you attacked Shogo, you might have died, and we are less than last time, don't you think we should add more people in our group asks Sam. Sam, I understand what you say, but the issue is whether we can trust them or not. Even if Seijirou wasn't in Japan for last year and half, he still knows his people it's too risky to add people when we don't know who they are, replies Mitobe. So what should we do?? Asks Hinata.

Probably it's time to tell you guys about them, replies Kirishima. Kirishima-san what do you mean by that? Asks Hinata. Isn't everyone present here is all the man force we have?? Asks Sam. No, replied Kirishima. There are four people who only me, Mitobe and Micheal know, replies Kirishima. They are the part of the group, and you can even call them our executives. Wait a minute, I have been a part of the organization for last 3 years and I have no idea what the hell are you talking about? Says Yuki. Sorry, Yuki and everyone, but they were the on a secret mission, so we couldn't tell them to you guys. What surprised them more was the fact they are people who could fight, but Kirishima decided not to take them when they attacked Shogo. Everyone knew they don't know everyone as Kirishima already cleared that, but they thought those people are only good to provide information to Kirishima.

Wait a minute, are you saying, we lost so many of our members, but we still weren't at our full members?? Kirishima-san do you understand we would have saved so many if we have gone with our full force, he added. Hinata calm down, says Micheal. Before Micheal could say anything, Hinata started shouting. Kirishima-san don't you respect our life?? Hinataaaa screams Yotaro. Calm down, let him finish what he has to say, Yotaro added.

Everyone including Kirishima was surprised. Everyone thought Yotaro would be the first one to scream on Kirishima, as everyone knows how he respects his fellow members. Hinata, says Kirishima. I understand what you mean but believe if we show all our trump cards even before the final fight, we would have completely annihilated by now. Why you think Seijirou haven't attacked us yet? Because he thinks he can beat us whenever he wants. He didn't respect my father, but my sister is a different case. He loved her, and will do anything for her. Now that he lost her, he is a loose bomb who will drop on us and if we can't protect ourselves we will die.

Hinata calms down. Well, I have called one of the members here. He will be here in no time, says Micheal. They could hear a person's footstep, probably a man, thought Yotaro. Nearly 50 years and one of the beast. Not stronger than Kirishima or Micheal but definitely stronger than him. As he shows his face, everyone was shocked. The most shocked were Sam and Kuroba. You, Mike, what the hell are you doing here? Asks Kuroba. (Mike is the person Kuroba fought before fighting Yotaro). Ohh Kuroba. How are you? Says Mike. Don't change the subject, Mike, replies Kuroba. Well, well, calm down, everyone. Everyone other than those three were glaring at Mike. Firstly, I am Hachi, not Mike. I used that name because I wanted to hide my real identity. Before saying anything further he went towards Yotaro Don't worry, he says to Yotaro. I made sure that your sister will train under the correct officer, he added.

Even Yotaro wasn't thinking about it, he felt relieved. He sat down not with joy but at least was able to fill a little relieved, a little.

Wait a minute, so are you saying you are a part of this gang, asks Sam. Of course, I am. I was there on the mission, replies Hachi. Well enough of that, I have some big information, so we can talk about me later, let's focus on something instead. First thing first, Seijirou will be here next week or the week after that, so we have only 2–3 weeks to prepare, don't forget even though I am saying this, I am not sure about that. Kirishima you should confirm that with her, he looked at Kirishima. Kirishima nodded. Second important thing, we have to make our moves quicker than we thought. I think the police department is keeping close eyes of me. We should take out them as soon as possible, he added. Take out?? What do you mean by that? Asks Sam. There are 3 members who are in jail for last 4 years, well they didn't get caught they decided to go themselves, he added.

Why would they do that? Asks Kuroba. So I could infiltrate the police organization, replies Hachi. We showed the police that I caught them, that's why it was easy for me to go in police organization without that much of the trouble. So where are they? Asks Hinata. The Kyoto Prison, replies Hachi. The expression on everyone's face changed.