Ch. 1

In a cold and damp night where one could hear loud shrieking and roaring of beasts. A man laid down on his stomach with his head raised up looking ahead at another man who knelt on both knees in front of him as a shield. They were both completely covered in wounds and bloody, with a crowd surrounding them looking at the two men like bugs being squashed. " Jiang Rong now with the state in which you're, you still pretend to be dignified." a very slender and handsome man squatted beside of the man laying on his stomach and sneered as he said to him.

Jiang Rong ignored him and was in dazed looking at the crying man who knelt in front of him to shield him with his body. Jiang Rong felt inexplicable and at loss. He turned to the slender looking man and paused as if in thought " .... Pang Shao you've being cheating on me before the doomsday, and you've betrayed my trust over and over again yet i still cared for you. All of you here, i risked my life to protect you all. Did i not lead you well? Did i not treat you all well?" he asked not even sure if it was a matter of question. He already knew in heart that of all them he risked his life protecting for so many years in the end of the world, he knew that they were just using him but he still stood with them.

His so called family whom even before the doomsday came, kept using and going after his properties. His so called white eyed wolf lover whom he cared for so much doing everything in his power and beyond his power to make him live a carefree life. And those people he saved in the doomsday forming a team of both ability users and those without abilities, yet here they are after so many betrayals from them. They finally came for his life, he was a level 9 metal ability user. Already an overlord who even the base commander respects very much, but he found out that his so called lover and family had actually sold him out to the base commander and were already planning to take him out.

It was only after he was drugged did he know that they never cared for him not even once, and now in this pathetic and miserable state he was in. It was only that person who constantly wanted to get close to him, that person who tried to warned him. That person whom he found to be an eyesore, his warm eyes which always looked at him asking to be noticed. But Jiang Rong had never once noticed that person, Ye Xuan. Infact he didn't remember that person very much since he avoided him like a plague. "..... Senior" Ye Xuan looked at him with red eyes and in rage.

Seeing his so defeated state Jiang Rong was flustered, because the Ye Xuan whom he has seen a couple of times was strong willed and never showed weakness to others. The only times he showed weakness was whenever he was in the presence of him. Hearing Ye Xuan called him senior Jiang Rong felt it sounded familiar, but he couldn't recall where he had hear it before. Infact he was just dazed, confused and dizzy from the drug fed to him and loss of blood. He was hurt so bad but he couldn't feel the pain at all, his head was muddled. He was so angry but to whom would he direct his anger to? Those who betrayed him and brought him this state, or himself who gave them that opportunity? Jiang Rong was at loss.

He could only look at Ye Xuan who was desperately trying to beg the crowd and save him, Ye Xuan was willing to give himself to them for him to be spared. Jiang Rong found it infuriating but he wasn't infuriated at Ye Xuan, but to himself. " Pang Shao let's go now! Zombies are coming our way! " A woman with long hair said to a handsome looking man who seemed to be the leader of the crowd as she called to Pang Shao too. " Pang Shao c'mon we gotta go" the crowd started to flee to the cars parked around in a hurry. Pang Shao stood up on his feet intending to walk away from Jiang Rong and Ye Xuan but suddenly walked to Ye Xuan and stabbed his left chest with a dagger. "i knew you were a slut after him, so why don't you go to hell along with him!" he said in a sanister tone into Ye Xuan's ear. He didn't have to bother to end Ye Xuan himself since they'll both die anyway and it was a given since the zombies were approaching after smelling their blood, but he had always despised Ye Xuan for always looking at Jiang Rong with love and tenderness. Everyone in the team had already come to know that Ye Xuan loved Jiang Rong, but Jiang Rong was the only one ignorant to that. Pang Shao ran to the leader looking at him tenderly and acting coquettish.

Ye Xuan gasped and fell to his back, tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes with him gasping slowly. Jiang Rong dragged his body to Ye Xuan, he looked at Ye Xuan feeling heartache. He felt miserable seeing Ye Xuan's breath slowly thinned. "why?" he asked in a hoarse voice. He didn't know what to say or what to feel. Everything happening to him now was something which he expected and he was unfazed but for Ye Xuan to stick with him to the very end, he really didn't expect that change of events.

Ye Xuan slowly raised up the corners of his lips into a beautiful and dazzlingly smile. "because i love you" he said softly. Jiang Rong was mesmerized in his beautiful and bright honest smile. His heart skipped a beat, he was silently and regretful. Looking at Ye Xuan now carefully he looked very familiar to him. 'Senior...thank you for saving me' '' 'senior' 'senior!' there were flashes of memories in his mind. He remembered a timid looking guy who always stalked him back in his college days. The guy was so timid that Jiang Rong disliked him because he was often bullied. Jiang Rong dislike weak guys and that that guy was exactly the type he disliked weak and Vulnerable. The last time he saw that guy was the last day of his senior year when that guy passed him a letter, but Jiang Rong talked rudely and shit to him without even opening the letter and threw it somewhere. It was later after years when he found the letter that he read it and saw it was a love letter from that guy confessing if his love to him.

But at then Jiang Rong was already with Pang Shao so he shrugged and brush it off, not in his wildest dream would he think that he would meet that guy again even in the ends time. And now he was lying in front of him dying all because of him. Jiang Rong was so lost in a heart wrenching self blame and thoughts that he didn't notice that he was in tears. His tears slid down his face onto Yes Xuan's face. Ye Xuan felt pained seeing that, he blamed himself for not being able to protect Jiang Rong well. He groaned bitting hard on his lips, he slowly raised up his hand and sent it to Jiang Rong's face. He wiped away Jiang Rong's tears, Jiang was stunned and looked at Ye Xuan who was looking at him pained and frowning. He felt distressful.

"senior... you shouldn't cry, it was my fault i didn't do my best to warn you and protect you well" Jiang Rong felt stuffy in heart hearing Ye Xuan address him as senior and self blamed himself. Even in this situation Ye Xuan continued to prove his love to him. Jiang Rong truly felt regretful and remorseful, he knew that there was no amount of apology in the world to fix up all things he messed up. He grabbed hold of Ye Xuan's hand and brought it to his lips kissing it, "Ye Xuan, senior wronged you." he said. Ye Xuan's smiled widely and brightly hearing that, he put away the pain he was feeling behind his back and struggled to hold both hands of Jiang Rong. " Senior remembers me, I'm truly happy." he said honestly feeling happy.

Jiang Rong's tears slide down more seeing him in this manner. Even in this state which was clearly his fault, Ye Xuan could be so happy just because he remembered him. Jiang Rong felt uncomfortable in heart. " I'm sorry Ye Xuan" Ye Xuan slowly shook his head. His breathing was getting thinner and thinner, " i... I'm....happy senior.... I've always loved senior.....and will .....always ....d" he struggled to say, but time wasn't with him. His hand slip from Jiang Rong's hand as he breathed his last breath. Jiang Rong quickly took back his hand but he no longer felt the warmth in them. He was sorrowful and his heart felt as if it was crushed, " Ye Xuan! Ye Xuan!" he called desperately but there was no response. His tears poured out heavily and bitterly. " i love you" he whispered and brought his lips to Ye Xuan's lips placed a kiss on his already cold lips. He raised up his head staring at the darkened sky without an ounce of light, he heard the roar of the cars informing him that his killers had flee from there and the roar of the zombies got near and near in seconds.

He laid defeated in wait of his death, he felt regretful of all the choices he made in his life. And for how he treated Ye Xuan the last time they met and not reading the letter then, but he knew it was already too late because there was no medicine for regret in the world. He felt a sharp pain on his neck as a zombie bit down on his neck, he held it without showing any pain as his whole body was covered by zombies biting his ever part. He suddenly smiled thinking at least Ye Xuan wouldn't be killed by zombies and also turn into a flesh eating zombie, his senses started to go numb not feeling anything.

Blood slid down from his neck to his chest where he wore a green jade pendant of the Buddha statue. The pendant's colour changed to bright red after being soaked by his blood. It started to emit light brightly blinding Jiang Rong's eyes and engulfing his surround in a bright light. Jiang Rong was shown a very beautiful and peaceful place with tall mountains, a spring, a bamboo house and beautiful scenery. But he couldn't admire such beautiful scenery as he was already loosing his consciousness not sure what he was really seeing. Jiang Rong only felt his chest side burn as the light subsided into his body before everything went black.