Chapter 10 – Birth Bonds Broken

Alpha Draxton Van Ell’s POV

~~~~~Asleep in his bed Alpha Van Ell feels a tug on his arm dangling from the edge of the bed, he knew who it was from the scent that brought a smile to his face. Opening his eyes he finds himself sitting upright in his office chair papers in hand and looks over to the couch in front hearing giggling sounds coming from behind the couch but as soon as he stands up the scene changes. Now he’s hunched over arm outstretched pulled by a smaller figure, “Come on, daddy. Catch me if you can….”

Then rushes out the door still giggling, the alpha looks towards the door confused and approaches slowly but soon hears wolves growling and voices screaming and as soon as he reaches the threshold the scene changes to a trail of blood leading towards an open field with bodies scattered everywhere and at the centre a pool of blood and red hair covering the face of the woman he failed to protect and a little girl leaning over the woman’s neck looks up at him with blood red eyes smiling, “your too late, daddy…”~~~~~~

Beta Logan Teronyll’s POV

We’d just gotten back from a scouting mission and once again with no prisoners. The alpha hardly pays any mind to taking prisoners unless the information they hold is worth anything that pertains to his lost pups and the traitors. Six months ago we received word from an investigator, one of few appointed by the alpha to investigate places suspected to have been last known locations of sightings of the pups as well as the traitors.

I’m on my way to give another report to the alpha from this mornings scouting mission. The rogues seem well coordinated and we still haven’t found a trail as to who their alpha could be. We’ve deduced that the rogues have someone backing them. And whoever has been amassing this much rogues are preparing for the upcoming battle. And now that the Crimson Wolf is no longer with us, we are left uncertain of what the outcome may be. He isn’t in his office, there’s only one other place he would be, the dungeon. Six months ago, we received word of a rogue spotted and captured by an ally pack further north of us and identified.

Doctor Georgina Colloway, best friend to Luna Cassidy and personal doctor to the alpha’s pups. She is charged with accessory to murder and of kidnapping the said pups. The other traitor who will share the same fate as her is Gamma Caydon. Since Georgina is captured then the pups are with Gamma Caydon but where could they have gone, he’ll need somewhere to rest and recuperate. Every pack was notified to apprehend the traitors and return the alpha’s pups, offering a reward, should rogues encounter them first the Gamma would be killed and the pups used for ransom or worse. Andrew looks like a lifeless shell, neglected by his father and lashes out at anyone who approaches him, and with the most recent incident it was a necessity to keep him locked up and monitored. Twin pups have a special bond and the distance between the two has caused an intense separation anxiety.

The dungeon consists of 3 levels below the mansion, the alpha should be on the third lowest level which is where he loves to keep his special prisoners but no matter who she was before it won’t save her from the alpha’s wrath, “ … don’t know… “. Screams reached me before any word got through, “ Again! Where are my pups?!”

“ I … don’t know…please alpha… it wasn’t her fault.”

He continued his onslaught aware of my presence, “ Alpha we’ve captured two rogues both were ordered to rendezvous with another and make for a cabin near Black Falls. It’s located near the edge of Alpha Nixon’s territory….” The alpha growls delivering the final punch then turns to me, “ Send the third squad to investigate and send Luke with them.” As we both make our way to his office I implore him to check on Andrew, “ Andrew’s condition is worsening, the doctor says…” The alpha coldly interjects, “ He’s always been weaker than is sister. Find another healer.” He left no room for further discussion.

A few days later I meet up with Andrews’s new healer, it was Luke, he only joined us about a year ago, I knew he had some capabilities but not in healing and definitely did not expect the alpha to appoint him as Andrew’s immediate healer. According to Luke if Andrew’s episodes continue it could leave him neurologically impaired. “For twin pups, to a certain extent are mentally bonded. If they were to grow up together their bond would naturally weaken, in cases of death, it would take a while for one to accept the other’s death, but of separation it is uncertain how long they can hold onto their rational state of mind. The only solution right now is to sever the bond.” I growled at his carefree demeanour, “Watch your tone! He is the future of our pack! Never forget that!”

“Forgive me, Beta Teronyll. I meant no disrespect. It’s a miracle he’s held on this long but we don’t know how much longer he can maintain it, we don’t even know what state his twin is in. The chances are slim and consequences, fatal but…” Suddenly another voice sounds behind me, “It’s the only way.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing, “But one of them could die.” Has he truly stopped caring about his son? “He might but she won’t. Carry on Luke.”

The doctor bowed then left for preparations. I can’t believe how much he’s changed. I will not leave Andrew to face this on his own and with that I left to check on patrols, growling at the alpha’s attitude.

Andrew’s POV

I feel so dizzy. Why does this keep happening to me and where’s daddy? Why isn’t he with me? What happened? I was playing and suddenly I was bleeding. I try to get up but I can’t move, my hands and feet are tied to the bed. What’s happening? “Daddy…where…are you? Someone…please help me. Uncle Logan…” My mind feels heavy like someone is pushing me back and my body is too weak to move. My nose picks up a scent before the sound of a doorknob reaches me and from there a man in a white robe enters, followed by uncle Logan. “Uncle Logan…” He stands by the bed, “Don’t push yourself. Everything’s going to be okay.”

“What’s happening… to me?" As I spoke the words came out slower and sounded a lot deeper, it was Syn, my wolf. “No…don’t, it… we won’t find her…if you do this…” What is Syn talking about? What are they gonna do to me? “ What is Syn talking about? What’s going to happen to us? Uncle? Where’s daddy?” The beta couldn’t bring himself to answer truthfully, he pat the boys head reassuring him, “Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright. You’re going to get better. I’m here for you.” The doctor moves forth with a syringe in hand but is stopped by the beta, “ What are you doing? It wasn’t scheduled for today…”

“It is the alpha’s orders to get this done as soon as possible.” The beta started getting irritated and growled at the doctor, “You are obligated to prepare the patient for his procedure.” The doctor was too cocky for the beta’s liking. Although he flinched at the beta’s tone, he regained his composure a little to quickly, “ Forgive me, Beta Teronyll but you have no right to dictate to me what my obligations are. Above all else I am obligated to obey my alpha’s orders.” As they spoke, a nurse proceeded to sedate the patient, but his wolf surged forward fighting against the confines of his shackles. “ No! I won’t let you hurt us!” He broke loose and attacked the nurse. The beta attempted to restrain Andrew but the doctor grabbed a hold of his arm insisting that he leaves. The beta refused, smelling blood, once he turned back the scene before him was unbelievable, blood splatter on one end of the wall, the nurses head dangling off his shoulders by an inch of skin and his arm lay before his feet. Two other nurses rush in to subdue the patient. The beta moves to help but the doctor apologizes once again before sedating him whilst ordering the guards present to carry him out and the last thing he sees is the doctor springing into action before succumbing to darkness.

I woke up again, screaming for the pain to stop, and my head feels like it’s about to tear open with Syn howling and writhing repeating not to break it. The pain is too much for me to think straight but I feel like someone or something is trying to rip out something in me. Syn is fighting for the both of us against the restraints that are burning my arms and legs. Syn is still in control as I come to. I know the room is dark and thanks to Syn I can see that the person standing above me is the same doctor from before. I can feel Syn calling out to me but I can’t hear him, only the screams that seem to be coming out of my own mouth. Tori… why am I thinking of her. I hate her, she left me. I’m alone now. She left me… but I miss her.

Syn gives off a low growl that startles even me, “Fight Andrew! If you don’t Tori will die… Alvira will die…” No… I hate her… I hate her… but…I don’t want her to die…I’ll be the one to kill her… With the strength left in me I fought back growling, screaming against what felt like a blade gently slicing through thick brick. I felt drained, couldn’t think and even my eyelids felt like the heaviest weights in the world. I didn’t notice but at one point, Syn was gone. I couldn’t feel or hear him. At that moment I knew I lost, Tori is dead… Syn is… dead… and soon I’ll die too. I have no control over what is happening and knew that once I fall back into darkness, I won’t ever come back.

I can hear another wolf howling but it sounds like it’s far away, it’s not Syn. It gets louder and louder till a red wolf appears lying next to Syn nudging his snout, I feel arms around me hugging and crying, instinctively wrapping mine around her… her… Tori? I try to pull back to look at her but she doesn’t let go. “ Tori? It’s you… you came back?” she just holds me tight, crying. Why is she crying? I thought I’d be angry if I saw her again but I’m not, I missed her. “Why are you crying Tori?” As soon as the words left my mouth a sharp pain sliced across my chest…

“I’m so sorry…Please… you have to fight…I promised I’d always… protect you. I promised… I’d come back for you. I’m sorry… sorry… don’t go…” Her voice started fading. “No. Tori come back…” The tighter I held on the more she was fading, till there was nothing left and looking on towards Syn, Vira’s form was also fading, the last thing I see is her head on Syn’s before she too disappears. More pain cuts through my chest then Syn too starts to fade as I lay there curled up on the floor, screaming and scratching my chest with clawed hands.