
Chapter 5 - Mickey And Alvaro And Sobering truth Feats

Mickey feats :

Mickey didn't kill Sobering truth family

Mickey can know everything because he connect himself in everything

That's mean he know everything

And Mickey power is above the reality

Even if there was someone stronger than him which was impossible, he would still raise his strength level by 0.1

And it will multiply infinitely

And his speed exceeded the speed limits,His speed cannot be measured, he can raise it as much as he wants, he can run around everything infinitely before a split second passes.

And he become the most solid thing of all

And his level of endurance exceeded everything, so nothing could affect him

And the level of his intelligence exceeded a million, so he knew he could defeat anyone just by being clever at him

He can know what he hides and what is inside him and what he will do because of his intelligence

And his techniques are all the techniques that exist, and because he knows all of them, he will disable what makes his opponent excel him without touching him

And he can remove any similar technology by the law of no superiority

Any technique that would make his opponent superior to him, he would remove it

And no one can disable or control his abilities or his mind

He can make exact copies of himself in every way and every clone he create have the same power. And if someone kills the copy, he will seize the killer's ability, as he can hide in a dimension that no one can reach

Every clone he create can make infinite clones, and remember the most important thing is he can disable his enemy

Power and abilities And no one can disable his powers

HE CAN'T GET SEALED BECAUSE HE CAN DISABLE ANY POWERS , AND HE HAVE INFINITE POWERS , and if the enemy hit him or hit one of his clones his , Mickey can take his powers if he want

Mickey have the power to disable the power to disable powers , infinite time

Mickey have multiverses inside his body , he create multiverses and he destroy them again Mickey after 1 second he become stronger than before infinite times he can make infinite clones of himself

any clone he create have the same power

he have infinite iq brain he can create MULTIVERSES just by his apprereance

the writer manipulation

the plot manipulation

manipulation the Infinite system

Everything he wants he will get. He is the strongest

And he can remove the Infinite power from anyone and no one can do that. Because everything he want will become truth

people power manipulation

pain manipulation

And more














Nayypolo story world name is mp world

the mp world size always growing and as it's size increases , new planets and universes appear

Alvaro feats intelligence and powers feats

Alvaro made 2 omnipotent monsters there name is the Sobering truth And the vision

his power is

the Infinity manipulation

the system manipulation

the limits manipulation

age manipulation

alvaro was able to learn the aliens language in 10 minutes and he was able to make a space travel machine at the age of five , he manipulate omnipotent person to stole his power

and he made 10 copy version of his power and he make a hidden dimension in the first,

he is Omnipotent




he geat in manipulation




fast thinking


fast understanding

alvaro is the writer 1 punch can make him stronger than before infinite times

Alvaro's intelligence went beyond numbers

Alvaro managed to make an ordinary child an omnipotent person

by connecting it to everything. And made him create universes inside him.

He create two omnipotent monsters / the vision / Sobering truth

And he was able to create a travel machine from earth to space when he was five years old.

He learn aliens language in 10 minutes

And he manipulated an omnipotent person to steal his power, to make an hidden dimension

and he manipulated two gangs that included the smartest men in America,

and he manipulated aliens who could destroy galaxies in seconds , In order to gain access to the source of their inventions,

Alvaro can manipulate the whole earth easily, he is not afraid of anything, he can change his shape to the shape of anyone he wants and he can master his role with ease.

Alvaro succeeded in his goal easily, and his goal was to see the earth destroyed by someone, as he would not be able to control himself and would destroy the universe if he wanted.

Because the whole world wanted to kill him and torture him when he was just a 3-year-old child, but he was able to erase the memory of the entire world but he lost the most important thing he had, his family.

And now he become the ultimate evil that cannot be deceived


Alvaro had hidden his power in a dimension no one could reach, and since he had his plan, he let Mickey get his revenge

The Sobering truth feats

Sobering truth can fight with sword of reality , 1 move from this sword can destroy infinite multiverses infinite times he have no limits he is boundless sword

he make the omnipotent person , omnipotent x2

the Sobering truth durability on another level you need to be boundless to hurt him

Additional Alvaro feats with more details : ( Mickey have the same Powers because he have the same source of power )

After Alvaro and his family were betrayed by aliens, they became hunted by the world. Alvaro had suffered a lot since childhood, but he was modified to have an adult mind at a young age. He successfully infiltrated Area 51 and learned many secrets in a very short time. At the age of three, he executed a plan to wipe the world's memory, but it was delayed, and his parents died, fueling his hatred for the world. For two years, Alvaro thought only of his family's tragedy and how to get revenge. He became the smartest person in the world at the age of five.

At the age of five, Alvaro built a spaceship and learned the language of the aliens in just five minutes, while the aliens themselves spent over 20 years to learn it. He rose through the ranks until he became beloved by the Reds Chief, who allowed him to achieve his revenge against the aliens who had betrayed his family.

Later, Alvaro went on a mission to eliminate Malnas, an omnipotent being, and with the help of his inventions, he succeeded.

And then He turned Malnas's power into a hidden dimension

Inside Alvaro was part of Malnas power, he get this power form malnas himself , and Alvaro developed this part to be greater than the full power of Malnas, and he made 10 copy of this great power

He put this power in The Sobering Truth and The Vision. The Sobering Truth wouldemerge to kill the person who would kill Alvaro, while The Vision would emerge when he gained Brain.

All of this was part of Alvaro's plan for the distant future, and he knew when these events would occur.

He traveled to the future to see what would happen if he hadn't wiped the world's memory. He saw the scene of his parents' death again and saw himself being killed in cold blood, when he was just kid who have 3 years old. He also saw how the world grew on its hatred.

After a million years, a person named Mickey was born. He was the only person who understood Alvaro and didn't hate him. Mickey wanted to become the strongest, so he trained from a very young age.

However, he intentionally achieved his goal. The gang he was a part of was afraid he would overthrow them. After Mickey's family realized he did not hate Alvaro, they betrayed him. Mickey was a poor man who was betrayed by his family and his gang. He wandered the earth in chains, subjected to beatings and torture by people around the world. This made Alvaro increasingly angry and resentful towards this cruel world. He returned from the future and began his plan by putting his power in a hidden dimension and descending to earth.

Alvaro planted a copy of the power of Malnas that he had developed and inserted the multiverse into it so that it could be destroyed and rebuilt to become a renewable Mickey power forever. Alvaro secretly joined the Cornalez family and made a plan with them on how to overthrow the Blodders family, which Mickey aspired to become a member of and whose father was one of its senior members. After that, Alvaro joined the Blodders family with a plan with the Cornalez family to overthrow them.

Despite being able to rise to a higher rank, Alvaro only became a captain to remain close to Mickey, who became a close friend to him. Alvaro created an underground headquarters for the Blodders family. To enter this headquarters, one must be a member of the family with pure intentions. So Alvaro installed a machine that senses hearts and detects liars, hypocrites, and the truthful.

When someone joins the family, they must jump to the place that leads them underground, and they must say their name while on their way down. Then a machine is planted inside the person's heart that makes family members aware of each other's whereabouts, conditions, and feelings. If someone dies, everyone can know through this machine, and Alvaro created a place that can only be reached anytime for family races against each other by using teleporter

All of this was Alvaro's creation. He also created robotic copies of Mickey's family that were killed by the Cornalez family with the help of Alvaro in a hidden manner. Alvaro planted hidden rays of weakness in the Blodders family. After a while, Alvaro disabled these things in the headquarters and made the way easier for the Cornalez family to come to the Blodders family, who were celebrating Mickey's joining them. Alvaro crushed both gangs together, which was his plan from the beginning to make Mickey awaken malnas power that Alvaro had placed in him and to make Mickey get his revenge on the earth that had tortured him in the future that Alvaro saw. Alvaro did not want to take revenge himself because of his intense hatred. If he wanted to destroy the earth, he would end up destroying everything.

After that, Alvaro made Mickey achieve his revenge in this time by killing him because Mickey did not even know that Alvaro had saved him. He taught that Alvaro is villain that killed his gang and his family ,and alvaro wanted to show Mickey the turth when he wilk obtained the ultimate power

Alvaro Power level :

Alvaro's strength is beyond strength and systems and power itself, and he can manipulate and take the people powers , and he can destroy everything in infinite loop just by his apprereance,

Alvaro's speed is immeasurable and infinite, He can run around everything before a split second

Alvaro's unmatched durability and ability to reflect any hit or attack back to the attacker makes him invincible, if someone touch him he will live In infinite loop of pain , because Alvaro have durability that no one was able to touch him

Alvaro's level of endurance exceeds everything, making him invincible, giving him an edge over the most fictional characters , as he's clones survive an attack from infinite omnipotent beings in other dimension and multiverses in the past and in the future

Alvaro's ability to control and manipulate energy and power gives him an edge over the most fictional characters

Alvaro's abilities and hax are above and beyond what most other characters in mp world possess. He can manipulate power and reality itself, has an above-infinite IQ, and can manipulate people's emotions and pain. Additionally, he can manipulate and control any power, including his own, project infinite energy, and manipulate and alter the fabric of reality. He can create pocket dimensions, control the laws of physics, and create and destroy multiverses at will. Alvaro's power and abilities cannot be disabled or controlled, and he can disable the power to disable powers an infinite number of times. Moreover, Alvaro can create clones of himself in any time in the past, future, or any dimension, giving him a significant edge in battle against multiple omnipotent beings.

Above infinite knowledge and iq

Infinite experience,

Beyond the Concept of the pain

Beyond the Concept of time

Beyond the Concept of omniverse

Beyond the Concept of power

Beyond the Concept of intelligence

The concept manipulation

The concept eraser

The omnipotent and omniscience and omnipresent manipulation And eraser

beyond the concept of the infinite and the concept of reality warping and the time manipulation and beyond the concept of time and above the concept of conceptual manipulation

Manipulate the infinite and the system of power , reflex any attack just by his apprereance, infinite stamina , manipulate the story and the events ,

Alvaro power to create to create infinite clones have the same power is the strongest ability that he have and if someone have power like this he will disable this power in The first, and his clones make him stronger Infinite times just by ther appearance and their action makes him unbeatable, and he get their powers and because they have above infinite power , Alvaro literally every moment he takes above infinite power and he have omniverses inside him make him get above-infinite power every moment , and he have hidden dimension he create infinite clones on it , and when new clone appear Alvaro get power above infinite, and the clones was created in every moment and when they fight each other and when they move and when they do anything, Alvaro get above-infinite power

- Absolute Multiversal Creation: Alvaro possess the power to create and manipulate entire multiverses on an absolute level. This is give him complete control over the fabric of reality, allowing him to create and destroy entire universes with a thought.

- Beyond the Concept of Infinity: Alvaro possess the ability to transcend the concept of infinity, rendering him immune to attacks that rely on infinite power. This is make him invincible in battle.

- Reality Rejection: Alvaro possess the power to reject or nullify any aspect of reality, allowing him to manipulate and control the fabric of reality on a fundamental level.

- Absolute Causality Manipulation: Alvaro possess the power to manipulate and control causality on an absolute level, allowing him to alter the course of events and rewrite history itself.

- Absolute Nonexistence: Alvaro possess the power to erase anything from existence on an absolute level, even concepts and abstract entities. This is give him unlimited power and control over the fabric of reality.

- Absolute Nothingness: Alvaro possess the power to create and manipulate absolute nothingness, allowing him to erase entire multiverses and even the concept of existence itself.

Beyond all the concepts of power and all the concepts of the omniverse , as he can manipulate the content of damage , he can make omnipotent being died because of mosquito

The fabric of reality manipulation

The concept manipulation

The writer and the plot manipulation

The eraser manipulation

The power and the pain manipulation

The emotion and pain manipulation

The omniverse manipulation

Everything manipulation

The limit and the infinite manipulation

The system and the knowledge manipulation

And more

Ability to manipulate and take people's powers.

- Ability to destroy everything in an infinite loop just by his appearance.

- Immeasurable and infinite speed, able to run around everything before a split second.

- Unmatched durability and ability to reflect any hit or attack back to the attacker, making him invincible.

- Level of endurance that exceeds everything, giving him an edge over most fictional characters.

- Ability to control and manipulate energy and power, giving him an edge over most fictional characters.

- Above-infinite IQ and ability to manipulate people's emotions and pain.

- Ability to manipulate power and reality itself.

- Ability to project infinite energy and manipulate and alter the fabric of reality.

- Ability to create pocket dimensions, control the laws of physics, and create and destroy multiverses at will.

- Ability to create clones of himself in any time in the past, future, or any dimension, giving him a significant edge in battle against multiple omnipotent beings.

- Ability to manipulate the infinite and the system of power, reflex any attack just by his appearance, and manipulate the story and the events.

- Power to create infinite clones with the same power, making him unbeatable.

- Possession of above-infinite power due to the constant creation and fighting of his clones.

- Absolute multiversal creation, allowing him complete control over the fabric of reality.

- Ability to transcend the concept of infinity,rendering him immune to attacks that rely on infinite power.

- Reality rejection, allowing him to nullify any aspect of reality.

- Absolute causality manipulation, allowing him to alter the course of events and rewrite history itself.

- Absolute nonexistence, allowing him to erase anything from existence on an absolute level, even concepts and abstract entities.

- Ability to create and manipulate absolute nothingness, erasing entire multiverses and even the concept of existence itself.

- Ability to manipulate the content of damage, making omnipotent beings die because of a mosquito.

- Fabric of reality manipulation, concept manipulation, writer and plot manipulation, eraser manipulation, power and pain manipulation, emotion and pain manipulation, omniverse manipulation, everything manipulation, limit and infinite manipulation, system and knowledge manipulation, and more.

- Absolute Energy Manipulation: Alvaro possess the ability to manipulate and control all forms of energy on an absolute level, including kinetic energy, thermal energy, electromagnetic energy, nuclear energy, and more. This gives him complete control over the fundamental forces of the universe.

- Absolute Space-Time Manipulation: Alvaro can manipulate and control space and time on an absolute level, allowing him to travel through time, create time loops, and manipulate causality in any way he desires. This ability also gives him complete control over the laws of physics.

- Absolute Telekinesis: Alvaro possess the power to move and manipulate objects, energy, and matter on an absolute level, without the need for physical contact or using gestures or words.

- Absolute Regeneration: Alvaro possess the ability to regenerate from any injury or damage, even complete destruction or erasure, on an absolute level. This makes him virtually impossible to kill or defeat.

- Absolute Immortality: Alvaro possess the ability to exist and survive indefinitely, without aging, getting sick, or being affected by external factors such as time, energy, or matter. This makes him virtually invincible, as he cannot be killed by any means.

- Absolute Omniscience: Alvaro possess the ability to know everything, including the past, present, and future, as well as all possible outcomes and eventsthat can occur. This gives him complete knowledge and understanding of the universe and all its laws and principles.

- Absolute Omnipotence: Alvaro possess the ability to do anything and everything, without any limitations or restrictions. This makes him all-powerful and invincible, as he can manipulate and control anything and everything in the universe.

- Absolute Reality Warping: Alvaro possess the ability to manipulate and control reality on an absolute level, allowing him to change the laws of physics, create and destroy entire universes, and alter the course of history. This power is virtually limitless, as Alvaro can create and manipulate anything he desires.

- Absolute Mind Control: Alvaro possess the ability to control and manipulate the minds of others, including their thoughts, emotions, and actions. This gives him complete control over all living beings in the universe.

- Absolute Teleportation: Alvaro possess the power to teleport himself and others anywhere in the universe, without any limitations or restrictions. This allows him to travel instantaneously through time and space.

- Absolute Immunity: Alvaro possess the ability to be immune to any and all forms of attack, manipulation, or control, including physical, mental, and spiritual attacks. This makes him virtually invincible, as he cannot be affected by any external forces or attacks.

- Absolute Invisibility: Alvaro possess the power to become completely invisible, without any limitations or restrictions. This makes him virtually undetectable, as he can move and act without being seen or heard.

- Absolute Shapeshifting: Alvaro possess the ability to change his shape and form, without any limitations or restrictions. This allows him to transform into any living or non-living entity, including animals, objects, and even abstract concepts.

- Absolute Time Travel: Alvaro possess the power to travel through time, without any limitations or restrictions. This allows him to change the course of history and alter the future, as well as to observe and explore different time periods.

- Absolute Cloning: Alvaro possess the ability to create and control infinite clones of himself, each with the same power and abilities as him. This gives him a significant advantage in battle, as he can overwhelm his opponents with multiple copies of himself.

- Absolute Telepathy: Alvaro possess the power to communicate and read the thoughts of others, without any limitations or restrictions. This allows him to understand theintentions and motivations of his opponents, as well as to manipulate their thoughts and emotions.

- Absolute Summoning: Alvaro possess the ability to summon and control any entity or object, without any limitations or restrictions. This allows him to summon powerful creatures and weapons to aid him in battle, or to manipulate the environment to his advantage.

- Absolute Healing: Alvaro possess the power to heal any injury or damage, including physical, mental, and spiritual wounds, without any limitations or restrictions. This allows him to restore himself and others to full health and vitality, making him virtually invincible in battle.

- Absolute Elemental Control: Alvaro possess the ability to manipulate and control all elements, including fire, water, earth, air, and more, on an absolute level. This gives him complete control over the natural forces of the universe.

- Absolute Light Manipulation: Alvaro possess the power to manipulate and control light on an absolute level, allowing him to create and control any form of light, including lasers, energy beams, and more.

- Absolute Darkness Manipulation: Alvaro possess the ability to manipulate and control darkness on an absolute level, allowing him to create and control any form of darkness, including shadows, voids, and more.

- Absolute Sound Manipulation: Alvaro possess the power to manipulate and control sound on an absolute level, allowing him to create and control any form of sound, including sonic booms, earthquakes, and more.