Ch. 3

When Jiang Rong walked into the spring pool he began to feel refreshed. He felt as if cold water was passing through his meridians and veins in his whole body from under his feet, it gave him a very comfortable feeling which urged him to go deeper into the spring pool. His whole body was submerged into the pool with his figure no longer in sight, he already didn't feel the need to breath so he didn't have any problem being submerged into the pool and not being able to breath.

He felt his consciousness leaving him, unknown to him after loosing consciousness his body began to glow in the pool in green, red and gray. The fox sat on his hind legs staring focused at the glowing Jiang Rong and in deep thoughts. It felt things weren't as simple as it seems, because it may have saved Jiang Rong also depleting it's power to nothing. But it felt that something didn't seem right. It was either Jiang Rong regressed back with no changes except the space or the saving of Jiang Rong fails completely.

But regressing back as a half human half zombie with a lot of changes wasn't right, it felt that even the space itself had gone through a bit of changes but it couldn't tell where. It could only come up with a conclusion that it's saving of Jiang Rong was tempered with but it didn't know who did, it could only tell that whichever being tempered with saving Jiang Rong was strong and had no intention of harming Jiang Rong so it said in heart to conceal his guess for now and not tell Jiang Rong since it wasn't entirely sure and it didn't know what the being which tempered with them wanted.

The glowing subsided after a long while and Jiang Rong emerged from under the pool, he swarm to the surface and got out with his clothes soaked and dripping water from head to toe. But instead of feeling or shivering from cold from being in water for God knows how long, he didn't feel that or any discomfort. Instead he felt very refreshed and strong, he felt he could soar high and into the sky with a slight jump.

He felt more powerful then he had ever felt and even more powerful than he was as a level 9 ability user. "how do you feel?" the fox ran to his side and asked looking at him with eyes of expectations. Jiang Rong smiled widely "better than i have ever felt" the fox grinned and circled around him sniffing on him. "that's to be expected, this spiritual spring pool is a life source itself. It'll become more powerful after being fed Continuously with spiritual energy." it emphasized.

Jiang Rong didn't doubt it at all after, he felt the spiritual spring pool 's power too. Just soaking in it when it's power had been reduced could give him this much power, he got excited thinking how much powerful it'll get when fed with spiritual energy, Jiang Rong couldn't wait. He virtualized energy to pass through his meridians to his palm as it glowed green. Jiang Rong was stunned and flabbergasted at that moment, because in his last life whenever he did that it would glow gold but now it was a green glow with two more colours. It took him a couple of minutes before he was able to get over the fact that his abilities have changed and now he was a triplet ability user.

Wood ability which was the green glow, speed ability which was the red glow and mental ability with gray glow. It was really exciting and shocking at the same time, his previous ability was gold which was one of the powerful abilities to have with strong combat. But wood was somehow also strong but it was secondary same as mental and speed wasn't an ability which was liked at all, all the abilities he hard now where on the logistics side. But that didn't break down his spirit, because he felt if he combined the three and used it well then it would surely be strongest and also he felt that his abilities were already at level three which was comforting and really good.

He didn't have to start from scratch this time around, having a cheat space with spiritual spring and a guardian fox spirit felt like being crowned a ruler, he said in his heart grinning from ear to ear. "did Yu change my abilities?" he asked the fox. He had already accepted it but he still needed to ask to be to know, when he asked he decided to do that using mental ability so he didn't have to say it with his mouth. The fox turned sharply at him shocked, it really didn't expect so many turn of events. But it didn't want to brief Jiang Rong on that just yet and also it had no hands in Jiang Rong's change of ability.

" Maybe it changed because of bringing you back?" it thought hard before answering decisively not showing the changes of it's expressions. Jiang Rong was so immensed in his own world that he didn't notice the fox's weirdness. "i am now a level three triple ability user" the fox nodded looking natural as it was given another shock. "good!good! starting from such level is good enough" it praised like an old man who had insight but it was actually trying to hide it's distorted expression.

Seeing so many changes which didn't affect Jiang Rong negatively, the fox didn't know what to think of such things. It was it's first time also experiencing such changes in the master of the space, all the masters it had served before Jiang Rong hadn't come across things like this before. And also it was it's first time turning back time, so it didn't know what solutions or actions to take. Everything it knew were all knowledges from it's original owner, if it could recall clearly sometimes it's master said things which it couldn't understand. 'when the time is right and when you meet the right owner, you'll understand everything master says.' It's owner would say this and nothing more, the fox couldn't tell whether this was the right time and the right owner it's master refered to.

It raised it's head and glanced at Jiang Rong who looked to be in a dead thought, it's eyes flashed feeling inexplicable and confused but it didn't panic since to the fox it didn't matter how long it had to wait. It's master always taught it to have patience and that was what it had been doing serving new master's one after the other. "how do I get out? There's only little time and I have to start hoarding for food and daily necessities and also..... be on time to be able to find Ye Xuan as early as possible when the apocalypse comes" Jiang Rong said feeling at loss again. He would've preferred to find Ye Xuan whiles he hoard for the things needed but he didn't know where Ye Xuan was at the moment.

He only knew that him with his group of vicious people met Ye Xuan about a month after the apocalypse when they went out to hoard a big super market, even though he had to wait until a month later in the apocalypse to find Ye Xuan he was thankful about one thing. And that was they were both in K city in the capital at the moment, so he could focus on hoarding now with somewhat peace of mind. "just think about going out." the fox answer his question bringing him back from his thoughts, Jiang Rong nodded. He looked down as the fox patted on his wet dripping sweatpants "take me out with you, i want to see the outside world." it said somehow pitifully, Jiang Rong looked at it as he struggled with in mind and nodded after about a minute.

It would be hard to explain where the red fox came from if found by the authorities, but thinking of the apocalypse which would arrive not long he thought it didn't matter as long as the fox wasn't seen by authorities before the apocalypse. He bend to pick up the fox "when was the last time you went out?" "hundreds of years ago" the fox answer nonchalantly but infact it was very happy and excited to be taken out. It always felt lonely being left in the space alone, it wouldn't admit it but so far Jiang Rong was the nicest master it had met ever since it's owner left.

All the masters it served after it's owner were rude, vicious and hard to talk to, so it was somewhat looking forward to its life with Jiang Rong in the future. In a blink of an eye Jiang Rong found himself back in the bathroom, he quickly discarded the wet clothes and step into the shower leaving the fox on the sink. He was very uncomfortable with the wet clothes sticking onto his body so he wanted to freshen up and get on with the important things. "what name did the masters before me called you?" he asked whiles showering.

He felt it was rude to call it a fox when it could clearly speak and express itself. The fox was had a look of bewilderment and turned it's attention from the mirror to Jiang Rong who was busy showering, no one had ever asked it of it's name before and it's owner hadn't ever thought of giving it a name. It felt suddenly felt warmth in it's fox heart after so many years "my owner didn't give me a name and neither did my master's before you" it answered without any expression.

Jiang Rong stopped scrubbing after hearing it "then let's call you Mao Qui, you're so furry" he said and continued on as feeling it was a trivial thing to name a pet, well a talking pet. But Mao Qui didn't feel the same, it lowered it's heard as it played with its tail with happiness. "call me whatever you want" "okay" Jiang Rong hooked the corners of his lips hearing the bashfulness in it's voice. He dressed in a black suit with a black tie, as a CEO of a big company and a workaholic all the clothes he hard were all formal wear and looking at the time it was already noon. He walked out of his room with one hand in his pocket showing the silver wrist watch and the other hand holding Mao Qui, he looked elegant with a powerful and scary Aura raising up from his body.

He was already a very handsome looking man but after soaking in the spring he looked very white and more handsome and with his well chiseled jawline and well built body he was smoking hot and looked like the sun was directly focused on him making looked dazzlingly. His face suddenly darkened and he turned cold as soon as he started walking down the stairs with his eyes looking at a person he would rather not want to see at the moment, he saw Pang Shao seating comfortably on a couch in the hall talking to the butler. Jiang Rong's whole body started reeking of bloodlust and his eyes flashed red for a second.