Hinata 1

Summary: A love story between Hinata and Sasuke, Warning involves Hinata cheating on Naruto, if you don't like that kind of thing DO NOT READ THIS, please leave reviews and ideas.

1. Chapter 1

Hinata arrived at the Uchiha compound dressed in a coat as it was now approaching winter and beginning to get cold in Konoha, (wearing this . ). She had been dating Naruto for about a year now since Naruto saved her and Hanabi, and had finally admitted his true feelings for her, truth be told Hinata was on top of the world she had the man of her dreams as her boyfriend, and sakura had dropped a few hints that Naruto was considering proposing soon although he was nervous and wanted it to be perfect so it might be a while yet, that was fine Hinata could wait. Her boyfriends friend Sasuke had asked her to come here while Naruto was away, for what she was unsure Hinata wasn't very close to Narutos best friend but knew she could trust him since Naruto did with his smiled as he finished setting up the cameras in his dining room and bedroom so he could record what happened today. He was dressed in a thick grey long sleeved high collared shirt with black pants. He had just recently found some dirt on Naruto's family and decided that he would use it so he could take advantage of his kind hearted girlfriend. He heard a knock at the door and smiled before he opened the door to see the beautiful woman and gave her a small smile. "Hello Hinata thank you for coming over on such short notice.", He said while keeping his voice calm yet serious.

"Hai no problem Sasuke-san" Hinata said giving Sasuke a small smile this was really awkward as the two had barely said much to each other over the past year, they were both raised in very rich and powerful families tradition dictated to be very formal, amongst all of Narutos friends Hinata had become close to all of them except Sasuke as they still retained that boundary. Hinata followed Sasuke inside to the dining room, "I have to say I was a bit surprised at your request what did you want to talk about, I know we aren't the closest out of all of Narutos friends I barely know you" Hinata said stuttering slightly, her old shy self coming back in the presence of Sasuke

Sasuke smirked as he sat down at the table and looked at Hinata with a serious expression on his face. "Hinata i don't quite know how to put this any other way but I've recently stumbled upon some information concerning Naruto's clan. Information that could cost him his chances at being Hokage or even getting him thrown in jail." He kept his voice calm as he folded his hands in front of his face gauging her reaction.

Hinata was shocked she didn't know what to say gasping loudly as she put a hand over her mouth, so this is why he brought her here so no one else knew probably not even Naruto he probably needed advice she though, she still couldn't believe it Sasuke was many things but a liar wasn't one of them she thought to herself. "I don't understand why oh god if this gets out Naruto will never get to be Hokage, now he is accepted as an uzumaki the council already don't want him to be hokage if they found this out it's all over" Hinata started to say sobbing quietly massively upset at the whole situation Sasuke nodded his head pretending to be upset before he spoke again keeping his head down. "I know. He is my best friend but as a Konoha shinobi I'm supposed to report this to the council. If i don't and word gets out i could be charged with treason. And I'm already on thin ice as is." He then looked at Hinata keeping a calm yet hopeful tone as he spoke. "But i might be able to keep quiet provided I'm given compensation for it. Something that would make it worth the risk."

Hinata looked up drying her eyes, "but Sasuke what about Naruto you can't tell anyone it would crush him and his dreams please, do it for him you're his best friend why would you want anything in return look at all he has done for you please I am begging you do it for him don't tell anyone" Hinata said in a broken voice stuttering and hiccuping as she was very upset at the thought of her loves dreams being shattered, for something he never even did it wasn't his fault it was his shook his head at her statement trying to play his cards right on this one. "I know he has done a lot for me Hinata but now that i know I'm also endanger. The council will have my eyes removed and collect a bit of seed from me before killing me. So unless your willing to offer me something I don't see why i should risk my life and clan on this." He tried to keep his voice firm yet apologetic so she wouldn't suspect a thing.

"I don't know Sasuke I have nothing my family is rich but I am not, I don't think you even need money and I don't have any influence on the council to lower your punishment if you were found out" Hinata said stuttering before she burst into tears sobbing heavily unsure what she could do, it wasn't right either that sasuke keep a secret that could endanger his life, Hinata did all she could in this situation and cry like the fragile weak thing she frowned before he decided to be blunt. So he dropped the pitiful act and looked at her. "I don't want your help politically i want your help sexually Hinata." His voice was loud and calm so she would know that this wasn't a joke and that he was dead serious.

Hinata was stunned by Sasukes response she didn't know what to say, "wh wh what? I don't understand sexually ?" Hinata was blown away sasuke response his voice was so cold and serious she knew it wasn't a joke. "I don't what?" Hinata said still stunned by his response the furthest she had got with Naruto had been light petting any making out as it turned out both of them were both prudes. Sasuke smirked before he replied with a more serious tone. "I want you to do as i say and be my sex slave from now on. Do as i say and the council will never know. And don't think of trying to kill me. I have safeguards in place." He then crossed his arms and smiled at her before he continued. "So what will it be Hinata servitude or your boyfriend's dream and possibly life?"

Hinata still didn't know what to say as her heart beat a hundred mile a minute, Sasuke was evil that was the only explanation pure evil why would he betray naruto like this. "I if you promise not to tell anyone about that thing about Naruto I promise you I will be your servant" Hinata said her voice full of shame she couldn't even look at him in the eyes as she said it as tears went down her pale cheeks. Sasuke smiled and nods his head in agreement as he spoke. "A wise choice Hinata and who knows you might enjoy this as we go." He then ran his eyes over her clothed body and licked his lips. "I want you to stand up and do a strip tease for me." He smirked as he waited for her to movie.

Hinata reluctantly stood up slowly she had never done such a thing, " I don't know of such things" Hinata said sobbing slowly, as she removed her jacket, then slipped out of her sandals. She slowly took off her pink top revealing a large purple bra, that struggled to hold in Hinatas massive triple D breasts. "Do I have to take off my skirt" Hinata said now bright red and highly embarrassed she was humiliated at what was happening smiled as he watched her removing her clothes. Sure it wasn't a dance like he would have preferred but her sexy body more than made up for it. He could feel his cock growing and straining against his pants as he looked at her before he replied. "Yes dear take everything off." He smirked as he scooted back so she could plainly see the massive bulge he had in his pants.

Reluctantly Hinata complyed in complete silence to ashamed to say a word or even look up as she unhooked her skirt from behind, and let the long skirt fall to the ground revealing a purple pair of panties that were slightly see through you could see Hinatas big blue bush that had been neatly trimmed into a square shape but kept most of the hair. "Is that it have you see enough" she stuttered slightly trying to find her courage frowned as he heard her tone and shook his head. "No it's not enough Hinata. I said everything which means your underwear as well. Now continue." His voice was a little harsh as he spoke wanting to get his point across.

Hinata froze for a moment before thinking about Naruto and closing her eyes, as she reached behind her and unclipped her bra unhooking over her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor , as she covered her breasts with one arm, as she clumsily took off her panties keeping her modesty with one hand over her private parts, in some desperate attempt to retain some sort of dignity in this whole thought about just fucking her then and there for how she was acting but chose not to as he looked at her. "Very nice Hinata. You have a truly beautiful body. Now then i want you to do one last thing and then you can leave." He then paused to give her a moment before he continued. "I want you to sit on my lap and make out with me."

"What no please Sasuke you have already seen me naked, have some mercy what about Naruto I promise I won't tell anyone about what you did if we stop now please " Hinata said begging him, as if she was a ninja begging for her life, a starving beggar wanting just a scrap of food to sate there hungry stomach, all Hinata wanted was one last scrap of dignity from Sasuke that she could take away with frowned before he stood up and walked towards her stopping just infront of her before he spoke. "Fine but i want at least one passionate kiss before you leave. And make it a good one or i will tell the council and village."

Hinata looked up at him Sasuke was taller than Naruto and she only came up to his shoulders, "okay" she whispered, as she had to reach up on her tiptoes to be face to face with him as she leaned in her eyes closed imagining it was her love Naruto she was about to kiss , as she pressed her soft delicate lips against his the way she would with then made his own move as he wrapped his arms around her with his left hand going to her head and his right to her ass. He then tilted his head and pulled her closer so she could feel how hard he was. He kept his grip loose though so he could see if she would try to pull away or embrace him back.

Hinata cringed as she felt Sasuke cold large hand rest on her plump pale ass, as his hand pushed her face towards her. She wanted to run or step back, but she knew if she did it would just be more stuff Sasuke would use against her so instead she leaned forward to press the kiss against him, her entire body going cold as she felt disgusted by herself for what she was doing , this was her first kiss with anyone but Naruto. Sasuke could tell her heart wasn't really into this but he couldn't blame her all that much. So he held her close for another minute before her broke the kiss and smiled at her. "Not bad Hinata. Now then you can go home and I'll tell you when i want you again." His voice was cocky as he pulled away but not before he gave her ass a good squeeze. He then sat back down so he could watch her get dressed with a smile on his face. Hinata didn't say a word as she quickly got dressed as fast as she could, not that it mattered he had already seen her naked, as she left his house going home as fast as she could ashamed and humiliated.

************************ 7 days later******************************************************************

Sasuke smiled as he checked his clothes making sure his suit was nice and straight. It was a simple black tuxedo with matching pants and shoes. He wore a white button up shirt under it with a red tie as well. He had convinced Naruto to let him take Hinata to Tanzuku Gai to have a little fun since he was so busy. The blond fool happily agreed so here they were for a week to relax and share a room together. He looked over to the bathroom door as he waited for Hinata to come out having already set up his cameras for later.

Hinata sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror, Sasuke had chosen the dress for her it wasn't slutty and whorish to her surprise but still far too revealing for her tastes. She couldn't believe Naruto had been okay with Sasuke taking her alone to a town away from Konoha, she sometimes questioned her boyfriends intelligence and thought he was far too trusting for his own good. What was it again oh yeah "taking Hinata to get to know her better dobe" were Sasukes exact words, what kind of boyfriend let someone take there girlfriend away for a weekend alone. Hinata stepped out the bathroom in 3 inch red heels and her chinese dress ( 3619/f/2012/277/0/b/hinata_in_dress_by_ ).Sasuke smiled when he saw Hinata loving how the dress he picked out fit her. He had no intention of making her look like a slut yet but that didn't mean he would cover her up. He then let out a loud whistle as he raked his eyes over her body. "Mmmm you look divine Hinata. Are you ready to head out now?" He tried to act nice so she would lighten up a little.

"I guess so Sasuke, I can't believe Naruto agreed to this" Hinata said still dumbfounded at her boyfriend's idiocy as she proceeded to open the motel room door, and walk out with Sasuke only her small handbag with her, as she clumsily tripped slightly in her red heels she wasn't used to such things which is why she wore flat sandals most of the caught her as she fell and helped her stand up before he offered his right arm to her. "Here just act all lovey dovey and no one will know you can't walk in heels. And do relax Hinata i chose this city because no one from Konoha comes here." He hoped this little bit of info would put her at ease as he waited for her to take his arm

"I guess I have no choice I still don't know why you are doing this" Hinata remarked reluctantly putting her arm through his as she used him to balance and to make it look like they were a young couple as they walked into the casino together, her arm entwined with his as people looked and stared at thee two flawless figures. Sasuke smiked as he lead her to the a roulette wheel and sat down with her next to him. He already had some chips so he held them to her and smiled. "Here why don't you pick the number dear." His voice was kind and light as he spoke making it seem to others like they really were a couple.

"Okay erm 11" Hinata said unsure of herself gambling was one of the many ninja vices, one she had been careful to stay away from her father had always warned her of them, especially since her grandfather had squandered vast amounts of Hyuga funds on his gambling habits her father wanted to make sure she didn't develop a similar habit . Sasuke smiled and placed their bet down just before the woman running the table locked in all bets. He knew this was one of the three ninja vices but he didn't care as he watched the small white ball bounce around before it landed on 11 and he smiled. "Ha lucky call baby!" He smiled and kissed her cheek lovingly to keep up their act.

Hinata threw her hands up in the air from joy as she won when it landed on her number, forgetting about the whole sasuke situation she was happy she won at something for once. "Th thanks" Hinata stuttered going beet red as Sasuke kissed her cheek, she loved Naruto but the affection Sasuke showed her made her feel awkward, all throughout her life boys never looked at her now her boyfriends best friend was trying to romance her she felt so smiled as he could tell these acts of kindness were getting to her. They continued for a few hours winning when Hinata called the numbers and losing whenever Sasuke did. Now they had a couple hundred thousand ryo in chip so he decided they should call it a night. "Alright dear how about we go get some dinner before heading back to the motel?"

"Sure I guess you're the boss I don't have much say do I really" Hinata said defeated as she agreed to go to dinner with him, what could she do tell him to fuck off and make sure her boyfriend never became followed Sasuke to a random restaurant near the casino as they grabbed a table together. Sasuke frowned a little at her words but then smiled as they arrived at their table. It was a decent sized one with a cloth cover to hide the underside. He then ordered his drink before looking at her. "You know you could try and relax around me Hinata. I'm trying to make this enjoyable for you." He sighed as he made a sealless clone so he could switch with it in in a bit as it was hiding under the table.

"It's hard for me to enjoy this Sasuke maybe if what happened last week hadn't occurred and I wasn't being blackmailed I would have rather enjoyed today" Hinata said honestly not seeing him make the clone, she had enjoyed today but she had an underlying uneasy feeling as if something bad was going to happen throughout the smiled as he took a sip from his wine glass and saw that no one was looking at them. "Then maybe this will ease you up a little." He was then covered in a quick cloud of smoke before he reappeared but he was missing his tie now. This was the clone while the real Sasuke was under the table. He gently placed both his hands on her legs rubbing them but keeping a firm grip so she wouldn't kick him.

Hinata saw him make the clone and swap places with it as she lifted the table cover slightly to see sasuke on all fours underneath. "What are doing stop it we are in public" Hinata hissed actually slightly angry at his antics, as she tried to kick him off as she felt both his hands gripping her pale slender legs as she struggled against him, she could probably kick him off if she tried but it would cause a scene .Sasuke smirked as he leaned down and kissed her leg lovingly despite her resistance. "I know we are in a public place Hinata. So why don't you put down the tablecloth and relax. No one will be the wiser if you do that." He smirked before he let go of her right leg and started focusing on her left leg massaging and kissing it as he did."No stop it what are you doing can you not wait till we get back to the motel room, this is disgusting have you no shame" Hinata said annoyed and embarrassed at what sasuke was doing, she wanted to curl up in a corner and just fade away, she hated this what if the waiter came back and saw.

The clone could see she was nervous so he reached over and took her hand away from the cloth letting it drop. "Just relax Hinata and trust the boss. He knows what he is doing." The real Sasuke then slipped her foot out of her heeled shoe and started rubbing and massaging it while he kissed up and down her smooth leg. Hinata felt tingles run up and down her spine as he kissed and massaged her foot, something Hinata actually loved was massages she loved shoulder rubs from Naruto, but Naruto would never give her a foot rub as he was too embarrassed truth be told so was she , as for her that was a much more intimate smiled as he felt her relax a little allowing him to work her foot even more. Naruto had secretly told him she loved massages so he decided to use that to his advantage. He applied just the right amount of pressure to give her a great deal of pleasure as he started kissing the top of her foot.

"Ah no Sasuke stop it my foots dirty don't" Hinata said in a hissed tone trying to hide the fact she secretly liked it, she felt dirty and ashamed the man was blackmailing her and was willing to betray his best friend, and she was enjoying the damn foot rub he was giving her she had to get ahold of herself. Sasuke ignored her as he could tell she was enjoying this. He could also tell she took care of her body as her feet were nice and smooth and had a fairly nice taste to them. So he took it a step further and put her big toe into his mouth and sucked on it just as the waiter arrived with their food.

Hinata gasped in shock and pleasure as her body tingled with this new sensation, "no sasuke that's so dirty" Hinata was going to continue but with the waiter approaching she shut up quickly, trying to keep a straight face as he served the dinner and the drinks extremely slowly in her mind as she was now bright smiled around her toe as he heard her gasp. He knew she liked this so he sucked even harder on her toe before adding another into his mouth. He was now sucking two of her toes and honestly liked it ass he rubbed her foot and suppressed a low groan hoping no one heard as Sasuke took more of her foot in his mouth, this was so wrong so dirty this was her blackmailer, her boyfriends best friend and she was getting off on his antics it made her sick and aroused at the same time, she felt ashamed so ashamed.

Sasuke could tell she was enjoying this so he opened his mouth even wider. He then took all of her toes into his mouth and sucked on them and on the front part of her foot. He gave a soft moan that only she could hear so she would know he was enjoying this felt her panties become damp and wet, as her arousal was through the roof with Naruto she felt love and warmth, but this was something else something primal something more raw. Lust passion raw emotions Sasuke was making her aroused yet she hated this man by now how was he doing heard her panting slightly and knew he was hitting all the right buttons to get her riled up. So he sucked her left foot even harder while his hands moved to her right foot. He then pulled said foot out of its shoe and started massaging it while he still sucked her other pulled her foot out of his mouth forcefully kicking him away, "stop it" she hissed trying her best to stop him, anymore and she would have started squirting she had never felt anything like this before and truth be told it rather scared her , Hinata didn't even masturbate at home so sexually wasn't very active

Sasuke frowned when she pulled her foot out of his mouth and pushed him back with her other one. But he heard the slight fear in her voice and smiled. He realised she was a true virgin in every way. So he gave her foot one last kiss before he put her heels back on her and switched back with his clone. He then finished his meal and paid the bill before he stood up and offered her his arm again. "Let's go back to the room now". Hinata finished her meal quickly in silence still trying to work out her feelings and emotions at what just happened, trying not to be sick at how guilty she felt for slightly enjoying that, she took Sasuke's arm and headed back to their motel room in complete silence her feet still wet from Sasuke's tongue.

They soon arrived at the room and he pulled his arm away from her. He then removed his tie and jacket and sat down on the bed before he glared at her. "That little stunt at the restaurant is going to cost you Hinata. I was really enjoying myself and was changing my mind on what we'd do in here." He sounded harsh and cold as he spoke while glaring at her."Sorry please don't change your mind I just felt strange I didn't know what to do" Hinata stuttered trying to find a way out of the punishment Sasuke probably had in store for her she guessed as he looked pretty angry and pissed, his sharingan was on so this couldn't be could she thought to herself.

Sasuke kept glaring and shook his head. "That is no excuse! Now i want you to look over there." He pointed at a camera sitting on the dresser hidden just barely by a vase. "That is going to record us while you suck my cock. And you're going to act like it is the greatest thing you've ever tasted or else ""What suck your penis, eurgh that's horrid no please anything forgive me Sasuke I am sorry let's go back to the casino and gamble" Hinata said terrified at the thought of even seeing a penis in real life that wasn't Narutos she had no idea what she could do to get out of this as her stomach felt funny.

Sasuke shook his head as he stood up and unzipped his pants. "No Hinata you're gonna suck my cock now or you can say goodbye to Naruto and his dream of being Hokage." He then dropped his pants but left his boxers on as they strained to hold back his semi-hard went bright red seeing the bulge in Sasuke's boxers looking away, "but I don't even know how to Sasuke?" Hinata said stammering being honest she had no idea how to even give a blowjob that thing was barely discussed in her household she had only overheard Ino talk about giving them once or twice.

He smirked as he walked over and turned on the camera before he made a clone who would hold it. "Well then i guess you'll have to learn as you go. Now come here and pull my boxers down for me." He stood there waiting for her as he crossed his arms knew she had no choice as she felt sick, getting close to the edge of the bed where he was sitting, as she slowly got onto her knees dirtying her red chinese dress a little on the dirty dusty motel floor. Closing her eyes she grabbed his boxers from either side, and like pulling off a band-aid quickly pulled them smirked as he saw her give into his demands and groaned slightly as his ten inch cock was freed from its confines. Her smiled as he one he was much bigger than Naruto and knew that she wouldn't be able to resist him once she had sex with the dobe. "Well go on and take a look at your new toy Hinata.

Her eyes widened at the sheer size of the thing it was as big as her forearm, in fact maybe just as thick 10 inches of solid meat she always thought penises looked fairly thing in medical books, but this was thick very thick, she could see two large veins running down either side that pulsed. She was frozen solid in shock and fear at the beast the mamba if you would, what could she do smirked when he saw her shocked face knowing he was massive for any male. He then gripped it and lightly slapped her left cheek with it. "Hey wake up Hinata this cock isn't going to suck itself."

Hinata eeked and squirmed cringing as she felt the hot wet object slap her face with quite some force considering how thick it was. The quicker she did this the quicker it would be over she thought, as she got close and brought her mouth to his massively thick cockhead, and gave it a light kiss then wrapped her innocent virgin lips around the purple head gently sucking on the smiled and moaned as he felt her soft lips on him wrapping around his massive thick cock. "Mmmmmm that's it Hinata. Keep taking it in deeper." He smirked as he placed his right hand on her head stroking her hair like she was a pet.

Hinata sat awkwardly on her knees as they hurt sitting like this on the hard wooden floor, as she continued at her steady pace gently sucking on his cockhead like a kid sucking a lolly. No aggression no lust just gently enjoying it, except in this case Hinata wasn't as this was humiliating and felt so wrong. Sasuke frowned as he realized she wasn't getting into it so he placed both hands on her head and smirked. "Here let me help you and show how you really suck a man's cock." His voice was cocky as he forced her down harder and faster forcing more and more of his cock into her each time.

Hinata screamed the best she could although it was completely muffled since Sasuke had shoved 8 inches of his cock down her throat making her choke, and gag heavily. Her hands flailed about in the air, patting his thighs in a desperate attempt to get him to stop as she was about to throw up. Sasuke didn't stop despite her efforts as he fucked her throat more and more. "Mmmmm loosen up your throat Hinata! Act like you yawning!" He smirked as he started thrusting even faster into her mouth and throat determined to get his whole cock in.

She tried to comply opening her jaw as wide as she could as she attempted to breathe through her nose, but it wasn't really working she had stopped struggling mostly because she was very light headed. Black spots had begun to appear, even as a ninja her training only gave her a few more seconds than normal people before she passed could see she was close yo passing out so he gave her a few more thrusts into her mouth. He then forced her down to the base and groaned as he came inside her mouth. "Ohhhhh yeah drink up Hinata!" He smiled as rope after sticky rope of cum shot into her didn't even feel the hot thick seed of the Uchiha heir go down her throat mostly because it was being deposited straight into her stomach he was that deep into her. Her eyes rolled back as she passed out, his cum still streaming into her stomach as her body went limp on his cock. Sasuke groaned as he finished cumming and noticed Hinata had passed out. So he pulled his spit and cum covered cock out of her mouth and wiped it off using her hair.

Thanks for reading the first chapter please read and review, and leave comments of what you would like to see next in another chapter?

2. Chapter 2

**Sasuke smiled as he finished getting ready for the nightclub he was dressed in a pair of black dress shoes and black dress pants. He also wore a grey button up shirt with the top four buttons open to show off his chest as a loose red tie around his neck. He then heard a knock at his door and smirked as he told Hinata to really dress up for the night since they could easily play it off as part of the celebration since Naruto finally proposed and they had a month to wait so he planned to fuck her tonight.**

**Hinata knocked on the door as she waited for Sasuke to answer it and let her and Naruto in, it had been a month since her first blowjob. She had been sucking off Sasuke now twice a day sometimes more, depending on how he was feeling that and making out but she wasn't sad because Naruto had finally proposed to her, which made her forget about her horrific month of hell for a bit. She had dressed up for tonight like Sasuke had told her wearing her most revealing dress Ino bought her (** **art/Hinata-Hyuuga-Kazehana-Outfit-392325625?q=gallery%3AShinoharaa%2F44578605 &qo=23** **). With 3 inch purple heels Hinata struggled to walk from her house to Sasuke's mansion, she was still a little red from how shocked**

**Sasuke smiled as he looked at Hinata in her purple dress that Ino obviously got for her along with the heels. He had to fight down a growing erection as this look surprisingly turned him on more then when she was naked before him. Adding to the look was her slight addition of purple lipstick and very light eyeshadow which only served to bring out her eyes more. He let his eyes roam for longer than should be considered normal before he released a whistle. "Wow Naruto your girl really knows how to dress up." He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at the blond who was in a orange button up shirt and black slacks as blushed at Sasuke's comments, "ah please you're embarrassing me Sasuke-San" she said meekly stuttering slightly, meanwhile Naruto wasn't too sure what to say. "Thanks I guess Sasuke" Naruto said scratching his head awkwardly as he entered the house, going past Sasuke to get a quick drink of water before they set off leaving Hinata and Sasuke alone in the hallway.**

**Sasuke smiled as he saw Naruto going to the kitchen learning him and Hinata alone. He then turned and looked at her with a smirk on his face before he spoke. "While we are at the club i want you to pleasure me and I'll return the favor. I'll also walk you home when the fun is over." He looked her in the eyes to make sure she understood him."Okay I understand Sasuke but please don't try anything when Naruto is around if he sees me do anything with you, oh I don't even want to think about it" Hinata said very quietly so Naruto didn't even hear her talking to Sasuke as she agreed quickly to the arrangements assuming he wanted to be blown after they went out**

**Sasuke smirked nods his head before he heard Naruto coming back. "Are you ready to head out dobe?" He smirked as he looked back at him keeping his voice light so Naruto would think he was using the name as a term of endearment."Yeah let's go before we can't get a table at the club or anything" Naruto said as he rushed past Hinata nearly making her trip, as he was the first out the door. Hinata followed suit as fast as she could in her high heels, which to be honest wasn't that fast.**

**Sasuke smirked as he followed her with his eyes glued to Hinata's ass as she unknowingly shook it with each step. Naruto then looked back and noticed her having trouble keeping up. So Sasuke quickly moved closer to Hinata. "Don't worry I'll help her you keep going to make sure our table is ready." He then placed his arm around her so it would look like his hand was on her lower back when really it was on her ass giving it a squeeze as they went bright red in the face as she felt his hand snake down her back and grip and squeeze her very plump juicy ass. Hinata had the perfect hourglass figure wide hips thin middle and large thick top. Big breasts big ass slender legs, she looked like she had been drawn for an ero manga or something as she resisted screaming out loud in shock as Sasuke squeeze hard hurting her slightly.**

**"Knock it off now Sasuke we are at the club" Hinata hissed in a slightly pissed tone, as the club was in sight and Naruto was busy waving them over. He would go ape shit if he could see what Sasuke was doing to his fiancée just a few feet away. Sasuke smirked before he gave her ass a nice slap before he pulled his hand back. "Fine but i expect a nice make out session whenever Naruto goes to the bathroom." He whispered before he walked around her and gave Naruto a reassuring look that everything was said nothing but by now after a month Sasuke knew that her silence was a sign of acceptance, she had neither the courage left to even both to argue with him at this point as she followed her fiancé into the club trying to stick as close as possible to him.**

**Sasuke smiled as they entered the club with the music blasting and people dancing. They soon arrived at the table and Sasuke sat next to Hinata while Naruto sat across from her in the booth. They soon ordered their drinks and he stealthily put his hand on her right thigh rubbing it up and down said thigh getting closer to her music was really loud that Naruto was shouting across the table to even be heard, as Hinata stiffened and froze feeling a very familiar and cold hand snake up her dress rubbing her thigh approaching her pussy, she quickly slapped it away trying to get him off her to not draw attention.**

**Sasuke felt her slapping his hand but didn't move it away as he kept moving it higher and higher. Naruto then looked away and leaned closer to her. "Relax Hinata the room is dark enough and the music loud enough for us to get away with this. Now come on and stroke my cock." He then straightened up just before Naruto turned back around and pushed her skirt up so he could get to her panty covered tried her best to squirm out of his grasp but to no avail, as she felt his hand brush her extremely hairy pussy. Reluctantly she slowly crept her pale delicate hand and unzipped the zip on his pants, and pulled out his cock slowly and gently rubbing and stroking it softly almost softly moaned as he felt her soft hand on his cock stroking it almost lovingly. He could tell that part of her was enjoying it so he chose to be loving with tonight. He then pushed her panties to the side and gently stroked her pussy.**

**Her knees knocked together as she trembled as Sasuke stroked her hair pussy, still a virgin the slightest touch was a lot for Hinata who despite blowing and jerking off Sasuke, was actually inexperienced when it came to her receiving any sexual noticed her getting nervous so he chose to learn from his past mistake. So when Naruto turned to look away he leaned over to her ear and whispered. "Don't worry Hinata i know this is new for you but i promise it won't hurt. Just trust me this one time." He then straightened up and continued rubbing her pussy with his middle and index finger.**

**Hinata sighed as she felt him continue to rub her pussy she felt tingles shoot up and down her spine, during blowjobs it wasn't very pleasant but she was actually enjoying this which made her feel very guilty as her fiancé was sitting right there, while his best friend had two fingers in his girlfriends smiled when Naruto said he needed to go to the bathroom and watched as he left. He then sped his fingers up so they were rubbing her more while he leaned over and kissed her neck lovingly.**

**"Oh shit no someone's going to see us Sasuke-kun" Hinata said groaning out loudly as Sasuke peppered her neck with sweet kisses leaving hickies all over her neck. She could feel her pussy for the first time ever starting to leak some sort of fluid and it felt warmer than normal which scared her a bit. "Ahhh okay Sasuke I will try but I don't like it I feel funny" Hinata confessed not even thinking about what was going on, as she moaned lightly in her meek voice as he fingered the shit out of her tight virgin pussy completely unseen by anyone since it was so dark in the club it looked like two friends chatting**

**Sasuke kept going trying to get her used to being pleasured so she wouldn't freak out later. "Don't worry i get the same feelings when you suck me off. I promise it will feel good if you relax." He then pushed his fingers a little deeper and made a come here motion looking for her g-spot. Hinata froze as her body shivered in pleasure as he found her G Spot, she locked her legs tight together by instinct so much so Sasuke wouldn't be able to remove his arm and hand from underneath the table as it was trapped between her thick milky white thighs.**

**Sasuke was a little shocked when she locked her thighs around his arm. It felt nice but it was still shocking none the less. He knew right then he hit her g-spot so he focused on that spot alone while he kissed her neck. "Mmmmm does that feel good Hinata?""Yeah" Hinata said in a whisper that you almost couldn't hear her as she confessed feeling guilty about what she just said, but she couldn't lie it felt good a hundred times better than when she first kissed Naruto Hinata was in heavenly ecstasy at just the touch of Sasuke's smiled as he kissed down her neck and then kissed the slightly exposed flesh of her bust. He kept going faster and faster determined to make her cum before Naruto got back.**

**Hinata screamed quite loudly as a few people turned around, her pussy clamping down on Sasuke's fingers as she came for the first time, her first orgasm intense as her womanly juices dripped out of her pussy. Sasuke heard her scream and quickly claimed her lips in a deep kiss as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He held the kiss as he let her ride out her orgasm knowing that as her first one it would be intense as hell. He slowed the motions of his fingers to help prolong her orgasm and to let her slowly come down from her orgasmic high,**

**She panted heavily sweat covering her face, "wow Sasuke that was wow" Hinata said shocked and stunned into silence at what just happened, even for an evil blackmailing bastard no one had ever made her feel that much pleasure before no one, don't get her wrong she loved Naruto but this was raw smiled as he pulled his fingers out of her pussy now that her legs were relaxed. "I'm glad you enjoyed that Hinata. Consider it my thanks for making me feel that this past month." He then pulled up his fingers which glistened with her juices. "Do you want a taste or should i clean it myself?" He smirked as he offered her his fingers.**

**"No thanks Sasuke-kun" she said softly still beet red and in a state of euphoria over her first and very intense orgasm, she didn't really have much to say to the man on one hand he was blackmailing her and threatening the love of her life. Although on the other hand he did just make her feel that which was real shrugged his shoulders before he licked his fingers clean. Just as he finished cleaning them Naruto came back asking if he missed anything. "No nothing at all dobe. Why don't you order something to eat though you look starved man." The blond nods his head and as usual ordered five bowls of ramen making Sasuke sighed as well as this was a nightclub she couldn't even comprehend how Naruto had managed to get Ramen here. "No thanks I am not hungry either" Hinata said politely as Naruto offered her a bowl of his hot steaming ramen.**

**Sasuke could tell she was bored so he got out of the booth and held a hand out to her. "How about we dance while Naruto eats?" He gave her a soft smile trying to make it seem like just a friendly offer."Ah no thanks Sasuke-Kun I am really am fine" Hinata said really not wanting to leave Naruto's sight, as nice as the orgasm was she didn't want to risk getting caught doing anything else. Getting fingered in a dark corner of a club was one thing, but she was scared what else he wanted.**

**Sasuke just smiled at her. "Come on don't make me dance by myself Hinata. Besides I'm sure you're a great dancer given how flexible you are." As he said this Naruto glared at him thinking there was something fishy going on. "And just how would you know that?!.Hinata blushed deep red at Sasuke's comments, and went stiff as Naruto said something shit she thought did he know something, or worst was he just getting angry at Sasuke's comments and would be watching the two of them more carefully.**

**Sasuke could see Hinata's scared look and smirked before he looked at Naruto. "Really dobe you have to ask how i know this?" Naruto then growled and started getting up. "Yes cause I want to know that since you two have only recently been getting to know each other." Naruto was obviously a little pissed but Sasuke kept calm before he sighed and shook his head. "I know because I've been giving her yoga lessons and helping her meditate. Orochimaru's training included yoga lessons and after seeing her in the war i figured she could benefit from it"."Yeah Naruto-kun don't get angry Sasuke-san has been helping to meditate to get over Neji-kun's death" Hinata said lying through her teeth to cover Sasuke's ass. Truth be told there so called yoga sessions were mostly making out, and blowing him if that counted she thought to herself.**

**Naruto seemed to blush and get nervous before he sat down obviously embarrassed. Sasuke then looked at Hinata and offered her his hand again. "Now then will you please indulge me with a dance or two?" He made his voice sound pleading which got Naruto to respond. "Go ahead and dance with him Hinata. Please do it for me to make up for my overreacting."Okay Naruto, sure Sasuke-kun I will go dance with you although I don't really do clubs so I am not sure" Hinata said as she got out of her seat slowly taking Sasuke's hand and walking with him to the dancefloor, Nearly tripping in these heels dancing would be impossible she thought to herself .**

**Sasuke noticed her issue with her heels so he threw an idea out for her. "Why don't you try using chakra to help keep your balance Hinata?" He wasn't sure if such a thing would work but figured it was the only way Tsunade walked around in her frowned and made a mental note to get her a matching pair that would conduct chakra. "Then i guess you'll have to stay close to me so you don't fall down." He chuckled a little as they arrived at the dance floor."Yeah" Hinata said as she held onto Sasukes arm quite tight getting past the massive horde of people on the dancefloor, as they made their way to the center where the music was louder than the rest of the club and they were surrounded by people.**

**Sasuke smiled as he held her close and started dancing with her with one hand on her upper back and the other down very dangerously close to her ass. He then started dancing in time with the beat grinding his crotch against her and kissing her neck when Naruto wasn't looking. He wanted to get her a little excited from this so he kept her close while his erection dug into her a little but not in a painful felt really awkward as she danced slowly with Sasuke he had both arms around her and was staring into her white milky eyes, as one hand rested above her peachy ass the other on her back, she could feel his cock poking into her stomach as he grinded his body against her as they danced face to face.**

**Sasuke could see she was a little nervous so he leaned down and whispered into her ear. "Relax Hinata. I maybe bold but I'm not going to do anything too risky with the light on us like this. Unless of course that's what you want me to do." He smirked as he held her closer and kissed her neck again.**

**Hinata did her best to keep dancing but it was real hard, Sasuke kept groping and feeling her up and every time he did she would be looking around to find Naruto and check what he was doing , hoping he wouldn't see them. Sasuke smiled as she saw how nervous she was and decided to squeeze her ass a little and pushed his right leg between hers. He then started grinding it against her pussy as they went. "Come on Hinata if you show me a little bit of your naughty side I'll give you another orgasm like I did earlier. Surely you want to feel that again."**

**"Hmm I don't know Sasuke Naruto's going to see us and as nice as that was it felt wrong and dirty" Hinata admitted having to whisper into Sasuke's ear and get close as the music was so loud talking was pointless. Sasuke smiled and moved his hand from her ass down to her thigh as he raised it up so she could wrap her leg around him. "Come on if he notices I'll come up with another lie like before. " He smiled as he leaned forward making Hinata bend backwards a little and since the were just low enough he kissed both her breasts before pulling them back up.**

**Hinata was very flexible since she was fluent in Jyuken, as she bent back with ease arching her back her hair dangling as she felt a powerful hand hold her, raising her leg into the air as Sasuke bent her back kissing her cleavage and breasts before bringing back up as she giggling in smiled as he heard her giggle over the music finding it surprisingly soothing. Still he decided to use that to his advantage as he kept moving them along the dance floor. "See that was fun wasn't it? Just relax and enjoy yourself my dear focus just on dancing." He swung her a little letting her lean back before pulling her back in showing her she was safe with him."Yeah I suppose so" Hinata said softly as she began to dance with Sasuke smiling and enjoying this a little more, in his hand she did a little twirl going away then rolling back into his arms laughing and giving him a grin as she enjoyed dancing a lot**

**Sasuke smiled as he saw her laughing and grinning knowing she was enjoying this and unknowingly dancing perfectly in her heels now. He then spun her around again and pulled her close when her back was to him and bent her over running his hand along her back as he eeked in playful surprise as he bent her over as she stared at the sticky dirty wooden dance floor, covered in spilt booze and sweat. She could feel Sasuke's cold hand run along her spine sending shivers up and down her body making her blush red was she enjoying this?**

**Sasuke could feel her faint shiver and smiled before he pulled her back up and against him. He then placed his hands on her hips before moving said hips a little to get a grinding motion going from her before he moved his hands up a little to see if she would continue grinding on continued to dance slowly letting Sasuke place his strong hands on his hips as he started to grind his crotch against her plump ass. She threw her head back her hair flicking into Sasuke's eyes as she rested her head against his chest and neck enjoying the heat the pure sexual energy Sasuke let off.**

**Sasuke smiled as she was really getting into this. So he slowly moved his hands up her body lightly brushing over her large perky breasts. He loved seeing her cut loose like this as it showed how outgoing she could felt his hand slither up her body brushing against her large breasts, a lot of them were showing as she felt his hands touch her mounds of flesh she continued to dance. Truth be told this was a rather seedy club and the way everyone was dancing Hinata didn't feel out of place at all.**

**Sasuke smiled and kept dancing with her like this actually forgetting about Naruto. Sadly said man made himself known when he walked up to them and pushed Sasuke away from her. "What the hell Sasuke!" .Hinata was surprised as she felt the warm hot body grinding against her disappear as she heard a familiar loud voice, she stumbled away a bit, unsure what to do. Shit had really hit the fan now she thought this was going to end badly she thought looking very worried the smile gone from her face**

**Sasuke realized what happened and quickly raised his hands in an attempt to calm Naruto. "Hey man calm down." Naruto only glared at him and grit his teeth. "Calm down!? How can i calm down after you tried seducing my fiance?!" Sasuke kept his cool as Naruto yell while flashing Hinata a reassuring look before he replied. "It's just a form of dancing Naruto. One Hinata was enjoying and is common in this club" . "Yes please calm down Naruto don't make a scene look at everyone else" Hinata said putting her arm around Naruto, hoping to soothe his anger, as she started to point out various couples bumping and grinding against each other.**

**Sasuke watched as the blond looked around and started realizing that they were right. "Look Naruto why don't i pay for the food and walk Hinata home?" Naruto cut his eyes at him and started to open his mouth but Sasuke beat him to the punch. "I'm going in the same direction anyways and you have a mission tomorrow so you need your rest". "Yeah Naruto and it's an A class mission you need your rest go home and I will see you when you get back " Hinata said softly giving Naruto a kiss on the cheek, leaving a purple lipstick mark on Naruto's cheek as she motioned Sasuke to hurry up and leave before they could talk about this more.**

**Sasuke nods his while Naruto blushed like a fool before heading home. As they left Sasuke once again wrapped his arm around her with his hand on her ass. He still couldn't believe how sexy she looked making even Tsunade look normal by comparison."That was close Sasuke Naruto nearly lost it, you have to stop doing stuff like this when he is near if he finds out well I dread to think" she said as they walked home her heels clicking loudly on the pavement as they neared the Hyuuga compound.**

**Sasuke shrugged his shoulders as they walked showing that he wasn't worried. However he did decide to mention something as they walked. "Well at least one good thing came from that". "Hmm what good came from that?" Hinata asked confused at what he meant, all she could see was that Naruto was more pissed at her and sasuke. Now he was probably a little bit more suspicious of them as well.** **Sasuke smiled and leaned down so he was next to her ear. "You're no longer struggling to walk in your heels dear." He smirked as he squeezed her ass while they walked."Yeah I guess but my feet are killing me in them" Hinata admitted as the beautiful purple heels were hurting her feet quite a bit, as she normally just wore her flat black sandals everywhere she went.**

**Sasuke just smiled and kissed her neck since they were alone. "Maybe you should wear heels more often then. I think they make you look super sexy." He smiled as he slapped her ass blushed as he slapped her ass, "Sasuke" Hinata said in a sort of telling off tone scalding Sasuke for slapping her peachy ass again as they arrived at the Hyuuga compound. She loved Naruto but Sasuke was being increasingly nice and romantic with her, she didn't know what to feel.**

**Sasuke smiled as he heard her say his name in a rather weak telling off tone when they arrived at the Hyuuga Compound. "Go on in and unlock your window. I'll join you in a few minutes. And please keep the dress on." He smiled as he finished and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before he turned and pretended to leave.**

**Sasuke smiled as he saw her opening her window and quickly looked around to see none of the guards nearby. He then quickly moved into the room and pulled her into a hug. "Mmmm well i need to ask did you have fun tonight aside from when Naruto blew up?". "Yes I did have fun Sasuke, and I don't know what's going on at first you blackmail me now you're being so nice and I am enjoying it, I feel so bad about cheating on Naruto" Hinata said tears welling up in her eyes upset.**

**Sasuke frowned as he saw her tears as he hugged her even tighter. "I know Hinata and i can't quite explain it myself." He then softly kissed her tears away and cupped her cheek gently stroking it and making her look at him."At first I fucking hated you, using me for your sick sexual pleasure but now you're being so nice and making me feels things I never have before, just what do you want off me Sasuke" she said sobbing as he hugged her**