
Summary: After Minatos death Kushina is comforted by her sons best friend Sasuke, this is a love story but contains cheating and mature themes. Please don't read if you don't like cheating or Mature themes.

1. Chapter 1

PM me any ideas you have :d

Tears dripped from her face, streaming down the reddish gray hair that followed the curve of the woman's shoulders. Some fell onto the casket, but most fell onto the gritty tile floor after cruising down the lines and folds of the woman's face. Kushina laid a trembling hand on the casket, both impulsive and afraid in her need to feel closer to her husband. It were as if a part of her had been suddenly destroyed, as if someone had been able to successfully splice a human in half emotionally and then brutally murder one of the parts. "Minato." Kushina sobbed, as if speaking her late husband's name aloud might make him spring back to life. It was so hard to accept… that someone so vibrant was now so gray and lifeless.

The crowd attending the funeral was giving her a wide, respectful berth, as was expected for a widow so freshly grieving. The death wasn't suspicious by any means, and everyone agreed that it had been a result of natural causes. Still, this wasn't easy for Kushina in any sense of the word, and the people who had the presence of mind and graciousness of conscience to attend the funeral were very respectful of the woman and her late husband.

Sasuke stood a respectful distance away, standing next to Kushina's son Naruto, who was rightly concerned about his mother's mental state at this trying time. Sasuke laid a heavy hand on Naruto's shoulder, silently letting Naruto know of his regret for the loss of Naruto's father. Naruto, who had suffered many a sleepless night, nodded his weighed-down head and blinked his puffy eyes in response to the gesture.

After another moment of listening to Kushina's quiet but dignified sobs from next to the casket, Sasuke gently pulled Naruto away from the sight. Naruto allowed himself to be led away by Sasuke, not wanting to numbly accept his mother's agonizing state anymore. It was almost refreshing to see the pitying faces after so many hours of looking at his mother's tear stained cheeks, but some of the glances were enough to make him drop his gaze to Sasuke's hand on his arm, which led him through the throng of people. They were like vultures, some of them- he spotted a group of women gossiping, no doubt about his mother being close to breaking down on the floor next to the casket. He shot them a firm look, which disbanded them for a moment, but only for a moment- after a few moments of observing this snub, they resumed their smack talk with lowered voices but increased venom.

Sasuke found their seats and sat down, watching as the funeral began and eulogies delivered with either aplomb or impersonal indifference. Sasuke noticed that Naruto's mother, a dignified woman of status, was sitting on the other side of Naruto. She did not get up to speak, but Naruto did- he was the son of the deceased, and as such was expected to put in a word. For his part, Naruto was very put together and precise, not giving any more emotion than was required of him. He had to find a balance of emotional and apathetic, because to break down into tears was different than to let a voice crack every now and then at emotional pivotal points of story. Naruto outlined his father's character very neatly and nicely, not using too much nostalgia to bring tears, but rather fact.

Sasuke scooted over to Kushina during this time, seeing that her emotions were once again put under duress, although Naruto wasn't exactly looking for tears with his small eulogy. Just the same, Sasuke put a tender hand on Kushina's arm. Everyone around them, the people seated in the front few rows, were either close family friends or relatives, and as such they were unlike the gossipy women in that they respectfully ignored Kushina's emotional struggling.

"I'm very sorry for your loss." Sasuke murmured softly with the greatest and utter sincerity. He remembered looking up at Kushina and her husband from a child's point of view- she had looked so much younger then, so much happier. It was hard to reconcile the two time points, but there was a time in a life where things started to decline. This must have been Kushina's time of loss, Sasuke mused.

Kushina didn't say anything for fear of choking on tears or sobs, but she did make a swift bobbing motion of her head to say thank you for his attempt at reassurance. She appreciated his manners, his supporting firm body sitting next to her, as if shielding her from the grief for a short period of time. She felt as though he was only second to her own son Naruto- he was a polite man, a revered one, and he was being indescribably nice to her. Kushina was getting up in age, and around this time she was nearing fifty years of age. She knew her beauty, the trait so valued by women and vain people alike, had faded years back, but it had never bothered her. Her husband had always complimented her, had always loved her, even as her youth ebbed and they grew older together, side by side. She had always assumed he would be by her side to the very end, to the last breath, but it was clear she had been incorrect in this theory. She felt hot tears start to erupt from her eyes, and she turned from Sasuke to quickly and subtly wipe them away. Her skin, slightly wrinkled, had tightened from soaking up the tears, but she still showed her age, and this sudden death only seemed to accelerate her visible lines and wrinkles.

"He was a great man, and we will all miss him greatly." Naruto finished somewhat sloppily, holding it together nobly but half failing. As he stepped down from the podium alter type setup, the crowd clapped softly but politely. Naruto, comforted by the sight of Sasuke next to his mother, took Sasuke's empty seat. He was grateful that, in their time of need, Sasuke was there for his family.

Sasuke, however, wasn't completely focused on consoling Kushina. Though you wouldn't know it by looking at him, Sasuke's attention was on Hinata. In true fashion, she was wearing the sluttiest clothing possible and, to Sasuke, she was stunning. Her large breasts almost popped out of her lacy corset, which accented her already-hourglass figure. Her freshly manicured black nails kept pulling at her skirt, which barely brushed the bottom of her underwear. To her credit, she was wearing black tights, but the four inch high heels broke whatever sense of decency the tights lent her. Hinata's long eyelashes brushed her cheeks as she looked down, fiddling with the ribbons of her skirt. Sasuke kept giving her sideways glances, both trying to catch her eye and check her out in the subtlest way he could. Naruto caught these glances.

He assumed that Sasuke was also suffering for Hinata and concerned for her, who had a tear fall onto her black outfit every now and then. She was a very pretty picture of distress, albeit a very sexually tempting one. So tempting, in fact, that Sasuke could barely rearrange himself to hide his oncoming hard on. It wasn't easy to hide- he was huge when aroused- but he managed to do it by staring at the coffin in a serenely respectful way. He was good at hiding his true emotions.

Soon it came time to lower the coffin. The crowd rose as one entity, all mourning and clad in black, all with tear stains or fresh tears brimming over onto their faces. Sasuke gracefully handed Naruto's mother off on some poor unsuspecting funeral-goer. Naruto took one of her arms and the randomly selected man, bewildered but willing, took the other. Sasuke blended into the crowd right as Naruto turned around to look for him. Hinata also faded into the throng of people. Sasuke snatched her hand and pulled her behind him, keeping his face down as a sign of respect for the dead.

Hinata opened her mouth to say something, but when she saw who it was, she kept silent. She had a feeling that Sasuke wanted a "favor" of her, and she had a feeling she wouldn't be able to get out of it. Perhaps she had asked for it a little, with the way she was dressed, but it was also a last ditch effort to get Naruto to notice her a little more. Once more it had failed. He hadn't even said anything to her, only shuffled her into the car with his grieving mother and drove straight here. Yes, he was grieving, but even before his father's death Hinata had felt unwanted, like she had been a novelty that once Naruto acquired he didn't want anymore.

Sasuke shoved her lightly against a wall. They were faintly able to hear the words being recited by the overseer, those things that he had to say so that Naruto's father could be properly buried. As if there was a proper way to bury a body, Sasuke thought with an eye roll. He turned to Hinata, then very ominously unzipped his pants. Hinata watched, half in horror and half in admiration, as his massive erection broke through the hole. Sasuke unbuttoned his pants and the long member rolled out, as if waving to Hinata.

She gulped, not sure if she should try to protest, or say anything really. "Sasuke-"

Sasuke shook his head, scowling, and held a finger to his mouth. Then he smiled- as if this were a game. And it kind of was. Everyone knew it was fun to have sex in public- the riskiest part of it was being quiet, was not being caught. And Sasuke knew- as well as Hinata- that getting caught receiving a blow job at a funeral wouldn't be great for Hinata's reputation. Sasuke was impervious to rumors, but Hinata would be destroyed, and Naruto would be devastated.

So Hinata knelt down on her knees, her black tights straining against her pale skin. The ground was grossly soft, as if it had just rained, and Hinata frowned at the prospect of getting her outfit dirty. Sasuke snorted silently- he knew what she was thinking, and there wasn't much of an outfit to ruin. Hinata looked up questioningly as his legs shifted, and Sasuke responded by leaning on the wall leisurely and putting his arms behind his head, smiling down at her imploringly.

Hinata sighed, her heart pumping wildly. No matter if she liked this or not, she knew how dire the situation would be if they were caught. Naruto was worse than a woman when it came down to it. He fought like a warrior, wept like a baby. He would be broken, ruined. And that thought, along with her own self preservation, prompted her to yank down Sasuke's underwear and take the throbbing member into her delicate mouth.

She cringed at the taste of pre-cum, which was already gathering at the tip of his erection. Sasuke, none too pleased at how slow she was to get into it, thrust his hips towards her face. Hinata's throat was suddenly filled with Sasuke, and she choked out a surprised noise. Sasuke, irritated at this violation of silence, pulled back for a split second. A cooling rush of air calmed Hinata's throat. Then, without further ado, Sasuke thrust towards her again, her lips brushing the hilt of his member. Hinata gripped his belt loops none too gently, her nails digging into his skin. It hurt a little, but rather than annoy him, it sexually excited him. He made eye contact with her, nodding at her to keep going.

Hinata, not wanting another rude awakening, carefully held him in both hands as she slipped him up and down in her mouth, his pre cum acting as substantial enough lube for her to get going pretty fast. Soon he was in and out of her throat, which made his pleasure only rise with each time her tongue stroked and poked him. It was sloppy at best, but then again, no guy ever raved about what a refined blowjob they had received, Sasuke thought ecstatically. This was the best idea he'd had in… well, forever. Since he first decided to make Hinata his conquest, and therefore making her available for his pleasure. After all, what could she do? Tattle to Naruto?

No, of course not. That wasn't how their little arrangement worked, Sasuke thought joyfully, enjoying the sight of Hinata's hair bouncing around her face, which was smeared with pre-cum at this point and saliva from her own determination to get this over with as fast as possible. To her credit, Sasuke was getting riled up, but he also knew how to hold off his climax with distractions. Much to Hinata's annoyance, Sasuke smirked and looked up at the clear blue sky as they lowered Naruto's father into the grave. Maybe it was ironic that his orgasm came right as the first pile of dirt was heaped onto the casket, but Sasuke wasn't that poetic.

Sasuke moved along the path at a brisk pace, while Hinata lagged behind, fussing with her outfit. In her head, she imagined everything that could go wrong following their re-entry to the burial crowd. What if Naruto had noticed her absence from the wake and was, at this moment, searching frantically for his wife? It may have been selfish to think that Naruto would be so focused on his wife's attendance when his father was indeed being laid to rest, but then again, Naruto was a man who relied on his wife in many emotional and sexual aspects. It wasn't unreasonable for Hinata to assume that Naruto would be seeking her for support during this time of need. Already Hinata was thinking up excuses. Sasuke had been so emotional she had had to take him away from the crowd? That was reasonable, but why would Sasuke be heartbroken? Was it because he had known Naruto's father for nearly as long as Naruto had?

As Hinata fretted behind him, Sasuke swaggered along the packed down dirt as if it were a red carpet. Nothing made him as cocky as a freshly devoured conquest, especially Hinata. As Naruto's wife, and arguably the most attractive woman in town, Hinata was a highly envied and highly wanted figure. If anybody was able to get her attention, it was a highly used bragging tool- not that it really ever happened. Hinata was a very devoted wife, almost stereotypical in her righteousness. She was the head female of her house, with children to attend to and a husband to keep happy. She was seen as perfect, or the opposite of perfect in some cases, due to gossip, but nonetheless everyone knew she was as good as a wife and mother got.

Sasuke smirked. _If only you knew_. He thought. Even her sloppiest of blow jobs had been pretty damn satisfying, and her status only elevated his pleasure. Sasuke had a rather inflated ego, but then again, he had earned it over the years. He was sly, cunning, and very sneaky. No one had any inkling of what was ever truly going on in his complex mind, or in his private life. And he preferred it that way. Why have everyone knowing which link in his life was the weakest? Why give anyone any idea on how to bring him down, whether in a fight or underhandedly in his private life? Sasuke wasn't Naruto, who was an open book almost to a fault. But, Sasuke thought bitterly, the town loved the naïve idiot for it. Instead of seeing Naruto as he truly was- a man with all the dumb luck in the world- everyone saw him as a relatable figure, when in fact he wasn't relatable at all, unless the person at the end of the comparison was also an idiot. Yes, Sasuke was resentful of Naruto's fame, because Sasuke himself was a complex figure who people didn't admire nearly as much.

Hinata, meanwhile, couldn't sense the brewing revelations in Sasuke's mind. She was still worried about her outfit. How she looked was very important, even if it seemed vain- people firstly judged her on her appearance, and secondly on her speech and dignity. Perhaps this was the reason she wore such slutty clothing- she liked the notoriety it gave her. Unfortunately for Hinata, though, she had about as much infamy as Naruto. She was a positive figure in the town, inexplicably, and even when she wore such as an outfit as this, she was seen as a good girl. If she had been told this, she wouldn't have been able to fathom why, even clothed in fishnets, a tiny piece of cloth resembling a skirt, and a tight corset with her breasts almost ready to be freed, people saw her as the ultimate conservative wife and mother. Hinata was fairly smart, but not ultimately the most perceptive.

As they rejoined the group, Hinata noted with both relief and a twinge of disappointment that Naruto was still exactly where he had first settled in. He was standing next to his mother, right in front of the grave, and was holding a shovel tearfully while he watched the real workers begin to bury his father. Many of the crowd had moved on to stand under the large tents that had been assembled solely to protect the crowds from the possible rainfall that had been predicted for that day. Naruto and his mother, almost frozen in time, seemed to not realize that they were two of only a few standing in front of the grave. Hinata recognized the chance to blend in seamlessly. Sasuke headed off towards the tents, mingling seamlessly with the others, lowering his face in respect for the dead.

Hinata stood at the back of the tiny crowd, but eventually she politely pushed aside the other people and tugged lightly on Naruto's arm. He jumped, as if startled, but once he realized that it was his loving wife signaling to him that nearly everyone had moved into the tents, he smiled at her very sadly, hardly a smile at all, and held out his other arm for his mother. With silent dignity, only keeping her eyes plastered to her husband's quickly disappearing casket, she accepted the offer and allowed herself to be led to the shelter of the tents. From there, they went back to Naruto's house.

Now came the truly emotionally exhausting part of the day- allowing people to express their pity. Kushina disliked pity, as had her husband. Empathy was quite all right, if someone could be dignified about it, but pity often kept company with inferiority. If people saw you as weak, then they could properly pity you, and Kushina wanted nothing more than to be seen as strong in the face of her husband's passing. Properly enraged by her thoughts now, she let Naruto fuss around her as she got situated in the widow's chair.

It was comfortable, but even small comforts felt awfully unnecessary when dealing with such a huge thing as death. Naruto got her warm, rejuvenating tea to refresh her after standing in the cold for such a long time, but she was not thirsty nor hungry. She had lost quite a few pounds since her husband's passing, as her appetite had suffered enormously whenever she went to the kitchen to cook. Without two people to make meals for, she felt purposeless, as if her hard work would be a waste if her husband was not there to grumpily, subtly praise her cooking.

Naruto brought her a small pile of blankets, which she waved aside. She was always cold these days, it seemed to emanate from her bones and spread to her muscles no matter what she tried.

He fetched flowers to put on the table in front of her, to provide a barrier between his mother and the people expressing their condolences, but his mother couldn't stand to see the freshly picked flowers. They reminded her of beauty being cut in its prime. Her husband hadn't died in his prime, per se, but he had been happy and full of life, as much as an old man with a successful son could be.

Hinata felt badly for her husband. At least he was trying to make his mother more comfortable in this trying time, not that his mother seemed to appreciate her son's gestures. She was too deeply down in the hole of loss to be comforted at this point. Hinata, realizing this, quickly escaped after assuring Naruto she would be right back. She had seen Sasuke headed her way, and, fearing another request from him or, worse, a confrontation, she made her escape as soon as possible without arousing suspicion.

But Sasuke wasn't interested in another round of sexual favors from Hinata. No, not so soon after his first. No, Sasuke was only interested in offering himself to Kushina. "May I stand alongside you, in your time of need?" He asked her poetically. He had cut to the front of the line, but, though the people in line were annoyed, Kushina was overjoyed by his upfront manner and empathetic support. She nodded her consent, opening her arms for a hug. This was a bit odd, as she rarely hugged anyone, and if she had at all, it was her husband or Naruto. Naruto, suppressing his slightly jealously, reasoned that it was because Sasuke felt so much like a son to his mother.

Though it was clear that Sasuke did not have mutual feelings of any maternal relationship. He freely and slyly smoothed his hands over her most intimate of areas, while Naruto tactfully looked at the crowd that was gathering to talk to his mother. Kushina, slightly uncomfortable, brushed it off. He was a fine young man, much like her Naruto, and he wouldn't do anything even minorly perverted.

Naruto, as he watched the line grow, felt a sense of exhaustion sweep over him. "Thank you, Sasuke." He said, turning to the other man, who was straightening out of the hug. "For taking care of mother. I need some time to reflect on everything." Before Sasuke could even nod, Naruto made his swift exit. Sasuke didn't mind, but he didn't exactly like how many sniveling people he would have to help Kushina greet. He knew many of them were there for the morbid fascination a funeral provided them, for the excitement and gossip that was left. Any time anyone died, anyone remotely important, there was much gossip and intrusion into their past lives, no matter how saintly the man or woman who had passed.

Sasuke did not appreciate people like that, people who loved death because it provided a distraction from their own miserable little lives.

But he tolerated them, for Kushina's sake. The old woman was very righteous, sitting straight in her chair with eyes like cold stones, her hair pulled back into a rigid structure. When she smelled the slightest whiff of pity, she turned up her nose at the person expressing such feelings, rigidly thanking them for their attendance and their _sincere_ apologies. Much sarcasm intended at the sincere part. Properly but politely shunned, the person at the receiving end of this treatment was left to walk away, and the next person would step forward. It was usually then that Kushina returned to her previous state, clutching a silken hanky and blinking tearfully. This process amused Sasuke. He knew that Kushina believed in pride, and upholding traditions, and she was an old thinker in this regard, but he like her disliked pity for pity's sake and was slightly proud of her for being such a brush-off to people who had the audacity to imply that she, in her state of broken-hearted-ness, was beneath anyone else.

As the wake progressed, Sasuke continued to slide over towards Kushina. At first she hadn't noticed. But as more and more people, all starting to sound and look very similar in her tired mind, she could feel Sasuke's hand on her shoulder, telling her to be strong. She appreciated his presence, as Naruto was still nowhere to be seen. He had a right to get away from everything, but Kushina was glad that someone so similar to her son was there to reassure her and tell her to press on with such an innocent gesture.

Sasuke, on the other hand, appreciated the feeling of her flesh, not of her company. With every sympathizer that he helped Kushina bade farewell, he felt his attention and his tolerance waning. Sasuke got bored pretty easily- that was why he wasn't great with keeping the same woman around, much less getting a constant lover or girlfriend. It was also why he ignored advice so often and gained enemies at a fairly frequent pace, not that he couldn't easily beset them.

So he made a game of pushing the limits when it came to Kushina, who was far more patient than any other woman, who would have given up and simply slapped Sasuke's arm if it tried to slither around their waist _one more time_. But Kushina, so enveloped in her grief was she, that she barely noticed these little pushes and touches, and when she did, she wasn't very inclined to believe they were anything other than reassuring gestures. If she had perhaps been younger and more firm, with skin that was smooth and translucent, she might have considered that Sasuke was being perverted in his mind as he soothed her. But, being as old as she was, it was impossible to her that he was being anything other than sincere.

Sasuke was almost gleefully ecstatic that he was getting away with this. On the other side of the room, Hinata was mingling idly with sympathetic strangers and vaguely familiar family friends, though it was getting boring and tedious very quickly. Hinata was fine in social situations, and she even occasionally thrived, but her father in law being dead was nothing she wanted to relish in, to be in the spotlight. Death was very different than birth- she had very much enjoyed the baby showers and welcome parties for her children, loving every gift and generic congratulations that came from every attendant, hell, she hadn't even really minded the jealous glares from people in the corners, who saw Hinata's beauty mirrored in her children, who looked nothing like the squishy babies they had themselves pushed out. Hinata didn't appreciate the jealous looks this time, nor the snarky tosses of hair she saw directed her way often, as if they envied her the spotlight, envied her the loss, so monotonous their lives had indeed become.

Hinata sent them unforgiving glares, reminding them that they should have the dignity to mourn the dead, not to envy Hinata the attention it was bringing. Undeterred, the jealous women stared back unabashedly… that was, until something beyond Hinata caught their eye. Thoroughly terrified, they spun on their sensible black heels and very nearly sprinted out of the wake. Their exit was noticed by everyone near them, but when those people turned to see what had scared the ladies, they saw only Hinata, who looked very confused. The people turned back to their conversations and their mourning, bewildered and confounded at what had made the women act so strangely and indecently at a wake.

Hinata, though she was thoroughly satisfied that they had left as a result of her glare, was left unsatisfied. The looks on their faces had been akin to total horror, which was very unlikely a result of Hinata's menacing look of disdain. Soon enough, however, Hinata had her answer, in the form of a man with skin so wrinkled that it was nearly hanging from the outlines of bone. Her grandfather, surprisingly still alive after all these years, had found it appropriate to attend the wake. His appearance, which was indeed very corpse-like, had scared the girls, who (being stupid and making assumptions) had thought it was the Naruto's passed father come back to life to hurt them for being so disrespectful to his beloved daughter-in-law.

Unfortunately for Hinata, this was not so. She watched in despair as the old man limped towards her, his breathing overly loud and his eyes sunken far into his skull. No trace of the handsome, if elderly, man from Hinata's youth lingered. He was not a pretty sight, and the people around Hinata, though already packed tightly together due to the many people in the medium sized house, found the room to retreat from the revolting old man.

"Hinata, sweetheart. I'm so sorry that your husband's father-"Her grandad coughed, pleghmy and serious-sounding, and continued, "-has passed. I am here for you in your time of need." He vilified, opening his arms for a hug nearly as slowly as a tree grows. If he had perhaps been more able to move in a swift manner, Hinata would have been more threatened, but he was so clearly emaciated that Hinata found nothing but disgust and a tiny bit of pity in her heart.

"Yes, er, thank you, grandfather." Hinata replied, though her emotions were replaced with disgust and panic as her grandad leaned in, his lips aiming directly for her lips. She veered subtly to the right, turning her head vehemently, so that his cracked old lips came into contact with her cheek and not her own vibrantly red lips.

She felt a disgusted shiver crawl down her spine, and she quickly stepped away. "Yes, ah… How did you get here?" She was genuinely astounded that a man of his age was even still alive, much less that he had found a way to her house from his nursing home.

"An old dog can't learn new tricks." The old man said in a stuttering and raspy voice, sounding seconds away from death. Hinata felt ashamed for subconsciously praying he would keel over at that moment, but he didn't. He only continued speaking. "But I had plenty… of tricks… up my sleeve."

"So… you got here, how?" Hinata prompted, desperately looking around for a way out of this situation. But no one appeared to aid her.

"That's my little secret." He winked at her, but he was no longer a mysterious man that loved his granddaughter, he was distressing her now.

He was coming alarmingly close to kissing her again- an 'accident', she was sure he would tell her- and thankfully at that moment she spotted Naruto, sulking in an empty corner of the house. It was a miracle, she thought! Hinata was polite to the fault, and would not have left without a reason. But suddenly, the entire reason she was hosting this wake was called back into her mind. "Yes, grandfather, well, I must comfort my husband in his time of need." She said rather sharply, but still with a polite undertone. Her grandfather missed any sharpness entirely, but was delighted when Hinata very haltingly kissed him on the cheek for old time's sake.

Hinata ignored any reaction and swept to her husband's side, clutching him as if he were her salvation… and he was, in a way. Naruto looked at her distressed face, and he hugged her sympathetically. "He was a great man." Naruto said with tears in his eyes and a waver in his voice. Hinata, looking over his shoulder at her grandfather attempting to fondle a little girl, shook her head. "Yes." She said. "Your father was."

2. Chapter 2

"Happy birthday, Himaaaawariiii-" The guests sang, arranged around the beaming little girl. "Happy birthday to you!" At the climax of the song, Himawari blew as hard as she could, effectively extinguishing the candles and spattering a little bit of spit on the frosting. Not that any of the children or adults noticed- they were too busy either cheering or swigging celebratory champagne (the latter was obviously the adults, who, it would seem, needed alcohol during any kind of party).

Himawari, the precious daughter of Naruto and Hinata, raised her little fists and grinned triumphantly, as though besting the weak candles were the best victory of all time. And, being only three, it _was_ her best victory of all time. Hinata clapped elegantly and grinned, the small child igniting a sense of pride in her. Just at that moment, the doorbell rang. The children groaned, because they knew this meant prolonging the wait for their consumption of dinner and, by default, cake. Already late guests had delayed the party from starting, and now that Hima had finally blown out the candles, yet another person had arrived.

Hinata grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled him towards the entryway. "Be right back, honey!" She was determined to greet this new guest in record time so that Himawari could start opening presents and eating her cake, which had been baked and decorated by Hinata herself. Hinata, ever the woman focused on presentation, had made the cake elaborately designed and everything a three year old girl could want for her birthday party. Hinata had seen the impressed look on the children's faces, and the jealous looks of their mothers, and that had made the hours of frenetic frosting worth it.

Hinata adjusted Naruto's shirt, which had been jostled out of place when he stood to greet the newcomer. He looked handsome and bold, like any warrior or husband should, and Hinata felt a tiny twinge of accomplishment at how good he looked. She had wrestled him into nice pants and a smooth shirt for their daughter's party, and it had paid off. He was only _slightly_ uncomfortable, but was handling it extremely well for a man. Men, Hinata knew, didn't like sacrificing comfort for style, and so she was very appreciative that Naruto was at least trying today, either for his wife or his daughter.

Hinata nodded to him, smiled in anticipation with only a hint of annoyance at the guest's lateness, and threw open the door enthusiastically. She deflated like a balloon struck by a pin at the handsomely dressed sight of Sasuke, hair slicked back and dark as an oil spill. He was devastatingly good looking, perhaps as much so as Naruto or more, because he put such miniscule effort into his appearance, knowing the devil was in the details. He smiled down at Hinata for a politely short period, but quickly shifted his attention to Naruto, who had in fact invited him to the party in the first place. "Sorry I'm late, Naru, I know this is important."

Hinata, realizing that this was Naruto's doing, was suddenly livid. No wonder Naruto was so meek and compliant today! He had invited Sasuke, who wasn't on the guest list. When Naruto had asked Hinata about Sasuke's name being omitted, she had had a good explanation- he wasn't one of their friends who had kids, after all, he would be out of place at a children's party, would he not? Naruto had reluctantly agreed, but after the funeral he was now somewhat reliant on Sasuke. The way Sasuke had calmed his mother when Naruto needed time alone was very nice of Sasuke, and Naruto had wanted Sasuke to know that it wasn't unappreciated. And so, behind Hinata's back (he knew she was a very organized party planner, and would notice if an invitation went missing) he had gone for a drink with Sasuke a week after the funeral and verbally invited him. Sasuke was delighted at the invitation, and what it implied- Naruto, here alone, in a bar with only Sasuke? Obviously Hinata wouldn't know. Sasuke liked to give her a nasty little shock every now and then.

So here they were, two weeks after that depressing funeral, with Sasuke standing in the doorway with Hinata's jaw to the floor and Naruto smiling welcomingly. Sasuke quickly ducked to give Hinata a hug and slyly ran his hand over her tight ass, and Hinata stiffened in response. In one smooth gesture, Sasuke handed his neatly wrapped package to Naruto for consideration. Hinata, knowing she couldn't berate Naruto in front of Sasuke, who had a dirty secret on her, she pasted a barely-passable smile on her face and backed up into the shadows, suddenly resolving to keep that man away from her child.

Sasuke had never really been pedophilic per se, but Hinata didn't want to take any chances. "I have to get back to the party to cut the cake." She mumbled urgently, trying to give some sense of importance into the task so that the men would let her leave. They said nothing for a moment, and that was all Hinata needed to retreat.

"Thank you for coming." Naruto said, greeting Sasuke with a proper half hug, shutting the door behind him. "It's been rough lately, really."

"I understand." Sasuke clucked sympathetically, laying a heavy hand on Naruto's shoulder. "I really am sorry for being late, there were some issues I had to deal with." He made his face contort into a mask of something resembling remorse. Naruto shook his head.

"It's completely fine! A few other people were late, and they didn't even have good excuses." He laughed under his breath, shrugging his shoulder. "I'm just glad you could make it! Mother is out in the backyard. I think the kids are going to head out there too once they eat the cake. Hinata thought of it, and it's brilliant- it's so the kids will burn out the extra energy from the cake!"

"Brilliant." Sasuke agreed, knowing how kids were when hopped up on too much sugar. That was one of thousands of reasons he didn't have kids, nor a wife- too hyper, too much maintenance, too much upkeep required of him. He truly wasn't a father or a husband type of guy, and that was what suited him. He didn't feel any loss from the absence of kids or a wife in his life, though sometimes he faked some sadness over it to gain sympathy from a woman. What could he say? He used his shortcomings to his advantage, usually when it came to seducing women.

As the two men entered the dining room, Sasuke caught the truly terrible sight of kids shoveling dinner down their throats at alarming speeds. The energizing food was already taking effect, as evidenced by the little chubby boy with mashed potatoes on his fingers. He was bouncing up and down like he had to go pee, but the quivering was obviously from the sudden intake of calories. His mother, recognizing the symptoms, scooped him up with a little difficulty from the chair and nearly tossed him out the open backdoor, where the warm breeze drifted in. The weather had vastly improved since the funeral, and tolerably warm days were once again upon them.

The boy hit the ground running, the sugar seeming to consume his mind, and he vaulted into the bouncy castle, whooping as if trying to rally his comrades. It worked, and soon the other children were whining at their mothers to "pick up! Pick up!" or simply crying, as some of the babies were old enough to walk but not old enough to script full sentences. Their mothers quickly gave in to their demands and picked them up, placed them on the ground, and went back into the house for a refill of champagne and small party snacks.

Hinata looked sadly at the remains of the prettily arranged dinner, but at least it had been impressive, and at least the kids had complimented her endlessly. And, she reminded herself, she had pictures of every moment! As Himawari finished her second helping of meat (her appetite rivaled Naruto's, for a three year old) she began to cry. Hinata, cutting off the fit before it could manifest further, retrieved her child and went out to the bouncy castle. She assigned one of the parents to watch the children and went back into the house to clean up the carcass of the cake that was strewn all over the table.

Sasuke headed out back and pretended to watch the children, who amusingly collided with each other in mid-air quite often. He sat down on a bench by Kushina, who was swathed in an elegant wrap and seemed to have recovered from her husband's death… at least on the outside. As Sasuke sat down, Kushina glanced up in disdain, expecting one of the half-drunken parents of the toddlers. When she saw Sasuke, she beamed, happy to be in his company again. He was her son in spirit, right after Naruto, and she loved him nearly as much as Naruto as well.

"Hello, Kushina. Lovely day." Sasuke enthused, plopping down next to her on the bench. "Good for a party." He nodded towards the figure of Himawari, in the middle of the bouncy castle's floor, happily being jolted about by her friends. It was almost nauseating to Sasuke, how idyllic the children looked in that stupid rubber inflatable castle, how happy they seemed to be children, innocent and unaware of how life would crush them, but he quickly averted his attention back to Kushina. She was what really mattered here, because Sasuke had a plan.

Kushina blushed slightly in the presence of the handsome young man and nodded, smiling adoringly at her grandchild, who had helped her over the hurdles of grief. If Himawari had not been permitted to play with Kushina, Kushina surely would still be in bed today. But because Naruto's mother had moved into one of the spare bedrooms, Himawari was a frequent visitor, and implored her grandmother to get out of bed so they could play. If that had not happened, Kushina was sure depression would still be the central theme of her life, instead of joy. "She's delightful, isn't she? I wasn't sure how Naruto would act as a father, but he's really risen to the occasion, so to speak, and…"

Sasuke zoned out a little as Kushina spewed more adoration over her tiny granddaughter, but he stopped staring at her best features when he realized she was starting to tear up. "What is it, Kushina?" He asked tenderly, taking her hand very gently.

She shook her head somewhat dejectedly, but seemed to visibly perk up as Sasuke held her hand. "He would be so proud, he loved her so." Sasuke immediately realized she was still talking about her dead husband, and for a moment he was annoyed- _he_ was here, not Naruto's father! But then he realized how profoundly she had been affected by his passing, and he seized the opportunity.

"He was truly the best grandpa." Sasuke intoned solemnly, patting her hand in a consoling manner. "But he's smiling down on her, and on you, Kushina." He kissed her on the cheek, successfully brushing away that stray tear. It was bitter tasting, but Sasuke betrayed no indication of this. "I hope you don't dwell on the negatives so much in the near future." He used a negative tone to imply that it would be detrimental to her health if she did so.

Kushina, realizing he was right, nodded and swept her fingers under her eyes to rid herself of any moisture. She was not immune to Sasuke's charm, and the innocent kiss had made her smile. "You are too bold, Sasuke."

"Perhaps I am." Sasuke nodded as if taking this into consideration. He pretended to think for a moment, though he still held her hand in his quite firmly. "But is it a bad thing, Kushina?"

She shook her head at him. "Well, I wouldn't say that, no-"

"I'm sure some women would say that it is, in fact, an attractive quality?" He grinned sideways, very slyly at her, and squeezed her hand.

She stared at him, blinking very slowly. "Perhaps, yes." She giggled, as if she were a young woman again. She didn't notice this, but Sasuke did, and knew he was on the right track.

"Is it attractive to you?" Sasuke asked, as briskly as if it were a questionnaire he was reading off of to her. She started very slightly, but brushed off any suspicions of his intent. He couldn't be interested in such an old lady, she reasoned.

"Well, I suppose, it could be, but-"

"Oh, I was wondering." He interrupted, as if suddenly struck by a passing thought. "The cherry blossoms will be in bloom very soon, and the festival is a rather romantic thing." He grimaced at her comically, which made her laugh. "Since we are both alone now, especially me-" He winked, and she laughed at his brazen acknowledgement of his lack of girlfriend or wife. "-perhaps you would like to accompany me?"

Kushina, seeing no harm in this, saw this as an opportunity to get out of the house for the first time since her husband's passing. "Of course." She nodded with a slight charmed smile. "That would be delightful."

"Great!" He smiled, now holding her hand in both of his. "It'll be so fun."

Fun, indeed.

Very soon after this conversation, Sasuke excused himself, telling Kushina that he had forgotten, but he needed to talk to Naruto! Kushina gracefully nodded, already feeling younger due to this attention from Sasuke. She smiled in what she hoped was a similarly charming way to him and shrugged, indicating that she was fine with such an abrupt exit. He grinned in response and stood, striding towards the house.

Upon re-entry, Sasuke immediately noticed that the parents had had a little too much to imbibe. Especially Naruto, who was snoring peacefully on the couch.

Really, this was _too_ easy. Sasuke was amazed at how smoothly everything was unfolding before him. He peeked into the kitchen, which had been tidied up significantly since he had taken his leave from the party. He knew that, if Hinata had cleaned up down here, she was most likely upstairs. He snuck away from everyone, though it wasn't too hard, considering that most of them had used this innocent party as an excuse to get pretty tipsy or even drunken.

Hinata should really know better by now, Sasuke thought to himself. He stared at her ass as he thought this, as she was bent down and fixing the sheets of she and Naruto's bed. Her skirt was so short, it was very easy for it to ride up at any movement, exposing her slutty lacy panties. Sasuke wasn't one of those men who appreciated fashion or how women dressed, and if a woman put too much effort into her appearance, Sasuke usually labeled her desperate for a man. But Hinata dressed in a way that suited Sasuke's tastes, much to her dismay.

He came up behind her, his arm slithering around her waist. Delightfully surprised at Naruto's sudden knowledge of how to romance her, she turned with a big naughty smile, which promptly fell at the sight of Sasuke. He suavely closed the door and leaned on it, noting that Hinata was squirming in his grasp. She was obviously aroused, as those panties were so thin that they were plainly soaked. "No, Sasuke, please, not today, it's-"

"But you're ready for it." Sasuke insisted with a pout, his hand dipping into her panties. This elicited a gasp from Hinata, and her body was suddenly both rigid and desperate. She was trying so badly to not be turned on, but Sasuke was too smart for her. He wasn't about to get rid of an opportunity for a nice, sloppy fuck. He pushed her forward, not too roughly but not gently either, and bent her over on the bed. Her boobs, finally freed, spilled out onto the silky comforter. "No bra?" Sasuke asked her, his hands fondling her breasts as he bent over her, his erection pressing against her firm and plump ass.

She responded with a whimper- she wanted him to hurry up and she wanted him to go to hell, at the same time. His finger was just laying alongside her swelling clit, refusing to pleasure her. She bucked her hips slightly, moaning very softly as he wiggled his finger inside of her. She was suddenly released, and she collapsed onto the bed. She swiveled her shoulders and looked over them, but realized that he wasn't abandoning her, but merely freeing his massive erection. It was glorious, rubbing against her barely-clothed butt, and she could barely stand it. Sasuke smiled knowingly and whispered in her ear, "No peeking."

"What?!" Asked the incredulous Hinata.

Sasuke roughly pushed her head into the comforter as he slowly pushed inside of her. Rather than complain, Hinata only had time and enough clarity to bite the comforter before he pushed his erection fully inside of her. She screamed in pleasure, but it was muffled by the party music and the sheets. Sasuke moved his member in and out of her at alarming speed, and Hinata came within minutes. She convulsed and arched her back in blissful agony, her teeth unclamping from the blankets. Sasuke, sensing an orgasmic scream about to be unleashed, put his fingers in her mouth. She bit down as she hit her climax, which excited Sasuke enough to ram into her even harder. Sasuke felt a warmth on his shaft, and as he looked down, he saw the sight of stickiness spilling from Hinata.

He grinned widely as he watched Hinata hit yet another climax after a few more minutes of good fucking. They were like rabbits, he realized, and they were positioned like the most primal of animals. Hinata, as if to confirm this, moaned gutturally again. This was enough for the usually composed Sasuke to hit his stride, and very soon he was groaning loudly as he unloaded his hot cum inside of her.

After nearly thirty minutes, they separately headed down the stairs, Sasuke looking exactly as he had before. Hinata, however, had makeup out of place and her hair messy and her clothing slightly shifted from its usual positions. It was good that Naruto was drunk, because otherwise he would never have missed this. And once the kids were all inside, the cake was finally cut. From the look on Himawari's face, it was a very successful birthday party indeed

3. Chapter 3

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"You like that, slutty girl?" Sasuke growled somewhat endearingly into Hinata's ear. The limp woman, who was currently allowing herself to be fucked like a rag doll atop a mountain of twisted sheets, merely made a defeated noise in response. Her hands clung limply to the comforter, and her eyes began to close. He was wearing her out, but every time she was about to zone out of it, he rammed into her in a new way, making her focus sharpen into painful clarity. He knew how to make her pleasure agonizing, and he knew how to effectively own her with a few simple fucks.

"Did you-" Sasuke gripped Hinata's hair and twisted it, eliciting a sharp noise from Hinata. "-SAY something? I can't hear you." He punctuated every word with a pivot of his hips, pounding as fast as a machine into her slick pussy. She just couldn't help it, Sasuke smirked to himself- she was glistening wet. Even when she set her mind against it, her arousal could not be denied. His svelte tone was contrasted starkly by his aggressive thrusts, which would have made any woman not used to his style of sex cum in mere moments. As it was, Hinata regularly had to fend off her orgasms- if she did it too soon, Sasuke would see it as the ultimate conquest, and she'd never live it down. It was hard enough allowing this type of thing to happen at such a frequent rate- Naruto was out of the house, and as a result, Sasuke had slithered over to make his presence known. Hinata dreaded the days where Naruto had to go away, or he had meetings to attend and things to do… without her. It meant she was left alone in the house, as she couldn't find a reason for spending all day in stores. That would be more attention-grabbing and suspicious than what was actually going on, so sneaky was Sasuke.

"Off." Hinata oomphed, shaking her head in a vain attempt to make Sasuke's fingers slip from her hair. No such luck- Hinata hadn't had time to wash her hair, and so Sasuke was able to wrap his fingers in it much easier and establish a handhold.

"Excuse me? I don't think so." Sasuke tittered in a show of faux disappointment, watching in amusement as Hinata's hands reached upwards to try to pry his hand out of her hair. She rarely ever succeeded in delaying his sexual advances, and she had never yet been able to dissuade him from giving her a good fuck- anytime, any place, no matter if it was a funeral or on the bed Naruto and Hinata shared as husband and wife. Which, actually, was where this latest sexual conquest took place. The silken sheets were strewn about as a result of the struggle between Hinata and Sasuke. As Sasuke railed into her harder, Hinata found her arms dropping in a gesture of defeat and exhaustion. She instinctively bit down hard on a fluffy pillow, her spit sinking into the pillowcase. She couldn't help it- she didn't want to give Sasuke the satisfaction of any kind of erotic noise.

As usual, he hadn't used any kind of protection, and Hinata was trying (unsuccessfully) to dissuade him from reaching his sexual climax. But any protest she gave was a turn on, and if she gave in and fucked him back it would be a turn on. Hinata just couldn't win. It was a constant fear of hers- becoming pregnant with a child that was not Naruto's. Knowing him, he would trust her completely if she said it was his, no matter how striking the resemblance to Sasuke. Still, Hinata didn't want to carry something of _his_ inside of her for _almost a year_. It was bad enough he regularly put his massive cock inside of her and acted as if she was his personal sex toy.

In a way, she was.

"You know, I've got a date with Kushina tonight." Sasuke disclosed to Hinata mercilessly, curious to see how she reacted. He hadn't completely broken her spirit, he knew, but he'd love to get a strong rise out of her as he jammed himself into her. But alas, Hinata was trying to focus on holding off her climax, while simultaneously listening for the door. Naruto wasn't supposed to be back for quite a while, but Hinata was completely unaware of how much time had passed since Sasuke had first pushed her down onto the bed. It felt like forever.

"I said…" He flipped her over, much to Hinata's surprise, so that he could see her face. "I have a date with Kushina." Sasuke grinned, unbearably smug. Hinata glared at him, even as her breasts bounced up and down like attractive, flesh colored balloons. Her ass bounced attractively against the silky sheets. Her mouth was already forming the word 'so'? Before it could escape her mouth, however, Sasuke bent down and kissed her, though this didn't hinder his hips. Hinata was surprised- she thought he was above kissing his conquests. But, if she had to guess, this was yet another more intimate way to embarrass her. He developed new ways of humiliation all the time, as if he was constantly marinating on the subject and wrote down all of his ideas so that he could test them out on her next he saw her.

She squirmed under him, breathing sharply through her nose in an attempt to avoid tasting him. As if he could read her mind, Sasuke forced his tongue into her mouth, licking her lips sensually. This sudden change of tactic had thrown Hinata for a loop, because kisses (in her mind) were associated with love. Sasuke was just being a rotten bastard, per the usual, and Hinata knew that, but the erotic feelings that kissing brought made her climax rise at such an intense speed that Hinata gave in. She lay there as it came, letting Sasuke do all the work, but he liked that part of it too. The feeling of her hot juices sluicing over his cock, which was buried deep inside of her, drove him wild to the point of his own climax.

As he groaned gutturally, back curling and face twisting, his speed rapidly increased. Hinata hadn't thought him capable of going faster- even Sasuke had limits- but she realized that in this heated moment he was actually defying his own barriers of strength and speed. As he unloaded his cum inside of her, Hinata stiffened in alarm, but it couldn't stop what was happening from happening. After a long moment Sasuke collapsed on top of her, and Hinata lay staring at the ceiling. His cum dribbled out of her as he swiftly pulled out- too late, of course.

"Thanks for that." Sasuke said snidely, standing up as if the sex hadn't affected his body at all. Hinata was always sore, and had a hard time walking sometimes. It depended on how mad Sasuke was, generally. "Now, if you'll excuse me…" Sasuke said, ignoring the fact that Hinata was actively ignoring him. "I have a date with your mother-in-law."

And speaking of Hinata's mother in law…

Kushina, at the moment while Sasuke was railing Hinata in her Naruto's bed, was excitedly getting ready for her "date" with Sasuke. Every time she thought of it as a date she blushed. Regardless of age, she was still a woman, and Sasuke was still one of the most (if not THE most) desired single man in the town. She was sure there would be rumors about this, and half of her assumed that Sasuke had invited her out to court controversy. She knew he liked to have people talking about him. In that respect, he was like a peacock, trying to attract as much attention as possible. It didn't matter the reason, as long as his names were on the lips of at least half the town's gossips.

Kushina smiled wistfully. That was just Sasuke's way, and it was amusing to say the least. Any flaw of his was usually turned into a positive by any woman smitten with Sasuke, and Kushina was not immune to Sasuke's charm. For being as old as she was, Kushina was actually still fairly attractive, though not too many men admitted her anymore. Her youth was long gone, and she was a widow, and though Naruto's father had been a good man, he hadn't left her a fortune that any man would try to snatch up. For these reasons, Kushina was mystified that Sasuke would pick _her_ to take on a date.

So, as a token of her appreciation, Kushina had put on makeup- actual makeup, which she never bothered to do anymore- and a sexy little crimson red number. The dress was still fairly modest, but the neckline was lower than anything any woman her age dared to wear. It hugged her curves fairly nicely. She wasn't a Hinata-level knockout, but she was still fairly attractive, especially in a MILF kind of way. Not that Sasuke was too picky.

Kushina fussed with her hair for about an hour before deciding to let it hang mysteriously around her face, both accenting her eyes and hiding the slight drooping of skin around her neck. Age plagued her, but she still looked relatively good for someone her age. She strapped on her high heels, walking across the room several times to make sure she wouldn't break an ankle while dancing with Sasuke. They weren't hooker high, but they were still taller than anyone her age wore.

And they were also slightly risqué. In fact, her whole outfit was a bit too young for her age, but she somehow managed to pull it off. Her ass was still fairly perky and her breasts weren't too saggy yet. From the back, she might even be mistaken for a younger woman. But none of this was running through Kushina's mind as she prepared herself (mentally and physically) for her date. In fact, there was hardly anything in her mind at all. The buried habit in her of getting ready for a date, of getting ready to look good for a man, was slowly resurfacing. She spritzed on some musky perfume, subtly adding a bit between her thighs. It was an afterthought, and Kushina hardly noticed she'd done it at all.

A knock on the door alerted her to the time. Sasuke was early! Luckily, Kushina had anticipated that. He was such a good man that she had known he'd be at least a half hour early. What a charmer, she smiled. Kushina grabbed her clutch and tottered towards the door. She was fairly good at walking in high heels, but her ankles were still as aged as she, and so she nearly snapped an ankle as she nearly ran towards the door. Reminding herself to be reasonable, she took a deep breath and stiffened her spine, her breasts looking perkier as she stood up straight. She reached for the doorknob, slowly turned it, and swung it open nonchalantly. As if Sasuke couldn't tell that she was a bundle of nerves.

After all, she was still a woman.

Sasuke looked extremely dashing. He had changed from his normal outfit into one with sharper lines and richer textures, the clothing of noticeably better quality. It impressed even the most cynical part of Kushina, who had expected him to be dressed up but hardly trying in that Sasuke way of his. It looked as if he had made a conscious effort to look good, and she found herself warmly appreciating that. She complimented him in her head a million times over, but out loud she only said, "You're early, Sasuke."

"I wouldn't want to keep you waiting." Sasuke smiled charmingly.

Kushina beamed, ignoring the fact that what he had said didn't make too much sense in any context. Before she could think of anything clever to say, Sasuke asked, "Are you ready to go?"

"You arrive here early and you expect me to be ready to go?" Kushina quipped playfully, her voice sounding half her age.

"Well, are you?" Sasuke said in reply, knowing full well that the answer would be-

"Of course!" Kushina giggled youthfully, making sure she had her keys before shutting the door softly behind her. To her surprise, Sasuke very suavely reached down and linked her hand in his. The warmth was overwhelming, and it nearly brought tears to her eyes. She hadn't felt this young, this blissful, since her first date with her husband. But, she reminded herself, this was not a _date_ date. It was more of a pity date. That thought deflated Kushina a little, but it wouldn't take Sasuke long to fluff her admiration up.

The event location was a short walk away, and they chattered amicably as they walked. Kushina was already regretting wearing the pin-thin heels, but they made her legs look twenty years younger, and that was a quality that was worth having your feet hurt so much that you wanted them amputated. Sasuke took her fur coat as they reached the building, subtly brushing his hand against her breast. Kushina blushed in response, but Sasuke was so swift in handing her coat to the coat person that she assumed he hadn't noticed, which was somewhat disappointing.

But what had she expected? A romantic night of dancing as the most desirable man in town slowly seduced her?

Ah, if only she knew.

As they were seated at their table, Kushina couldn't help but note that Sasuke had taken her to the most expensive place in town- and he was completely paying for all of it. Sasuke pulled out her chair- how chivalrous, Kushina noted- and as she delicately sat down, she fluttered her hands and picked up the menu. She wanted him to see her as a delicate flower, or something like it, anyway. She scanned the menu quickly, impressed at the breadth of the cuisine. She knew that the restaurant must have been unnecessarily and exorbitantly expensive, because there weren't even _prices_ listed on the menu.

Sasuke started off by ordering Kushina's favorite wine- how had he known? Even Naruto didn't know that, as he didn't drink with his dear old mother- and pouring it for her very suavely, cuffs rolled up to show off his handsome wrists. Kushina's hand fluttered to her chest, and she felt her cheeks heat up a little bit as Sasuke raised his glass to toast her. "To an amazing woman." Sasuke said simply, his voice huskier than usual. The candlelight bounced off his dark eyes, making him all the more attractive.

At least, to Kushina. She gulped down some wine without really focusing on looking delicate, but luckily she managed to throw it back without looking sloppy or spilling wine all over herself. That was a feat, considering her shaking hands. She was usually never this nervous about… well, about anything. Kushina hadn't felt nervous for a very long time- in fact, she couldn't remember when the last time had been.

"You look very beautiful tonight." Sasuke said, right after their plates were set in front of them. Kushina was delighted to find that, unlike many food places, this restaurant was expensive but generous with their fancy cuisine. Before Kushina responded, she put a bit of meat in her mouth- it nearly melted, and she heard herself sigh in contentment.

"Thank you, Sasuke. Should I give you a compliment in return?" Kushina asked after she had thoroughly swallowed the meat and ran her tongue over her teeth to check for stray strands of food.

"Only if I deserve one." Sasuke shrugged, spreading his arms wide, fork and knife in hand as he smiled devilishly. He knew he deserved a compliment, and Kushina knew he knew. He was one of those men who knew how devastatingly handsome he was, and he embraced it. Usually those men were pretentious to Kushina, but Sasuke had a certain charm. She cut into her meat and chewed thoughtfully, the meat once again so soft that it felt like it was melting on her tongue.

"You look… presentable." She teased Sasuke, who pretended to be offended by letting his knife fall to his plate with a quiet clatter. It was a choreographed little dance they were doing, as Sasuke had let it fall so that it wouldn't be obnoxiously loud. His face was the perfect amount of offended and hurt. Kushina laughed and waved him off with her free hand, sipping her wine with the other. She swallowed and continued. "Oh, you know you look like the best dressed man in here, so don't fish, it's unbecoming." She suggested, delighted with this flirty conversation.

"I didn't know that." Sasuke insisted, enjoying himself as well. "But thank you for your opinion. I'll take it as a fact." He watched as Kushina blushed and instinctively knew that she was falling deeper into his web with every bite of dinner and every bat of her mascara-accented eyelashes. After dinner was consumed, Sasuke ordered more wine and pulled the protesting Kushina onto the dance floor. Her legs looked good enough to eat, but her feet were killing her. Still, she pasted on a winning smile and swung her hips in time to the music, especially when Sasuke's arm snaked around her middle.

He was an exceptionally good dancer, Kushina noted. It wasn't like dancing with Naruto at his wedding. She loved her son, but he wasn't good at everything he tried. Sasuke, on the other hand, swung her and dipped her with all the flair of a professional seduction artist. She felt dizzy quite a few times, and finally she was forced to lead Sasuke off the floor. Sasuke understood immediately and escorted her back down the dark road to Naruto's house. They paused at the door, exactly as if they were on a first date.

In a sense, they were.

"Goodnight, Kushina." Sasuke leaned down with bated breath, letting his sweet scent reach her. Sure enough, she stood on tiptoe and gently pressed her lips to his. Seizing the moment, Sasuke's hand cupped the back of her neck and his tongue slid across her bottom lip. Kushina, surprised, seemed to whimper and crumple into his arms. Before she could let herself get too carried away, Sasuke pulled away with a smile.

Without another word, he bounded back down the path and into the night, leaving Kushina to touch her lips in woozy wonder.

4. Chapter 4

Laughter resonated through the grand hall, but for every giggle there was two sideways glances at the woman of honor. Kushina, dressed in her birthday finest, was perched on a chair with Sasuke standing by her side. For 53 years old, she looked exceptionally well groomed- nothing like the gray haired ladies that, as soon as they turned 50, were handed over to nursing homes by relieved families who no longer had to deal with them. Though Kushina was arguably beautiful, there were many ill-fated looks aimed her way, or, more specifically, at the pair of them. Sasuke and Kushina had made their relationship public knowledge- it was pretty hard for people to ignore their appearances over the last month together- and were not shy about acknowledging it. Though this boldness made some people respect their relationship and stay away from it despite disagreeing with the two, it made most people cringe. The age difference was staggering- Naruto was close to Sasuke's age- and her husband had been in the ground not even close to half a year yet. People were quick to label her, and though they were a tiny bit more forgiving to Sasuke ("He doesn't know any better" some would titter sympathetically, "she's taking advantage of the poor man") they berated him as well.

Kushina seemed to be blissfully deaf to criticism so far. Due to the special occasion, she was clad in something a bit sexier than her normal clothing, but it wasn't too out there for her age. Certainly not outlandish enough for gossiping groups to call her 'cougar' or 'desperate', though admittedly some tossed those adjectives around for lack of better ones. They just couldn't figure out why Sasuke would waste time with Kushina, because though she was not hideous or a public pariah, she certainly wasn't his age and she certainly wasn't worthy of him, or so thought the jealous younger women who had lusted after Sasuke for years now. Visions of bearing his child (some of the girls had extensive imaginations) suddenly vanished, popped like a bubble.

"Minato _just_ died, like seriously." One such blond griped, tipping back her glass and allowing a generous amount of alcohol into her system. She hadn't known Minato, and though she had been in Sasuke's class he had never really paid her attention. After her recent surgery, he had noticed her a bit more (the enhanced breasts were kind of hard not to notice) but just when she had been making progress he had suddenly gotten together with this old widow. "It makes no sense." She whined, voicing her wandering, vague thoughts.

"She must be, like, a dead fish in bed." Her friend agreed sympathetically, trying to recall if old women could even get wet at all. "How old is she? Can she even, like… have _sex?_ " She made a gesture, as if to illustrate her question. She tossed her head to emphasize this point, and the first shrugged in a lost sort of way, feeling as though her heart was broken. Sasuke could have her, but instead he had chosen an old woman freshly widowed. It didn't make sense!

In a similar way, groups of people had conversations such as this one all around the extravagant hall, feeding on the controversy surrounding the new union of Kushina and Sasuke. There was plenty of fodder for it, too, especially the age difference and the timing.

Hinata sighed, the napkin crushed in her hands as she fiddled with it to take her attention away from this party. As daughter in law of Kushina, she was required to attend, but Naruto couldn't be here due to work. Hopefully he would find the time to pop in later, but Hinata was alone until then. Where Naruto failed at tact he made up for in presence, and usually if she could stick with him she would be safe from gossip or Sasuke. But for now, she was subject to this party. She overheard gossip quite often, and wondered how Kushina couldn't hear it. But Kushina seemed radiantly happy, blissful, and a bit too much so for Hinata's liking. It was odd, that so soon after her other half's death, she had found another man. Hinata stopped herself from thinking this way, as she realized that the people fueling the gossip sounded exactly like her thoughts.

Oddly like the wake, a line of people was shuffling around, waiting to congratulate Kushina on reaching such an age. "Wow, 53!" A random well-wisher almost shouted, profuse and honest in his congratulations… mostly due to how visible Kushina's breasts were under her dress. Lewdly, the man hugged Kushina, but he wasn't brave enough to cop a feel. Delighted by this act of affection and convinced he was an old gay man, Kushina grinned and struck up a conversation with him, clueless as to why the man had come over to the table in the first place.

Hinata felt a hand on her arm and turned to address the person. She made a face when she saw the owner of said hand- Sasuke- and the three men who had arranged themselves in a semi circle around him, as if he were their leader. Sasuke grinned at her like a smug cat that had caught a mouse. He knew she couldn't say a damn thing, and better yet, she could perform well without tattling. That was why he was handing her off to these guys. "Hinata, have you met my friends from the Cloud village?"

Sasuke rattled off their names with accuracy, but Hinata stared at Sasuke's hand, which rested on her while he talked. Aware of this but refusing to acknowledge it, Sasuke stopped talking when he noticed her glare. This sudden silence got Hinata's attention, and she looked up at the men (who had moved a bit closer, like animals closing in on their prey) and stiffly nodded, then looked again at Sasuke's hand on her smooth forearm. She disliked his touch almost as much as his presence, though not nearly as much as she hated him for making her so sexually attracted to someone she loathed. As soon as the image of the three men set in, though, her neck snapped up and her eyes widened in alarm. The men from the Cloud Village were all tall black men who looked as though they were heavily hung. All were dressed fairly nicely- nice enough to look as though they fit in at a party in a hall such as this.

They were all three eyeing her appreciatively, obviously noting the short red dress she wore. It kept riding up onto her hips when she walked, and this such reason was why she had been sitting down for the entire length of the birthday party thus far. She had strappy golden heels on, the heel itself so thin that it looked like a pin. They weren't classy, per se, but they were nicer than the usual hooker-type heels she usually wore. She had made an effort for Kushina, or, more specifically, she had made an effort to fly under Sasuke's radar. If Kushina ever found out about Sasuke and Hinata's little "arrangement", she would be heartbroken and mad as hell- never a good combination for a woman in love. 'Hell hath no fury like Kushina scorned' Hinata thought bitterly. She shifted onto the balls of her feet to take the pressure off her heels, feeling as though the strappy golden things might snap and send her sprawled to the ground. How funny that would look, she thought angrily, her matching red lace panties (which were, as per usual, completely see-through) on display for all to see. As it was, she had to keep tugging the damn skirt down, but it was hard to do, since the style was a bodycon- which meant that it was suctioned to her skin like a wetsuit, though much nicer than that, admittedly.

Sasuke raised a hand, capturing Hinata's attention once more, and waved off the men. They obeyed, obviously sensing something important coming, and retreated to a corner. They murmured to themselves, their desire lewdly obvious.

Sasuke casually glanced over his shoulder to make sure Kushina was otherwise occupied. She was getting swarmed by well wishers or people with fake congratulations, and they were luckily so loud that she would never hear what Sasuke had to say. Such good luck that Naruto was occupied at work… and such a good thing that Sasuke had contacts nearly everywhere to delay him there as well. A morally wrong man, maybe, but Sasuke was not stupid.

He turned back to Hinata with a faint smile on his lips. "No fucking them."

"Excuse me?" Hinata pulled away from him with a jerky motion, nearly falling off her chair. Sasuke reached out and righted her, though he quickly pulled his hand away to avoid suspicion and a fit thrown by the livid Hinata. Sasuke sighed- why couldn't she be a meek little thing, just for once? Then again, he mused, perhaps they wouldn't be so eager if she were as silent but well endowed as a blow up doll. Men liked feisty women with large assets, so perhaps Hinata's temper was a blessing to Sasuke on this day.

"You heard me, Hinata." He said, so velvety and low that his voice could be mistaken for song. "It's not complicated, and I know you understand. I don't want you kissing them, I don't want them fucking you. Blowjobs and little hand favors, fine, sure, all good. But you're not allowed to have sex with them, got it?"

As if she _wanted_ to do this, Hinata fumed! The way he made it sound, he was doing her a favor, or he was her father laying down the law on what she could or couldn't do. His tone reminded her of someone in charge, someone who made the rules and carried them out, no matter how twisted they happened to be. Hinata shook her head in mute anger, unable to believe what she was hearing. So Sasuke thought he could just hand her off to other men now? What did he think Hinata was, a whore?

Ignoring her obvious indignation, Sasuke made hand gestures, as if he were having a casual conversation. "Get that pissed off look off of your face, Hinata, people will get suspicious." She could be so unreasonable sometimes, really. "Look, flirt with them. Get them bothered, yeah? Tease them. Dance with them. And give them the…" He paused, looking for the right word, and Hinata used this silence to try to contort her face back to a normal expression. "…relief they need." Sasuke winked subtly at her, as if they were comrades. When Hinata opened her mouth to protest, Sasuke's smile remained pasted on his face, but his eyes darkened with a gritty kind of humor. "You don't have a choice."

And it was then that Hinata realized how right Sasuke was. He would lord this over her forever, she realized miserably, and she had no way out of it. If she ever refused him or any of his perverted 'friends from Cloud Village', he would inevitably tell Naruto, or perhaps the whole town collectively, of their affair, even if it was Sasuke at fault. Sasuke had a way with words, a way of getting people to believe him, and Hinata was deathly terrified of it. She knew he could make her life hell, in a way that would be worse than it already was. Their relationship at the moment was complicated and awful, not anything a relationship should be, but Hinata could see no way out of it.

With a final glare Hinata stood, her eyes shooting beams of pure hatred at Sasuke's softly smiling face. Then, turning at an abrupt 180 degrees of emotion, Hinata's frown became a fake smile. She turned on her heel and sauntered over to the men as if nothing were bothering her, when it fact she felt as though lead was weighing down her entire body. She gulped before talking, the anticipatory looks on the mens' faces making her gag. No one would have guessed that from her facial expression, however. She giggled at their obvious gawking, shaking her head as she would to jokingly reprimand three little boys. They were all masculine in the traditional sense, with muscles and bravado. Not her type, but it wasn't as if she could ever choose any of this. Another deep breath and she was ready to step into the skin of a vixen. She forced out her voice much higher than usual, choosing to take on a classic sexy rasp of a whine. The less they knew of her true self, the easier she could wash this out of her hair.

"Cloud Village, hmmm? So why are you here, did you run out of women?" She teased them all, pausing for a moment with her eyes on each one of them, running her eyes suggestively up and down each, as if to insinuate that the women of their town couldn't keep up with them. Her eyes lingered particularly long on the bulges in their pants, which were all fairly impressive and daunting. The men laughed appreciatively and much too loudly, making Hinata internally cringe- surely she wasn't that funny? Hopefully the music would drown them out. But then she realized that they were mostly staring at her breasts, her ass, and she realized that this could be an entirely physical encounter if she deemed it one. It could happen, no one would know, they certainly wouldn't tell (God only knew what kind of arrangement Sasuke had made) and she could write it off as a bad dream!

Grasping this metaphorical life raft, Hinata took a deep and cleansing breath, then reached out and swatted the largest man's arm playfully, setting off a chain reaction. Suddenly they were given permission to tease her, to touch her- as a raucous song came on, they competed for her arm but eventually decided to dance around her, groins pointed lasciviously at her ass. They copped a feel as often as they could, which was not often, since Hinata was skilled at the art of teasing and dancing away. Her heels felt as though they would not support her, but they held up loyally as she frantically played a game of one mouse versus three very eager cats.

She wasn't enjoying it, but she was very good at it. It felt very similar, she imagined, to someone who gets stuck in a career they despise but one which they are outrageously good at. This type of blatant teasing frustrated the men, but that only made their bulges harden or grow- Sasuke had been right to assume that most men liked a sassy, buxom type woman. Hard to get was a challenge- it was saying 'I bet you can't get me'. And they liked that challenge, because her first teasing assumption had been correct- they had indeed fucked nearly every woman of age (who was reasonably attractive or good in bed) in their hometown.

The largest one managed to grind against Hinata, his erection rubbing her ass through the short skirt, and one of them had his chest to hers, while another kept dancing dangerously close so that her hand very nearly touched his throbbing bulge. Subtle they were not, and at first Hinata thought they would be found out for sure, but luckily the attention was mostly on Kushina, who had crowds of people wishing her well. Very quickly Hinata found herself backed into a corner by the men, but the advantage to this was the privacy it brought. She rapidly turned from coy girl to hungry woman, just in the way she flashed her eyes at them and fluttered her lashes. "How many women have you slept with, big boy?" She asked one of them, but before he could answer, the largest came back with a quip.

"Not nearly as many as I have, Hinata." He winked at her and thrust his hips slightly to indicate the size of his erection. Hinata frowned for a split second- they knew her name?- but wrote this off. Sasuke very possibly didn't tell them anything- being the wife of such a figure as Naruto meant that Hinata could possibly be known by these men already. She hoped that was the case- she didn't need another bone to pick with Sasuke, the bastard.

Before they could notice her slip, she danced closer and bounced so that her breasts would jiggle attractively against his chest. "How many?" She breathed.

He blinked, mesmerized. "Too many to count."

After a little while of this cat and mouse dance, however, the three men seemed to tire of it… or at least desire a new destination. The large one, who she assumed was the impromptu leader of the bunch, grabbed her hand in a way that meant business and halfway dragged her to the bathroom in an apish sort of way. Some women would have found this sexy, but Hinata felt heavy dread at what was to come. Sasuke's awful voice replayed in her head, like an audio tape she couldn't turn off. 'Relieve them…. But no fucking… you have no choice….'